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Phys Rev E ; 93: 043201, 2016 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27176413


An analysis of an electron spectrometer used to characterize fast electrons generated by ultraintense (10^{20}Wcm^{-2}) laser interaction with a preformed plasma of scale length measured by shadowgraphy is presented. The effects of fringing magnetic fields on the electron spectral measurements and the accuracy of density scale-length measurements are evaluated. 2D EPOCH PIC code simulations are found to be in agreement with measurements of the electron energy spectra showing that laser filamentation in plasma preformed by a prepulse is important with longer plasma scale lengths (>8 µm).

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26172807


We recast the atomic processes in a warm, dense plasma using Fermi-Dirac statistics and compare them to the rates of the usual Maxwell-Boltzmann approach of many collisional-radiative models. Population calculations show insignificant differences to calculations assuming nondegenerate free electrons of plasmas at solid density close to local thermodynamic equilibrium, but show departures in average ionization in the presence of strong photoionization. For example, we show that electron degeneracy affects the evolution of plasmas created by ultraviolet free electron laser interaction with solid targets.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 86(2 Pt 2): 026406, 2012 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23005868


The accurate characterization of thermal electron transport and the determination of heating by suprathermal electrons in laser driven solid targets are both issues of great importance to the current experiments being performed at the National Ignition Facility, which aims to achieve thermonuclear fusion ignition using lasers. Ionization, induced by electronic heat conduction, can cause the opacity of a material to drop significantly once bound-free photoionization is no longer energetically possible. We show that this drop in opacity enables measurements of the transmission of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) laser pulses at 13.9 nm to act as a signature of the heating of thin (50 nm) iron layers with a 50-nm thick parylene-N (CH) overlay irradiated by 35-fs pulses at irradiance 3×10(16) Wcm(-2). Comparing EUV transmission measurements at different times after irradiation to fluid code simulations shows that the target is instantaneously heated by hot electrons (with approximately 10% of the laser energy), followed by thermal conduction with a flux limiter of ≈0.05.

Opt Lett ; 35(22): 3820-2, 2010 Nov 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21082008


We demonstrate that interferometric probing with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) laser light enables determination of the degree of ionization of the "warm dense matter" produced between the critical and ablation surfaces of laser plasmas. Interferometry has been utilized to measure both transmission and phase information for an EUV laser beam at the photon energy of 58.5 eV, probing longitudinally through laser-irradiated plastic (parylene-N) targets (thickness 350 nm) irradiated by a 300 ps duration pulse of wavelength 438 nm and peak irradiance 10(12) W cm(-2). The transmission of the EUV probe beam provides a measure of the rate of target ablation, as ablated plasma becomes close to transparent when the photon energy is less than the ionization energy of the predominant ion species. We show that refractive indices η below the solid parylene N (η(solid) = 0.946) and expected plasma values are produced in the warm dense plasma created by laser irradiation due to bound-free absorption in C(+).

Rev Sci Instrum ; 79(10): 10E730, 2008 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19044546


A new infrared Thomson scattering system has been designed for the MAST tokamak. The system will measure at 120 spatial points with approximately 10 mm resolution across the plasma. Eight 30 Hz 1.6 J Nd:YAG lasers will be combined to produce a sampling rate of 240 Hz. The lasers will follow separate parallel beam paths to the MAST vessel. Scattered light will be collected at approximately f/6 over scattering angles ranging from 80 degrees to 120 degrees. The laser energy and lens size, relative to an existing 1.2 J f/12 system, greatly increases the number of scattered photons collected per unit length of laser beam. This is the third generation of this polychromator to be built and a number of modifications have been made to facilitate mass production and to improve performance. Detected scattered signals will be digitized at a rate of 1 GS/s by 8 bit analog to digital converters (ADCs.) Data may be read out from the ADCs between laser pulses to allow for real-time analysis.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(19): 195002, 2007 Nov 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18233082


The rate of laser ablation at irradiances of approximately 2 x 10{14} W cm{-2} of solid iron has been measured using the transmission of a neonlike zinc x-ray laser at 21.2 nm through thin iron targets. Ablated iron becomes transparent to the x-ray laser flux, enabling the thickness of unablated material and hence the rate of ablation to be measured from time resolved x-ray laser transmission.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(3): 035001, 2006 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16907506


The temporal evolution of the opacity of an iron plasma at high temperature (30-350 eV) and high density (0.001-0.2 g cm-3) has been measured using a nickel-like silver x-ray laser at 13.9 nm. The hot dense iron plasma was created in a thin (50 nm) iron layer buried 80 nm below the surface in a plastic target that was heated using a separate 80 ps pulse of 6-9 J, focused to a 100 microm diameter spot. The experimental opacities are compared with opacities evaluated from plasma conditions predicted using a fluid and atomic physics code.

Opt Lett ; 21(14): 1035-7, 1996 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19876243


Evidence of high gain pumped by recombination has been observed in the 5g-4f transition at 11.1 nm in sodiumlike copper ions with use of a 20-J 2-ps Nd:glass laser system. The time- and space-integrated gain coefficient was 8.8 +/- 1.4 cm(-1), indicating a single-transit amplification of ~60 times. This experiment has shown that 2 ps is the optimum pulse duration to drive the sodiumlike copper recombination x-ray lasing at 11.1 nm.

J Xray Sci Technol ; 3(2): 133-51, 1992 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21307442


In order to develop a high-intensity laser plasma x-ray source appropriate for industrial application of x-ray lithography, experiments have been carried out using a high-repetition-rate (up to 40 Hz) excimer laser (249 nm, 300 mJ) with a power density of 2 × 1013 W/ cm2 in the laser focus. In this study emphasis is given to remedying specific problems inherent in operating the laser plasma x-ray source at high repetition rates and in its prolonged operation. Two different methods of minimizing the production of target debris are investigated. First, the use of helium as a quenching gas results in a reduction of the amount of atomic debris particles by more than two orders of magnitude with negligible x-ray absorption. Second, a tape target as opposed to a solid target reduces the production of larger debris particles by a further factor of 100. Remaining debris is stopped by an aluminized plastic or beryllium filter used to avoid exposure of the resist by plasma ultraviolet radiation. The x-ray source has been used to image x-ray transmission mask structures down to 0.3 µm onto general purpose x-ray photo-resist. Results have been analyzed with SEM. The x-ray emission spectrum of the repetitive laser plasmas created from an iron target has been recorded and the conversion efficiency of the laser light into x-rays that contribute to exposure of the resist was measured to be 0.3% over 2π sr.