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Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 4(1): 55-56, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33365417


Dillenia indica Linn. is an endangered plant species occurring in southern Guangxi province and Yunnan province of China, which has been grown in gardens as an ornamental plant and is widely used in the medical field. Here, we report and characterize the complete plastid genome sequence of D. indica to provide genomic resources useful for promoting its conservation. The complete plastome is 159,266 bp in length and contains the typical structure and gene content of angiosperm plastome, including two inverted repeat (IR) regions of 26,457 bp, a large single-copy (LSC) region of 88,305 bp, and a small single-copy (SSC) region of 18,047 bp. The plastome contains 115 genes, consisting of 81 unique protein-coding genes, 30 unique tRNA genes, and 4 unique rRNA genes (5S rRNA, 4.5S rRNA, 23S rRNA, and 16S rRNA). The overall A/T content in the plastome of D. indica is 63.40%. The complete plastome sequence of D. indica will provide a useful resource for the conservation genetics of this species as well as for the phylogenetic studies of Dilleniaceae.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 3(2): 1176-1177, 2018 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33474456


Hoya is the largest genus (about 350-450 species) within Apocynaceae. It is a subshrub or liana, epiphytic or epilithic. Most species grow in tropical and subtropical South and Southeast Asia. Here we report and characterize the complete plastid genome sequence of Hoya pottsii Traill and Hoya liangii Tsiang in an effort to provide genomic resources useful for promoting its systematics research. The complete plastome of H. pottsii is 161,565 bp in length, including two Inverted Repeat (IR) regions of 24,657 bp, a Large Single-Copy (LSC) region of 92,532 bp, and a Small Single-Copy (SSC) region of 19,719 bp. The plastome contains 115 genes, consisting of 81 unique protein-coding genes, 30 unique tRNA genes, and 4 unique rRNA genes. The overall A/T content in the plastome of H. pottsii is 62.40%. The complete plastome of H. liangii is 162,989 bp in length, including two IR regions of 24,841 bp, a LSC region of 93,292 bp, and a SSC region of 20,015 bp. The plastome contains 115 genes, consisting of 81 unique protein-coding genes, 30 unique tRNA genes, and 4 unique rRNA genes. The overall A/T content in the plastome of H. pottsii is 62.30%. The complete plastome sequence of H. pottsii and H. liangii will provide a useful resource for the conservation genetics of the two species as well as for the phylogenetic studies of Hoya.

Mitochondrial DNA B Resour ; 3(2): 1205-1207, 2018 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33474466


Diospyros is the largest genus (about 485 species) in Ebenaceae. It is a deciduous or evergreen tree or shrub. It grows in pantropical and extending into temperate regions. Here, we report and characterize the complete plastid genome sequences of D. maclurei Merr. and D. hainanensis Merr. in an effort to provide genomic resources useful for promoting their systematics research and potential economic development. The complete plastome of D. maclurei is 157,946 bp in length, including two Inverted Repeat (IR) regions of 26,081 bp, a Large Single-Copy (LSC) region of 87,387 bp, and a Small Single-Copy (SSC) region of 18,397 bp. The plastome contains 114 genes, consisting of 80 unique protein-coding genes, 30 unique tRNA genes, and four unique rRNA genes. The overall A/T content in the plastome of D. maclurei is 62.60%. The complete plastome of D. hainanensis is 157,999 bp in length, including two Inverted Repeat (IR) regions of 26,077 bp, a Large Single-Copy (LSC) region of 87,523 bp, and a Small Single-Copy (SSC) region of 18,322 bp. The plastome contains 114 genes, consisting of 80 unique protein-coding genes, 30 unique tRNA genes, and four unique rRNA genes. The overall A/T content in the plastome of D. hainanensis is 62.60%. The complete plastome sequences of D. Maclurei and D. hainanensis will provide a useful resource for the conservation genetics of the two species as well as for the phylogenetic studies of Diospyros.