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Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 57(3): 289-300, maio-jun. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-450511


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O lítio, fármaco amplamente utilizado nos distúrbios bipolares, pode interagir com os bloqueadores neuromusculares. Os mecanismos para explicar os seus efeitos na transmissão neuromuscular e a interação com bloqueadores neuromusculares são controversos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em diafragma de rato, os efeitos do lítio sobre a resposta muscular à estimulação indireta e a possível interação com os bloqueadores neuromusculares. MÉTODO: Utilizaram-se ratos com peso entre 250g e 300g, sacrificados sob anestesia com uretana. A preparação nervo frênico-diafragma foi montada de acordo com a técnica descrita por Bulbring. O diafragma foi mantido sob tensão, ligado a um transdutor isométrico e submetido à estimulação indireta de 0,1 Hz de freqüência. As contrações do diafragma foram registradas em fisiógrafo. Da análise da amplitude das respostas musculares avaliaram-se: os efeitos dos fármacos: lítio (1,5 mg.mL-1); atracúrio (20 µg.mL-1) e cisatracúrio (3 µg.mL-1) empregados isoladamente; da associação lítio-bloqueadores neuromusculares; e do lítio no bloqueio neuromuscular produzido pelo atracúrio (35 µg.mL-1) e cisatracúrio (5 µg.mL-1). Os efeitos foram avaliados antes e 45 minutos após a adição dos fármacos. Também foram estudados os efeitos do lítio nos potenciais de membrana (PM) e potenciais de placa terminal em miniatura (PPTM). RESULTADOS: O lítio isoladamente não alterou a amplitude das respostas musculares, mas diminuiu significativamente o bloqueio neuromuscular produzido pelo atracúrio e cisatracúrio. Não alterou o PM e ocasionou aumento inicial da freqüência dos PPTM. CONCLUSÕES: O lítio empregado isoladamente não comprometeu a transmissão neuromuscular e aumentou a resistência ao efeito do atracúrio e cisatracúrio. Não mostrou ação sobre a fibra muscular, sendo que as alterações nos potenciais de placa terminal em miniatura evidenciaram ação pré-sináptica.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Lithium is widely used for the treatment of bipolar disorders and can interact with neuromuscular blockers. There is a controversy about the mechanisms by which it affects neuromuscular transmission and its interaction with neuromuscular blockers. The objective of this study was to evaluate, on the rat diaphragm, the effects of lithium on the muscular response and indirect stimulation, and the possible interaction with neuromuscular blockers. METHODS: Rats weighing between 250 and 300 g were sacrificed under urethane anesthesia. The phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation was assembled according to the Bulbring technique. The diaphragm was kept under tension, connected to an isometric transducer, and submitted to indirect stimulation with a frequency of 0.1 Hz. The contractions of the diaphragm were registered on a physiograph. The analysis of the amplitude of the muscular responses evaluated: the effects of the isolated drugs: lithium (1.5 mg.mL-1); atracurium (20 µg.mL-1), and cisatracurium (3 µg.mL-1); the lithium-neuromuscular blockers association; and the effects of lithium on the neuromuscular blockade produced by atracurium (35 µg.mL-1) and cisatracurium (5 µg.mL-1). The effects were evaluated before and 45 minutes after the addition of the drugs. The effects of lithium on membrane potentials (MP) and miniature end-plate potentials (MEPP) were also evaluated. RESULTS: Lithium by itself did not change the amplitude of the muscular responses, but it decreased significantly the neuromuscular blockade produced by atracurium and cisatracurium. It did not change MP and caused an initial increase in MEPP. CONCLUSIONS: Lithium by itself did not compromise neuromuscular transmission and increased the resistance to the effects of atracurium and cisatracurium. It did not show any action on the muscle fiber, and the changes in miniature end-plate potentials indicated pre-synaptic action.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El litio, fármaco ampliamente utilizado en los disturbios bipolares, puede interactuar con los bloqueadores neuromusculares. Los mecanismos para explicar sus efectos en la transmisión neuromuscular y en la interacción con bloqueadores neuromusculares son controvertidos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar, en diafragma de ratón, los efectos del litio sobre la respuesta muscular al estímulo indirecto y la posible interacción con los bloqueadores neuromusculares. MÉTODO: Se utilizaron ratones con peso entre 250 y 300 g, sacrificados bajo anestesia con uretana. La preparación nervio frénico-diafragma se montó de acuerdo con la técnica de Bulbring. El diafragma se mantuvo bajo tensión, ligado a un transductor isométrico y sometido a la estimulación indirecta de 0,1 Hz de frecuencia. Las contracciones del diafragma fueron registradas en un fisiógrafo. Del análisis de la amplitud de las respuestas musculares se evaluaron los efectos de los fármacos: litio (1,5 mg.mL-1); atracurio (20 µg.mL-1) y cisatracurio (3 µg.mL-1) empleados aisladamente; de la asociación litio-bloqueadores neuromusculares; y del litio en el bloqueo neuromuscular producido por el atracurio (35 µg.mL-1) y cisatracurio (5 µg.mL-1). Los efectos se evaluaron antes y 45 minutos después de la adición de los fármacos. También se estudiaron los efectos del litio en los potenciales de membrana (PM) y potenciales de placa terminal en miniatura (PPTM). RESULTADOS: El litio aisladamente no alteró la amplitud de las respuestas musculares, pero sí que redujo significativamente el bloqueo neuromuscular producido por el atracurio y el cisatracurio. No alteró el PM y ocasionó un aumento inicial de la frecuencia de los PPTM. CONCLUSIONES: El litio empleado aisladamente no comprometió la transmisión neuromuscular y aumentó la resistencia al efecto del atracurio y del cisatracurio. No mostró acción sobre la fibra muscular, siendo que las alteraciones en los potenciales...

Animales , Ratas , Atracurio/farmacología , Bloqueantes Neuromusculares/farmacología , Diafragma , Litio/farmacología
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 57(3): 289-300, 2007 Jun.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19466364


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Lithium is widely used for the treatment of bipolar disorders and can interact with neuromuscular blockers. There is a controversy about the mechanisms by which it affects neuromuscular transmission and its interaction with neuromuscular blockers. The objective of this study was to evaluate, on the rat diaphragm, the effects of lithium on the muscular response and indirect stimulation, and the possible interaction with neuromuscular blockers. METHODS: Rats weighing between 250 and 300 g were sacrificed under urethane anesthesia. The phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparation was assembled according to the Bulbring technique. The diaphragm was kept under tension, connected to an isometric transducer, and submitted to indirect stimulation with a frequency of 0.1 Hz. The contractions of the diaphragm were registered on a physiograph. The analysis of the amplitude of the muscular responses evaluated: the effects of the isolated drugs: lithium (1.5 mg.mL-1); atracurium (20 microg.mL-1), and cisatracurium (3 microg.mL-1); the lithium-neuromuscular blockers association; and the effects of lithium on the neuromuscular blockade produced by atracurium (35 microg.mL-1) and cisatracurium (5 microg.mL-1). The effects were evaluated before and 45 minutes after the addition of the drugs. The effects of lithium on membrane potentials (MP) and miniature end-plate potentials (MEPP) were also evaluated. RESULTS: Lithium by itself did not change the amplitude of the muscular responses, but it decreased significantly the neuromuscular blockade produced by atracurium and cisatracurium. It did not change MP and caused an initial increase in MEPP. CONCLUSIONS: Lithium by itself did not compromise neuromuscular transmission and increased the resistance to the effects of atracurium and cisatracurium. It did not show any action on the muscle fiber, and the changes in miniature end-plate potentials indicated pre-synaptic action.