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Innovation ; : 18-23, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-686821


@#BACKGROUND As a Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences student rating point is calculated by transferring into 42 level quantitative point in accordance with procedure which assess student approved byDirector with 1st attachment of order no. A/144 on December 15, 2015. However, the calculation,estimated by mathematics allocation, of the student rating point, letter point and quantitative is notbased on research also allocation of transferring the rating point into quantitative point is different foranother universities. These reasons mentioned previously have seriously become basis backgroundof our research. The main objective of this research is to compare model of transferring rating pointinto quantitative point. METHODS Research was completed by quantitative method that based on moment descriptive study, case study, model of mathematic and geometry modeling.Under our research objective we did compare study using rate point that transfer into quantitativepoint of student at MNUHS, accuracy and methodology all among the Mongolian state and private universities. Now Mongolian National University of Life Sciences, Etugen University and New Mongolia Medical University are using 5 level table that approved Ministry of Education Science, Mongolian National University is using 9 level scale, Mongolian University of Science & Technology, Mongolian State University of Education, Mongolian State University of Art&Culture are using 12 level scale while MNUHS is using 42 scale table that calculate student average point. We compared model of GPA calculation that rate point transfer into quantitative point by using all tables belong each Universities mentioned above. We have developed mathematical and geometrical modeling on each assessment since we started study and made statistical process based on modeling. RESULTS Some articles of the regulation to adapt the credit hours, evaluate students’ knowledge and ability during the training where providing the higher educational degree were not fulfilled. Hereto: The article of the guidance that are taking: 70 rating point considering to the letter D, 80 rating point considering to the letter C, 90 rating point considering to the letter B are not providing the 12 level module. The modules with staging 9, 12, 42 of the article on regarding measurement of 2, 3, 4 in 70, 80, 90 rating grade are not meeting requirements. According to the survey among 470 students who’s GPA higher 2.5 in the 42 level scale shows mostly. Also, the percentage of the students with GPA higher than 3 are in high level. In other words, 158 students (33.6% of 470 students) are meeting requirements of the national scholarship programs and other scholarships. The calculation of the correlation relationship of the rating point and grades converted to the digit rate that are using in all universities were the positive correlation, linear dependence. For the module with staging Person Correlation 9, its influence rate is 98.7 per cent that shows the highest rate comparing with other modules. To calculate Determination Percentage (r2), the module with staging 9 is 97.4 per cent or these digit grades have the highest capacity to show the rating grade. CONCLUSION Level models are able to rate in points or statistical significant. The high correlation between rating point and digit grade’s and determination percentage in the 9 level module showing more relevant in statistics and reporting capacity. The modules with staging 9, 12, 42 are not meeting requirements of the guidance.

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-975603


BackgroundHealth professional licensing was introduced in Mongolia in 1999. Medical school graduates shouldpass the health professional licensing exam (HPLE) to be registered. It was informed that HPLEsuccess rate has been decreased for last few years among graduates who passed final theoreticexam (FTE). There has been no research conducted to explain the reasons of such trend. Thisresearch aims to conduct a comparative assessment of MSQs used for both HPLE and FTE.GoalTo analyze examination and test to identify the level of medical knowledge of students who graduateas medical doctor at “Ach” Medical University during 2011- 2015.Materials and MethodsThis is a cross sectional descriptive study. it employed a statistical analysis of 2950 MSQs (24version) that were used for the HPLE by the Health Development Center of the MOH (N=16)and FTE by the “Ach” Medical University (N=8) between 2011 and 2015. Test sheets of HPLE(N=728) and FTE (N=686) were assessed in order to identify a reliability of tests, difficulty index,discrimination index using QuickSCORE II program of the test reading machine with a mode of“Scantron ES-2010”.ResultsThe success rate was much higher in FTE than it in HPLE between 2011 and 2015. The successrate of HPLE decreased dramatically starting from 2013 (87%) to 2014 (4%) and 2015 (24%) whilethe same rate of FTE was stable and almost 100%.FTE’s reliability coefficient of 2011-2015 years meets requirement when it’s 0.92-0.96. HPLE’sreliability coefficient of 2013 and 2014 years don’t meet requirement.From all of the MCQs that has been used in FTE‘s 97% and in HPLE’s 80% are positive discriminationindex which means possible to identify medical school graduates knowledge.ConclusionOur findings confirmed that the success rates of HPLE among medical school graduates are beingquite low.Reliability coefficient of HPLE tests were less reliable (КР20=0.66-0.86) than FTE (КР20=0,92-0.96) and particularly tests for 2014 and 2015 were more difficult and were with high percentage ofnegative discrimination.Test score between HPLE and FTE of 2011-2015 is direct linear correlation.