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Sci Rep ; 12(1): 10849, 2022 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35854024


Recent increased development interest in millimeter-wave oscillator devices has necessitated realization of small oscillators with high frequency, wide frequency tunability, and room-temperature operation. Spin-torque oscillators (STOs) are fascinating candidates for such applications because of their nanometer size and suitability for room-temperature operation. However, their oscillation frequency and tunable range are limited to the order of 100 MHz-10 GHz. Here, we propose use of bilinear (J1) and biquadratic (J2) interlayer exchange couplings between ferromagnets in STOs to overcome these problems. The bilinear coupling contributes to oscillation frequency enhancement, whereas the biquadratic coupling facilitates frequency tunability via a current. Using micromagnetic simulation with parameters estimated from a material with small saturation magnetization, for J1 = 0 and J2 = - 1.0 mJ/m2, respectively, we find that the STO exhibits high frequency from 23 to 576 GHz and that its tunability reaches 61 GHz/(1011 A/m2) for current densities of - 0.5 to - 9.5 × 1011 A/m2. An analytical theory based on the macrospin model is also developed, which exhibits good quantitative agreement with the micromagnetic simulations. These results introduce new possibilities for spintronics applications in high-frequency devices such as next-generation mobile communications.

Sci Rep ; 3: 3567, 2013 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24356511


A magnetic vortex structure stabilized in a micron or nano-sized ferromagnetic disk has a strong potential as a unit cell for spin-based nano-electronic devices because of negligible magnetostatic interaction and superior thermal stability. Moreover, various intriguing fundamental physics such as bloch point reversal and symmetry breaking can be induced in the dynamical behaviors in the magnetic vortex. The static and dynamic properties of the magnetic vortex can be tuned by the disk dimension and/or the separation distance between the disks. However, to realize these modifications, the preparations of other devices with different sample geometries are required. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that, in a regular-triangle Permalloy dot, the dynamic properties of a magnetic vortex are greatly modified by the application of the in-plane magnetic field. The obtained wide range tunability based on the asymmetric position dependence of the core potential provides attractive performances in the microwave spintronic devices.

Nanoscale Res Lett ; 8(1): 461, 2013 Nov 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24191895


Magnetization mechanisms of nanoscale magnetic grains greatly differ from well-known magnetization mechanisms of micrometer- or millimeter-sized magnetic grains or particles. Magnetization switching mechanisms of nanoscale exchange-coupled composite (ECC) grain in a microwave field was studied using micromagnetic simulation. Magnetization switching involving a strongly damped or precessional oscillation was studied using various strengths of external direct current and microwave fields. These studies imply that the switching behavior of microwave-assisted magnetization switching of the ECC grain can be divided into two groups: stable and unstable regions, similar to the case of the Stoner-Wahlfarth grain. A significant reduction in the switching field was observed in the ECC grain when the magnetization switching involved precessional oscillations similar to the case of the Stoner-Wohlfarth grain. This switching behavior is preferred for the practical applications of microwave-assisted magnetization switching.