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Materials (Basel) ; 14(21)2021 Nov 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34772181


Soil amendments are substances added to the soil for moisture increment or physicochemical soil process enhancement. This study aimed to assess the water conservation efficiency of available organic soil amendments like bentonite, attapulgite, biochar and inorganics like superabsorbent polymer, and nonwoven geotextile in relation to the newly developed water absorbing geocomposite (WAG) and its biodegradable version (bioWAG). Soil amendments were mixed with loamy sand soil, placed in 7.5 dm3 pots, then watered and dried in controlled laboratory conditions during 22-day long drying cycles (pot experiment). Soil moisture was recorded in three locations, and matric potential was recorded in one location during the drying process. The conducted research has confirmed that the addition of any examined soil amendment in the amount of 0.7% increased soil moisture, compared to control, depending on measurement depth in the soil profile and evaporation stage. The application of WAG as a soil amendment resulted in higher soil moisture in the centre and bottom layers, by 5.4 percent point (p.p.) and 6.4 p.p. on day 4 and by 4.5 p.p. and 8.8 p.p. on day 7, respectively, relative to the control samples. Additionally, an experiment in a pressure plate extractor was conducted to ensure the reliability of the obtained results. Soil density and porosity were also recorded. Samples containing WAG had water holding capacity at a value of -10 kPa higher than samples with biochar, attapulgite, bentonite, bioWAG and control by 3.6, 2.1, 5.7, 1 and 4.5 percentage points, respectively. Only samples containing superabsorbent polymers and samples with nonwoven geotextiles had water holding capacity at a value of -10 kPa higher than WAG, by 14.3 and 0.1 percentage points, respectively. Significant changes were noted in samples amended with superabsorbent polymers resulting in a 90% soil sample porosity and bulk density decrease from 1.70 g∙cm-3 to 1.14 g∙cm-3. It was thus concluded that the water absorbing geocomposite is an advanced and most efficient solution for water retention in soil.

Polymers (Basel) ; 10(3)2018 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30966306


One of the most important among the numerous applications of superabsorbent polymers (SAPs), also known as hydrogels, is soil improvement and supporting plant vegetation in agriculture and environmental engineering. Currently, when water scarcity involves water stress, they are becoming still more commonly used for water retention in soil. As it turns out, one of the major factors influencing the superabsorbent polymers water retention capacity (WRC) is the load of soil. The study presents test results of absorbency under load (AUL) of SAPs. The object of the analysis was cross-linked copolymer of acrylamide and potassium acrylate, of a granulation of 0.50⁻3.15 mm. The authors analysed the water absorption capacity of the superabsorbent polymers under loads characteristic for 3 different densities of soil (1.3 g∙cm-3, 0.9 g∙cm-3, 0.5 g∙cm-3) and three different depths of application (10 cm, 20 cm, and 30 cm). Soil load and bulk densities were simulated by using weights. The experiments were conducted with a Mecmesin Multitest 2.5-xt apparatus. The obtained results demonstrate a very significant reduction in water absorption capacity by SAP under load. For a 30 cm deep layer of soil of bulk density of 1.3 g∙cm-3, after 1 h, this value amounted to 5.0 g∙g-1, and for the control sample without load, this value amounted to more than 200 g∙g-1. For the lowest load in the experiment, which was 0.49 kPa (10 cm deep layer of soil of a bulk density of 0.5 g∙cm-3), this value was 33.0 g∙g-1 after 60 min. Loads do not only limit the volume of the swelling superabsorbent polymer but they also prolong the swelling time. The soil load caused a decrease in the absorption capacity from 338.5 g∙g-1 to 19.3 g∙g-1, as well as a prolongation of the swelling time. The rate parameter (time required to reach 63% of maximum absorption capacity) increased from 63 min for the control sample to more than 300 min for the largest analysed load of 3.83 kPa. The implications of soil load on superabsorbent polymer swelling are crucial for its usage and thus for the soil system. This knowledge might be employed for the more effective usage of superabsorbent polymers in agriculture and environmental engineering, in which they are commonly used to retain water and to support plant growth.