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Chem Sci ; 6: 2035-2043, 2015 Jan 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27182431


Understanding the effects of ultraviolet radiation on nucleotides in solution is an important step towards a comprehensive description of the photochemistry of nucleic acids and their constituents. Apart from having implications for mutagenesis and DNA photoprotection mechanisms, the photochemistry of cytidines is a central element in UV-assisted syntheses of pyrimidine nucleotides under prebiotically plausible conditions. In this contribution, we present UV-irradiation experiments of ß-2'-deoxycytidine in aqueous solution involving H-D exchange followed by NMR spectroscopic analysis of the photoproducts. We further elucidate the outcome of these experiments by means of high-level quantum chemical calculations. In particular, we show that prolonged UV-irradiation of cytidine may lead to H-C1' hydrogen atom abstraction by the carbonyl oxygen atom of cytosine. This process may enable photoanomerisation and nucleobase loss, two previously unexplained photoreactions observed in pyrimidine nucleotides.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 9(1): 707-721, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23976886


The Dickerson-Drew dodecamer (DD) d-[CGCGAATTCGCG]2 is a prototypic B-DNA molecule whose sequence-specific structure and dynamics have been investigated by many experimental and computational studies. Here, we present an analysis of DD properties based on extensive atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using different ionic conditions and water models. The 0.6-2.4-µs-long MD trajectories are compared to modern crystallographic and NMR data. In the simulations, the duplex ends can adopt an alternative base-pairing, which influences the oligomer structure. A clear relationship between the BI/BII backbone substates and the basepair step conformation has been identified, extending previous findings and exposing an interesting structural polymorphism in the helix. For a given end pairing, distributions of the basepair step coordinates can be decomposed into Gaussian-like components associated with the BI/BII backbone states. The nonlocal stiffness matrices for a rigid-base mechanical model of DD are reported for the first time, suggesting salient stiffness features of the central A-tract. The Riemann distance and Kullback-Leibler divergence are used for stiffness matrix comparison. The basic structural parameters converge very well within 300 ns, convergence of the BI/BII populations and stiffness matrices is less sharp. Our work presents new findings about the DD structural dynamics, mechanical properties, and the coupling between basepair and backbone configurations, including their statistical reliability. The results may also be useful for optimizing future force fields for DNA.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 8(1): 335-347, 2012 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22712001


Folded RNA molecules are shaped by an astonishing variety of highly conserved noncanonical molecular interactions and backbone topologies. The dinucleotide platform is a widespread recurrent RNA modular building submotif formed by the side-by-side pairing of bases from two consecutive nucleotides within a single strand, with highly specific sequence preferences. This unique arrangement of bases is cemented by an intricate network of noncanonical hydrogen bonds and facilitated by a distinctive backbone topology. The present study investigates the gas-phase intrinsic stabilities of the three most common RNA dinucleotide platforms - 5'-GpU-3', ApA, and UpC - via state-of-the-art quantum-chemical (QM) techniques. The mean stability of base-base interactions decreases with sequence in the order GpU > ApA > UpC. Bader's atoms-in-molecules analysis reveals that the N2(G)…O4(U) hydrogen bond of the GpU platform is stronger than the corresponding hydrogen bonds in the other two platforms. The mixed-pucker sugar-phosphate backbone conformation found in most GpU platforms, in which the 5'-ribose sugar (G) is in the C2'-endo form and the 3'-sugar (U) in the C3'-endo form, is intrinsically more stable than the standard A-RNA backbone arrangement, partially as a result of a favorable O2'…O2P intra-platform interaction. Our results thus validate the hypothesis of Lu et al. (Lu Xiang-Jun, et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2010, 38, 4868-4876), that the superior stability of GpU platforms is partially mediated by the strong O2'…O2P hydrogen bond. In contrast, ApA and especially UpC platform-compatible backbone conformations are rather diverse and do not display any characteristic structural features. The average stabilities of ApA and UpC derived backbone conformers are also lower than those of GpU platforms. Thus, the observed structural and evolutionary patterns of the dinucleotide platforms can be accounted for, to a large extent, by their intrinsic properties as described by modern QM calculations. In contrast, we show that the dinucleotide platform is not properly described in the course of atomistic explicit-solvent simulations. Our work also gives methodological insights into QM calculations of experimental RNA backbone geometries. Such calculations are inherently complicated by rather large data and refinement uncertainties in the available RNA experimental structures, which often preclude reliable energy computations.