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Saúde Soc ; 31(3): e190903pt, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410103


Resumo A Ecosaúde usa abordagens participativas e transdisciplinares com o intuito de compreender as inter-relações entre os componentes dos sistemas socioecológicos e como estas interações influenciam a saúde das populações humanas. O objetivo do artigo é usar a Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS) para entender o papel das relações de colaboração entre os diversos atores envolvidos nos processos participativos e transdisciplinares em projetos de Ecosaúde. Apresentamos um conjunto de indicadores de ARS para caracterizar a evolução e a equidade de participação e diferenciar a inter e a transdisciplinaridade. A análise foi feita com base na rede de colaboração entre os atores da Iniciativa de Liderança em Ecosaúde para as Enfermidades Transmitidas por Vetores (ETV) na América Latina e Caribe. O processo participativo ficou mais intenso ao longo do projeto, com mais sujeitos envolvidos e um número crescente de colaborações. A cooperação entre os atores das ciências sociais, ambientais e da saúde é pouco equitativa; assim, predominam as ciências da saúde. Os poucos cientistas ambientais presentes estão, porém, ativamente envolvidos em colaborações interdisciplinares. A abordagem tem aplicação ampla para estudar a participação e a transdisciplinaridade em projetos sobre saúde e meio ambiente.

Abstract Ecohealth uses participatory and transdisciplinary approaches to understand the relationships between the components of socio-ecological systems and how these interactions influence the health of human populations. This article aims to use Social Network Analysis (SNA) to understand the role of collaborative relationships between the various actors involved in participatory and transdisciplinary processes in Ecohealth projects. We present a set of SNA indicators to characterize the evolution and equity of participation and to differentiate inter- and transdisciplinarity. The analysis was based on the collaboration network among the members of the Iniciativa Para el Liderazgo y Desarrollo del Campo de Ecosalud y Enfermedades Transmitidas por Vectores (ETV) en América Latina y el Caribe. The participatory process intensified throughout the project, with more individuals involved and increasing collaborations. Cooperation between members from social, environmental, and health sciences is unbalanced and health scientists predominate. The few environmental scientists are, however, actively involved in interdisciplinary collaborations. The proposed approach has wide application to study participation and transdisciplinarity in projects about health and environment.

Investigación Interdisciplinaria
PLoS One ; 12(10): e0186130, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29016663


The population of Paracatu is at risk of Arsenic (As) exposure associated with long-term exploration of the largest open pit gold mine in Brazil. As part of the interdisciplinary research "The Paracatu project: Arsenic environmental contamination and human health risks assessment in Paracatu-MG", carried out between 2011 and 2013, we used data disaggregated by gender to identify the sources of As-related information being accessed by inhabitants of Paracatu and to examine if access to these sources was correlated to awareness of As health effects and adoption of behaviors to reduce risk of As exposure. Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were carried out with 460 participants (294 women and 166 men) to collect data on respondent's socio-demographic characteristics, use of mass media and social communication networks as sources of information on As issues, the trustworthiness of these information sources, awareness of As health effects, and adoption of behaviors to reduce As exposure. For both men and women, interpersonal communication was used and trusted more frequently than mass media to obtain information on As. Discussion of As issues occurred preferentially among individuals of the same gender and was associated with awareness of As health risks. There are marked differences in variables correlated with the adoption of behaviors to reduce the risk of As exposure between men and women. Discussing As issues with women was associated with adoption of risk-reduction practices for both genders. In contrast, men who discuss As issues with other men were less likely to adopt As exposure prevention behaviors. Finally, adoption was associated with awareness of As health effects for women, but this was not the case for men. Policy implications for decision makers, practitioners and researchers are discussed, based on concrete examples of how gender-specific approaches can effectively guide the formulation and implementation of health promotion campaigns and programs.

Arsénico/toxicidad , Exposición a Riesgos Ambientales , Red Social , Concienciación , Brasil , Comunicación , Femenino , Conductas Relacionadas con la Salud , Humanos , Masculino , Medios de Comunicación de Masas , Factores de Riesgo
Acta amaz ; 41(4): 481-492, 2011. ilus, tab, mapas
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-601758


O artigo trata de um estudo empírico em que a análise de redes sociais é utilizada para mapear o capital social de atores envolvidos em processos de governança ambiental na Amazônia brasileira. Por meio de entrevistas, foi mapeada a rede de relações de diálogo sobre questões socioambientais de um conjunto de 505 atores no Território Portal da Amazônia. Foram identificadas 3384 relações de diálogo, com uma média de 6,7 parceiros de diálogo por ator. A análise dos aspectos estruturais da rede de diálogo foi utilizada para construir indicadores de capital social de ligação, com mapeamento da organização interna dos atores de um mesmo município, e de conexão, com a caracterização das relações entre atores de municípios diferentes. Em nível municipal, a distribuição das duas formas de capital social permitiu caracterizar os grupos de atores de acordo com as suas atuações diferenciadas na governança ambiental do Território. Em nível territorial, o padrão de conectividade entre os 16 municípios mostra um equilíbrio entre as duas formas de capital social e revela o potencial de comunicação e organização dos atores, como demonstrado no exemplo dos projetos de Agendas 21 locais. Estes resultados demonstram como a análise de redes sociais pode contribuir na definição (ou redefinição) das fronteiras dos territórios de modo a incluir um conjunto de municípios cujos atores mantêm relações sociais efetivas. Ações de governança no Portal da Amazônia são propostas com potencial para fortalecer os processos de diálogo, diminuir os conflitos e promover o uso sustentável dos recursos naturais na Amazônia.

The article presents an empirical study where social network analysis is used to map social capital among actors involved in environmental governance processes in the Brazilian Amazon. Using interviews, we carried out the mapping of the dialogue network regarding socio-environmental issues among 505 actors from the Amazonian Gateway Territory. The analysis identified 3384 dialogue relationships. Each actor has an average of 6,7 dialogue partners. The analysis of the structural characteristics of the dialogue network was used to build indicators of social capital of the bonding type, based on the mapping of the organization among actors from the same municipalities, and bridging type, based on the identification of relationships among actors from different municipalities. At the municipal level, the distribution of the two types of social capital allowed the characterization of groups of actors according to their differing participation in the environmental governance of the Territory. At the territorial level, the connectivity pattern among the 16 municipalities exhibits a balance between the two types of social capital and reveals the potential of communication and organization among actors, as demonstrated through the example of the local Agenda 21 projects. These results demonstrate how social network analysis can contribute to the definition (or re-definition) of the territories frontiers in order to include a set of municipalities whose cohesion is based on effective social relationships. We also propose governance actions for the Amazonian Gateway aiming at strengthening dialogue processes, reducing conflicts and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources in the Amazon.

Administración de Recursos Naturales , Red Social , Capital Social , Gobernanza
Rev. etol ; 8(2): 81-87, dez. 2006. tab
Artículo en Portugués, Inglés | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-37833


In order to assess the influence of the presence of a human observer on the behavior of wild, non-habituated common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), a group of marmosets was exposed to sessions of observation in which observers were visible and in which they hided into a blind. Results indicated that typical defensive reactions such as alarm calls and stares at observers were reduced when observations were made from inside the blind. There was no significant differences in other parameters such as foraging/social contact calls, minimal distance from observer and time duration of sessions. Both major and minor modifications in normal behavior of free living animals may thus arise from the conditons of observation and should be taken into account.(AU)

Para avaliar o impacto da presença de um observador humano sob o comportamento de sagüis silvestres (Callithrix jacchus), o comportamento de um grupo desses animais foi observado em sessões conduzidas, aleatoriamente por observadores visíveis e dentro de uma barraca camuflada. Verificou-se que as reações defensivas típicas, como chamadas de alarme e olhares fixos aos observadores, foram reduzidas no caso das observações feitas dentro da barraca, não havendo diferenças significativas em parâmetros como contato social, forrageamento, distância mínima do observador e a duração do tempo das sessões de observações. As condições de observação podem exercer modificações no comportamento de animais em estudos naturalísticos e deveriam ser levadas em conta.(AU)

Variaciones Dependientes del Observador , Callitrichinae