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Nano Lett ; 23(11): 5070-5075, 2023 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37195262


We investigate heterostructures composed of monolayer WSe2 stacked on α-RuCl3 using a combination of Terahertz (THz) and infrared (IR) nanospectroscopy and imaging, scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), and photoluminescence (PL). Our observations reveal itinerant carriers in the heterostructure prompted by charge transfer across the WSe2/α-RuCl3 interface. Local STS measurements show the Fermi level is shifted to the valence band edge of WSe2 which is consistent with p-type doping and verified by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We observe prominent resonances in near-IR nano-optical and PL spectra, which are associated with the A-exciton of WSe2. We identify a concomitant, near total, quenching of the A-exciton resonance in the WSe2/α-RuCl3 heterostructure. Our nano-optical measurements show that the charge-transfer doping vanishes while excitonic resonances exhibit near-total recovery in "nanobubbles", where WSe2 and α-RuCl3 are separated by nanometer distances. Our broadband nanoinfrared inquiry elucidates local electrodynamics of excitons and an electron-hole plasma in the WSe2/α-RuCl3 system.

Nat Mater ; 22(7): 838-843, 2023 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36997689


Plasmon polaritons in van der Waals materials hold promise for various photonics applications1-4. The deterministic imprinting of spatial patterns of high carrier density in plasmonic cavities and nanoscale circuitry can enable the realization of advanced nonlinear nanophotonic5 and strong light-matter interaction platforms6. Here we demonstrate an oxidation-activated charge transfer strategy to program ambipolar low-loss graphene plasmonic structures. By covering graphene with transition-metal dichalcogenides and subsequently oxidizing the transition-metal dichalcogenides into transition-metal oxides, we activate charge transfer rooted in the dissimilar work functions between transition-metal oxides and graphene. Nano-infrared imaging reveals ambipolar low-loss plasmon polaritons at the transition-metal-oxide/graphene interfaces. Further, by inserting dielectric van der Waals spacers, we can precisely control the electron and hole densities induced by oxidation-activated charge transfer and achieve plasmons with a near-intrinsic quality factor. Using this strategy, we imprint plasmonic cavities with laterally abrupt doping profiles with nanoscale precision and demonstrate plasmonic whispering-gallery resonators based on suspended graphene encapsulated in transition-metal oxides.

Grafito , Electrones , Óxidos
Sci Adv ; 8(43): eadd6169, 2022 Oct 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36288317


Metals are canonical plasmonic media at infrared and optical wavelengths, allowing one to guide and manipulate light at the nanoscale. A special form of optical waveguiding is afforded by highly anisotropic crystals revealing the opposite signs of the dielectric functions along orthogonal directions. These media are classified as hyperbolic and include crystalline insulators, semiconductors, and artificial metamaterials. Layered anisotropic metals are also anticipated to support hyperbolic waveguiding. However, this behavior remains elusive, primarily because interband losses arrest the propagation of infrared modes. Here, we report on the observation of propagating hyperbolic waves in a prototypical layered nodal-line semimetal ZrSiSe. The observed waveguiding originates from polaritonic hybridization between near-infrared light and nodal-line plasmons. Unique nodal electronic structures simultaneously suppress interband loss and boost the plasmonic response, ultimately enabling the propagation of infrared modes through the bulk of the crystal.

Nano Lett ; 22(14): 5689-5697, 2022 Jul 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35839312


Ca2RuO4 is a transition-metal oxide that exhibits a Mott insulator-metal transition (IMT) concurrent with a symmetry-preserving Jahn-Teller distortion (JT) at 350 K. The coincidence of these two transitions demonstrates a high level of coupling between the electronic and structural degrees of freedom in Ca2RuO4. Using spectroscopic measurements with nanoscale spatial resolution, we interrogate the interplay of the JT and IMT through the temperature-driven transition. Then, we introduce photoexcitation with subpicosecond temporal resolution to explore the coupling of the JT and IMT via electron-hole injection under ambient conditions. Through the temperature-driven IMT, we observe phase coexistence in the form of a stripe phase existing at the domain wall between macroscopic insulating and metallic domains. Through ultrafast carrier injection, we observe the formation of midgap states via enhanced optical absorption. We propose that these midgap states become trapped by lattice polarons originating from the local perturbation of the JT.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 542, 2022 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35087038


Excitons play a dominant role in the optoelectronic properties of atomically thin van der Waals (vdW) semiconductors. These excitons are amenable to on-demand engineering with diverse control knobs, including dielectric screening, interlayer hybridization, and moiré potentials. However, external stimuli frequently yield heterogeneous excitonic responses at the nano- and meso-scales, making their spatial characterization with conventional diffraction-limited optics a formidable task. Here, we use a scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM) to acquire exciton spectra in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenide microcrystals with previously unattainable 20 nm resolution. Our nano-optical data revealed material- and stacking-dependent exciton spectra of MoSe2, WSe2, and their heterostructures. Furthermore, we extracted the complex dielectric function of these prototypical vdW semiconductors. s-SNOM hyperspectral images uncovered how the dielectric screening modifies excitons at length scales as short as few nanometers. This work paves the way towards understanding and manipulation of excitons in atomically thin layers at the nanoscale.

Nano Lett ; 21(21): 9052-9060, 2021 Nov 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34724612


We investigate transient nanotextured heterogeneity in vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films during a light-induced insulator-to-metal transition (IMT). Time-resolved scanning near-field optical microscopy (Tr-SNOM) is used to study VO2 across a wide parameter space of infrared frequencies, picosecond time scales, and elevated steady-state temperatures with nanoscale spatial resolution. Room temperature, steady-state, phonon enhanced nano-optical contrast reveals preexisting "hidden" disorder. The observed contrast is associated with inequivalent twin domain structures. Upon thermal or optical initiation of the IMT, coexisting metallic and insulating regions are observed. Correlations between the transient and steady-state nano-optical textures reveal that heterogeneous nucleation is partially anchored to twin domain interfaces and grain boundaries. Ultrafast nanoscopic dynamics enable quantification of the growth rate and bound the nucleation rate. Finally, we deterministically anchor photoinduced nucleation to predefined nanoscopic regions by locally enhancing the electric field of pump radiation using nanoantennas and monitor the on-demand emergent metallicity in space and time.

Nano Lett ; 20(11): 7933-7940, 2020 Nov 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32936662


Anisotropic dielectric tensors of uniaxial van der Waals (vdW) materials are difficult to investigate at infrared frequencies. The small dimensions of high-quality exfoliated crystals prevent the use of diffraction-limited spectroscopies. Near-field microscopes coupled to broadband lasers can function as Fourier transform infrared spectrometers with nanometric spatial resolution (nano-FTIR). Although dielectric functions of isotropic materials can be readily extracted from nano-FTIR spectra, the in- and out-of-plane permittivities of anisotropic vdW crystals cannot be easily distinguished. For thin vdW crystals residing on a substrate, nano-FTIR spectroscopy probes a combination of sample and substrate responses. We exploit the information in the screening of substrate resonances by vdW crystals to demonstrate that both the in- and out-of-plane dielectric permittivities are identifiable for realistic spectra. This novel method for the quantitative nanoresolved characterization of optical anisotropy was used to determine the dielectric tensor of a bulk 2H-WSe2 microcrystal in the mid-infrared.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3567, 2020 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32678086


Van-der Waals (vdW) atomically layered crystals can act as optical waveguides over a broad range of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from Terahertz to visible. Unlike common Si-based waveguides, vdW semiconductors host strong excitonic resonances that may be controlled using non-thermal stimuli including electrostatic gating and photoexcitation. Here, we utilize waveguide modes to examine photo-induced changes of excitons in the prototypical vdW semiconductor, WSe2, prompted by femtosecond light pulses. Using time-resolved scanning near-field optical microscopy we visualize the electric field profiles of waveguide modes in real space and time and extract the temporal evolution of the optical constants following femtosecond photoexcitation. By monitoring the phase velocity of the waveguide modes, we detect incoherent A-exciton bleaching along with a coherent optical Stark shift in WSe2.

Rep Prog Phys ; 80(1): 014501, 2017 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27811387


Electronic, magnetic, and structural phase inhomogeneities are ubiquitous in strongly correlated quantum materials. The characteristic length scales of the phase inhomogeneities can range from atomic to mesoscopic, depending on their microscopic origins as well as various sample dependent factors. Therefore, progress with the understanding of correlated phenomena critically depends on the experimental techniques suitable to provide appropriate spatial resolution. This requirement is difficult to meet for some of the most informative methods in condensed matter physics, including infrared and optical spectroscopy. Yet, recent developments in near-field optics and imaging enabled a detailed characterization of the electromagnetic response with a spatial resolution down to 10 nm. Thus it is now feasible to exploit at the nanoscale well-established capabilities of optical methods for characterization of electronic processes and lattice dynamics in diverse classes of correlated quantum systems. This review offers a concise description of the state-of-the-art near-field techniques applied to prototypical correlated quantum materials. We also discuss complementary microscopic and spectroscopic methods which reveal important mesoscopic dynamics of quantum materials at different energy scales.

Nature ; 487(7407): 345-8, 2012 Jul 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22801506


Electron-electron interactions can render an otherwise conducting material insulating, with the insulator-metal phase transition in correlated-electron materials being the canonical macroscopic manifestation of the competition between charge-carrier itinerancy and localization. The transition can arise from underlying microscopic interactions among the charge, lattice, orbital and spin degrees of freedom, the complexity of which leads to multiple phase-transition pathways. For example, in many transition metal oxides, the insulator-metal transition has been achieved with external stimuli, including temperature, light, electric field, mechanical strain or magnetic field. Vanadium dioxide is particularly intriguing because both the lattice and on-site Coulomb repulsion contribute to the insulator-to-metal transition at 340 K (ref. 8). Thus, although the precise microscopic origin of the phase transition remains elusive, vanadium dioxide serves as a testbed for correlated-electron phase-transition dynamics. Here we report the observation of an insulator-metal transition in vanadium dioxide induced by a terahertz electric field. This is achieved using metamaterial-enhanced picosecond, high-field terahertz pulses to reduce the Coulomb-induced potential barrier for carrier transport. A nonlinear metamaterial response is observed through the phase transition, demonstrating that high-field terahertz pulses provide alternative pathways to induce collective electronic and structural rearrangements. The metamaterial resonators play a dual role, providing sub-wavelength field enhancement that locally drives the nonlinear response, and global sensitivity to the local changes, thereby enabling macroscopic observation of the dynamics. This methodology provides a powerful platform to investigate low-energy dynamics in condensed matter and, further, demonstrates that integration of metamaterials with complex matter is a viable pathway to realize functional nonlinear electromagnetic composites.