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Front Plant Sci ; 14: 1209445, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37575936


Garden roses are an economically important horticultural crop worldwide, and two major fungal pathogens, black spot (Diplocarpon rosae F.A. Wolf) and cercospora leaf spot of rose (Rosisphaerella rosicola Pass.), affect both the health and ornamental value of the plant. Most studies on black spot disease resistance have focused on diploid germplasm, and little work has been performed on cercospora leaf spot resistance. With the use of newly developed software tools for autopolyploid genetics, two interconnected tetraploid garden rose F1 populations (phenotyped over the course of 3 years) were used for quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of black spot and cercospora leaf spot resistance as well as plant defoliation. QTLs for black spot resistance were mapped to linkage groups (LGs) 1-6. QTLs for cercospora resistance and susceptibility were found in LGs 1, 4, and 5 and for defoliation in LGs 1, 3, and 5. The major locus on LG 5 for black spot resistance coincides with the previously discovered Rdr4 locus inherited from Rosa L. 'Radbrite' (Brite Eyes™), the common parent used in these mapping populations. This work is the first report of any QTL for cercospora resistance/susceptibility in tetraploid rose germplasm and the first report of defoliation QTL in roses. A major QTL for cercospora susceptibility coincides with the black spot resistance QTL on LG 5 (Rdr4). A major cercospora resistance QTL was found on LG 1. These populations provide a genetic resource that will further the knowledge base of rose genetics as more traits are studied. Studying more traits from these populations will allow for the stacking of various QTLs for desirable traits.

Pathogens ; 12(4)2023 Apr 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37111461


Rose rosette disease (RRD), caused by the rose rosette emaravirus (RRV), is a major viral disease in roses (Rosa sp.) that threatens the rose industry. Recent studies have revealed quantitative trait loci (QTL) for reduced susceptibility to RRD in the linkage groups (LGs) 1, 5, 6, and 7 in tetraploid populations and the LGs 1, 3, 5, and 6 in diploid populations. In this study, we seek to better localize and understand the relationship between QTL identified in both diploid and tetraploid populations. We do so by remapping the populations found in these studies and performing a meta-analysis. This analysis reveals that the peaks and intervals for QTL using diploid and tetraploid populations co-localized on LG 1, suggesting that these are the same QTL. The same was seen on LG 3. Three meta-QTL were identified on LG 5, and two were discovered on LG 6. The meta-QTL on LG 1, MetaRRD1.1, had a confidence interval (CI) of 10.53 cM. On LG 3, MetaRRD3.1 had a CI of 5.94 cM. MetaRRD5.1 had a CI of 17.37 cM, MetaRRD5.2 had a CI of 4.33 cM, and MetaRRD5.3 had a CI of 21.95 cM. For LG 6, MetaRRD6.1 and MetaRRD6.2 had CIs of 9.81 and 8.81 cM, respectively. The analysis also led to the identification of potential disease resistance genes, with a primary interest in genes localized in meta-QTL intervals on LG 5 as this LG was found to explain the greatest proportion of phenotypic variance for RRD resistance. The results from this study may be used in the design of more robust marker-based selection tools to track and use a given QTL in a plant breeding context.

Front Plant Sci ; 9: 1255, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30197655


Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) cultivation is the main source of natural rubber worldwide and has been extended to areas with suboptimal climates and lengthy drought periods; this transition affects growth and latex production. High-density genetic maps with reliable markers support precise mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL), which can help reveal the complex genome of the species, provide tools to enhance molecular breeding, and shorten the breeding cycle. In this study, QTL mapping of the stem diameter, tree height, and number of whorls was performed for a full-sibling population derived from a GT1 and RRIM701 cross. A total of 225 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 186 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers were used to construct a base map with 18 linkage groups and to anchor 671 SNPs from genotyping by sequencing (GBS) to produce a very dense linkage map with small intervals between loci. The final map was composed of 1,079 markers, spanned 3,779.7 cM with an average marker density of 3.5 cM, and showed collinearity between markers from previous studies. Significant variation in phenotypic characteristics was found over a 59-month evaluation period with a total of 38 QTLs being identified through a composite interval mapping method. Linkage group 4 showed the greatest number of QTLs (7), with phenotypic explained values varying from 7.67 to 14.07%. Additionally, we estimated segregation patterns, dominance, and additive effects for each QTL. A total of 53 significant effects for stem diameter were observed, and these effects were mostly related to additivity in the GT1 clone. Associating accurate genome assemblies and genetic maps represents a promising strategy for identifying the genetic basis of phenotypic traits in rubber trees. Then, further research can benefit from the QTLs identified herein, providing a better understanding of the key determinant genes associated with growth of Hevea brasiliensis under limiting water conditions.