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Front Netw Physiol ; 1: 746118, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36925574


High-density electroencephalography (hd-EEG) provides an accessible indirect method to record spatio-temporal brain activity with potential for disease diagnosis and monitoring. Due to their highly multidimensional nature, extracting useful information from hd-EEG recordings is a complex task. Network representations have been shown to provide an intuitive picture of the spatial connectivity underlying an electroencephalogram recording, although some information is lost in the projection. Here, we propose a method to construct multilayer network representations of hd-EEG recordings that maximize their information content and test it on sleep data recorded in individuals with mental health issues. We perform a series of statistical measurements on the multilayer networks obtained from patients and control subjects and detect significant differences between the groups in clustering coefficient, betwenness centrality, average shortest path length and parieto occipital edge presence. In particular, patients with a mood disorder display a increased edge presence in the parieto-occipital region with respect to healthy control subjects, indicating a highly correlated electrical activity in that region of the brain. We also show that multilayer networks at constant edge density perform better, since most network properties are correlated with the edge density itself which can act as a confounding factor. Our results show that it is possible to stratify patients through statistical measurements on a multilayer network representation of hd-EEG recordings. The analysis reveals that individuals with mental health issues display strongly correlated signals in the parieto-occipital region. Our methodology could be useful as a visualization and analysis tool for hd-EEG recordings in a variety of pathological conditions.