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JACS Au ; 4(5): 1775-1785, 2024 May 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38818083


Electrostatic interactions between charged macromolecules are ubiquitous in biological systems, and they are important also in materials design. Attraction between oppositely charged molecules is often interpreted as if the molecules had a fixed charge, which is not affected by their interaction. Less commonly, charge regulation is invoked to interpret such interactions, i.e., a change of the charge state in response to a change of the local environment. Although some theoretical and simulation studies suggest that charge regulation plays an important role in intermolecular interactions, experimental evidence supporting such a view is very scarce. In the current study, we used a model system, composed of a long polyanion interacting with cationic oligolysines, containing up to 8 lysine residues. We showed using both simulations and experiments that while these lysines are only weakly charged in the absence of the polyanion, they charge up and condense on the polycations if the pH is close to the pKa of the lysine side chains. We show that the lysines coexist in two distinct populations within the same solution: (1) practically nonionized and free in solution; (2) highly ionized and condensed on the polyanion. Using this model system, we demonstrate under what conditions charge regulation plays a significant role in the interactions of oppositely charged macromolecules and generalize our findings beyond the specific system used here.

Macromolecules ; 57(3): 1383-1398, 2024 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38370910


Mixing of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes can result in phase separation into a polymer-poor supernatant and a polymer-rich polyelectrolyte complex (PEC). We present a new coarse-grained model for the Grand-reaction method that enables us to determine the composition of the coexisting phases in a broad range of pH and salt concentrations. We validate the model by comparing it to recent simulations and experimental studies, as well as our own experiments on poly(acrylic acid)/poly(allylamine hydrochloride) complexes. The simulations using our model predict that monovalent ions partition approximately equally between both phases, whereas divalent ones accumulate in the PEC phase. On a semiquantitative level, these results agree with our own experiments, as well as with other experiments and simulations in the literature. In the sequel, we use the model to study the partitioning of a weak diprotic acid at various pH values of the supernatant. Our results show that the ionization of the acid is enhanced in the PEC phase, resulting in its preferential accumulation in this phase, which monotonically increases with the pH. Currently, this effect is still waiting to be confirmed experimentally. We explore how the model parameters (particle size, charge density, permittivity, and solvent quality) affect the measured partition coefficients, showing that fine-tuning of these parameters can make the agreement with the experiments almost quantitative. Nevertheless, our results show that charge regulation in multivalent solutes can potentially be exploited in engineering the partitioning of charged molecules in PEC-based systems at various pH values.

Macromolecules ; 56(20): 8168-8182, 2023 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37900098


We derive and parameterize effective interaction potentials between a multitude of different types of ring polymers and linear chains, varying the bending rigidity and solvent quality for the former species. We further develop and apply a density functional treatment for mixtures of both disconnected (chain-ring) and connected (chain-polycatenane) mixtures of the same, drawing coexistence binodals and exploring the ensuing response functions as well as the interface and wetting behavior of the mixtures. We show that worsening of the solvent quality for the rings brings about a stronger propensity for macroscopic phase separation in the linear-polycatenane mixtures, which is predominantly of the demixing type between phases of similar overall particle density. We formulate a simple criterion based on the effective interactions, allowing us to determine whether any specific linear-ring mixture will undergo a demixing phase separation.

ACS Nano ; 17(21): 21369-21382, 2023 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37729077


We use molecular dynamics simulations to explore concentrated solutions of semiflexible polyelectrolyte ring polymers, akin to the DNA mini-circles, with counterions of different valences. We find that the assembly of rings into nanoscopic cylindrical stacks is a generic feature of the systems, but the morphology and dynamics of such a cluster can be steered by the counterion conditions. In general, a small addition of trivalent ions can stabilize the emergence of clusters due to the counterion condensation, which mitigates the repulsion between the like-charged rings. Stoichiometric addition of trivalent ions can even lead to phase separation of the polyelectrolyte ring phase due to the ion-bridging effects promoting otherwise entropically driven clustering. On the other hand, monovalent counterions cause the formation of stacks to be re-entrant with density. The clusters are stable within a certain window of concentration, while above the window the polyelectrolytes undergo an osmotic collapse, disfavoring ordering. The cluster phase exhibits characteristic cluster glass dynamics with arrest of collective degrees of freedom but not the self-ones. On the other hand, the collapsed phase shows arrest on both the collective and single level, suggesting an incipient glass-to-glass transition, from a cluster glass of ring clusters to a simple glass of rings.

Soft Matter ; 19(19): 3522-3525, 2023 May 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37158282


Levin and Bakhshandeh suggested in their comment that (1), we stated in our recent review that pH-pKA is a universal parameter for titrating systems, that (2), we omitted to mention in our review the broken symmetry of the constant pH algorithm, and that (3), a constant pH simulation must include a grand-canonical exchange of ions with the reservoir. As a reply to (1), we point out that Levin and Bakhshandeh misquoted and hence invalidated our original statement. We therefore explain in detail under which circumstances pH-pKA can be a universal parameter, and also demonstrate why their numerical example is not in contradiction to our statement. Moreover, the fact that pH-pKA is not a universal parameter for titrating systems is well known in the pertinent literature. Regarding (2), we admit that the symmetry-breaking feature of the constant pH algorithm has escaped our attention at the time of writing the review. We added some clarifying remarks to this behavior. Concerning (3), we point out that the grand-canonical coupling and the resultant Donnan potential are not features of single-phase systems, but are essential for two-phase systems, as was shown in a recent paper by some of us, see J. Landsgesell et al., Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 3007-3020.

Soft Matter ; 19(1): 17-30, 2022 Dec 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36477247


We use computer simulations to study a system of two unlinked ring polymers, whose length and bending stiffness are systematically varied. We derive the effective potentials between the rings, calculate the areas of minimal surfaces of the same, and characterize the threading between them. When the two rings are of the same kind, threading of a one ring through the surface of the other is immanent for small ring-ring separations. Flexible rings pierce the surface of the other ring several times but only shallowly, as compared to the stiff rings which pierce less frequently but deeply. Typically, the ring that is being threaded swells and flattens up into an oblate-like conformation, while the ring that is threading the other takes a shape of an elongated prolate. The roles of the threader and the threaded ring are being dynamically exchanged. If, on the other hand, the rings are of different kinds, the symmetry is broken and the rings tend to take up roles of the threader and the threaded ring with unequal probabilities. We propose a method how to predict these probabilities based on the parameters of the individual rings. Ultimately, our work captures the interactions between ring polymers in a coarse-grained fashion, opening the way to large-scale modelling of materials such as kinetoplasts, catenanes or topological brushes.

Biomacromolecules ; 23(8): 3371-3382, 2022 08 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35768319


We developed acid-functionalized glycogen conjugates as supramolecular carriers for efficient encapsulation and inhibition of a model cationic peptide melittin─the main component of honeybee venom. For this purpose, we synthesized and characterized a set of glycogens, functionalized to various degrees by several different acid groups. These conjugates encapsulate melittin up to a certain threshold amount, beyond which they precipitate. Computer simulations showed that sufficiently functionalized conjugates electrostatically attract melittin, resulting in its efficient encapsulation in a broad pH range around the physiological pH. Hemolytic assays confirmed in vitro that the effective inhibition of melittin's hemolytic activity occurs for highly functionalized samples, whereas no inhibition is observed when using low-functionalized conjugates. It can be concluded that functional glycogens are promising carriers for cationic molecular cargos or antidotes against animal venoms under conditions, in which suitable properties such as biodegradability and biocompatibility are crucial.

Glucógeno , Meliteno , Animales , Hemólisis , Meliteno/química , Meliteno/farmacología
Soft Matter ; 16(4): 1047-1055, 2020 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31858097


We used computer simulations to explore the dissociative and conformational behaviour of branched weak polyelectrolytes with multivalent counterions. We compared simulated titration curves and chain sizes in the presence of added salt of various valencies, keeping the total charge of salt constant. We showed that multivalent counterions enhance ionization of the weak polyelectrolytes, in spite of collapsing of the chains. We provided evidence that such an effect is absent in systems with only monovalent counterions at the same ionic strength, and thus cannot be attributed to electrostatic screening. We attributed it to strong ion-ion correlations that we quantified by comparing potentials of mean force with the mean electrostatic potentials. Finally, we used the partition coefficient to quantify the ability of star-like polyelectrolytes to capture multivalent ions, that is important for water-treatment applications. Our work provides fundamental understanding of the mechanism of polyelectrolyte collapse and ionization response upon addition of multivalent ions.