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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34444480


In this research, neuroscience techniques are applied to the field of marketing in the analysis of advertisements that include the COVID-19 pandemic in their stories. A study of emotion and memory in these audiovisual productions is carried out as two fundamental factors for the knowledge of consumer habits and decision making. By means of facial recognition biosensor systems (AFFDEX) and various tests, six informative and narrative, emotional and rational advertisements are presented to the subjects of the experiment to detect which emotions predominate; how they affect variables such as neuroticism, psychoticism or extroversion, among others; or what is remembered about the different works, brands and advertisers. Outstanding results are obtained in both emotional and cognitive analysis. Thus, in the field of public health, it is found that messages referring to COVID-19 included in advertisements are remembered more than other narratives or even the brands, products or services themselves. Likewise, joy is the predominant emotion, and its significance in such varied advertising stories stands out. Finally, it is clear that neuroscience research applied to marketing requires new methods and integrated applications to obtain satisfactory results in the advertising field.

Publicidad , COVID-19 , Emociones , Humanos , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2
Front Psychol ; 11: 2088, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33013532


Based on cognitive-emotional neuroscience, the effectiveness of advertisement is measured in terms of individuals' unconscious emotional responses. Using AFFDEX to record and analyze facial expressions, a combination of indicators that track both basic emotions and individual involvement is used to quantitatively determine if a spot causes high levels of ad liking in terms of attention, engagement, valence, and joy. We use as a test case a real campaign, in which a spot composed of 31 scenes (images, text, and the brand logo) is shown to subjects divided into five groups in terms of age and gender. The target group of mature women shows statistically more positive emotions and involvement than the rest of the groups, demonstrating the emotional effectiveness of the spot. Each other experimental groups show specific negative emotions as a function of their age and for certain blocks of scenes.

Front Psychol ; 11: 1728, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32903621


Cognitive neuroscience and its applied developments have revolutionized marketing. With advances in neuroscientific techniques, marketing has needed to refocus toward understanding issues like the area of the brain that should be stimulated to transform the consumer's intention to purchase into a real decision, how information is processed when making a decision, and how personality traits affect the purchase decision. Neuroscience has opened the door to the consumer's brain. For many years, scientists have investigated the role of subliminal messages in marketing, with their findings generating a significant controversy. Many have shown that making sound decisions based on intuition rather than conscious reasoning is more common than previously thought. In fact, many studies have shown that sound intuitive decision-making depends on the association of the subliminal messages of a given situation with the limbic brain structures formed. Scientists have concluded that the brain does not consciously need to know contextual information to learn the value of this information and make the necessary linkages to make productive decisions. In this study, we consider whether unconscious perceptual processing influences decision-making and explore the influence of aspects of personality that are related to unconscious processing, such as the degree of neuroticism, extroversion, and gender of the individual, applied to the demographic cohort Generation Z, distinguishing between whether the stimuli are verbal or pictorial. The backward masking visual paradigm has been used to assess unconscious perceptual processing. To test these processes, a set of ANOVA models and logistic regressions were run where the dependent variable is whether the people perceived the stimuli or not and the independent variables were gender, the form of the stimuli (pictorial or verbal), and the personality traits extroversion, introversion, and neuroticism. The results suggest that verbal stimuli work better than pictorial stimuli, although a possible explanation is that the pictures require modification to be more effective. In the case of verbal stimuli, gender and level of neuroticism are found to be important variables that influence unconscious perceptual decision-making processes. Specifically, a female with a high level of neuroticism shows greater permeability in its unconscious perceptual processes.

Front Psychol ; 8: 959, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28701967


Virtual reality (VR) technology represents a novel and powerful tool for behavioral research in psychological assessment. VR provides simulated experiences able to create the sensation of undergoing real situations. Users become active participants in the virtual environment seeing, hearing, feeling, and actuating as if they were in the real world. Currently, the most psychological VR applications concern the treatment of various mental disorders but not the assessment, that it is mainly based on paper and pencil tests. The observation of behaviors is costly, labor-intensive, and it is hard to create social situations in laboratory settings, even if the observation of actual behaviors could be particularly informative. In this framework, social stressful experiences can activate various behaviors of attachment for a significant person that can help to control and soothe them to promote individual's well-being. Social support seeking, physical proximity, and positive and negative behaviors represent the main attachment behaviors that people can carry out during experiences of distress. We proposed VR as a novel integrating approach to measure real attachment behaviors. The first studies on attachment behavioral system by VR showed the potentiality of this approach. To improve the assessment during the VR experience, we proposed virtual stealth assessment (VSA) as a new method. VSA could represent a valid and novel technique to measure various psychological attributes in real-time during the virtual experience. The possible use of this method in psychology could be to generate a more complete, exhaustive, and accurate individual's psychological evaluation.