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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 174-185, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440356


This in silico study aimed to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of a full-arch implant-supported prosthesis on titanium and zirconia monotype implants. A 3D mandible containing 1.0 mm thick cortical and cancellous bone was modeled. Four dental implants (3.3 x 10 mm) were inserted into the jaw model in each model. The implants consisted of Titanium (Ti-S group) and Zirconia Monotype/one-piece (Zr-S group). Fixed full-arch implant-supported prostheses were cemented onto the implant. The models were exported to the analysis software and divided into meshes composed of nodes and tetrahedral elements. All materials were considered isotropic, elastic, and homogeneous. Therefore, all contacts were considered bonded, the mandible model was fixed in all directions, applying a static structural axial load of 300 N on the bottom of the fossa of the left mola r teeth. Microstrain and von-Mises stress (MPa) were adopted as failure criteria. Comparable stress and strain values were shown in the peri-implant bone for both groups. However, the Ti-S group presented a lower stress value (1,155.8 MPa) than the Zr-S group (1,334.2 MPa). Regarding bone tissues, the Ti-S group presented 612 µε and the Zr-S group presented 254 µε. The highest strain peak was observed in bone tissues around the implant closer to the load for both groups. Evaluating monotype zirconia and titanium implants, it is suggested that the greater the rigidity of the implant, the greater the concentration of internal stre sses and the less dissipation to the surrounding tissues. Therefore, monotype ceramic implants composed of yttrium-stabilized tetragonal polycrystalline zirconia may be a viable alternative to titanium implants for full-arch prostheses.

El objetivo de este estudio in silico fue evaluar el comportamiento biomecánico de una prótesis implanto soportada de arcada completa sobre implantes monotipo de titanio y zirconia. Se modeló una mandíbula en 3D que contenía tejido óseo cortical y esponjoso de 1,0 mm de espesor. En cada modelo, se insertaron cuatro implantes dentales (3,3 x 10 mm) en el modelo de mandíbula. Los implantes consistieron en Monotipo de Titanio y Zirconia. Sobre el implante se cementaron prótesis implanto soportadas de arcada completa fija. Los modelos se exportaron al software de análisis y se dividieron en mallas compuestas por nodos y elementos tetraédricos. Todos los materiales se consideraron isotrópicos, elásticos y homogéneos. Por lo tanto, todos los contactos se consideraron cementados, el modelo mandibular se fijó en todas las direcciones, aplicando una carga vertical estructural estática de 300 N en el fondo de la fosa de los dientes molares izquierdos. Se seleccionaron la microesfuerzo y la tensión de Von-Mises (MPa) como criterios de falla. Se mostraron valores de tensión y deformación comparables en el hueso periimplantario para ambos grupos. Sin embargo, el grupo Ti-S presentó un valor de estrés menor (1.155,8 MPa) que el grupo Zr-S (1.334,2 MPa). En cuanto a los tejidos óseos, el grupo Ti-S presentó 612 µε y el grupo Zr-S presentó 254 µε. La mayor concentración de deformación en el tejido óseo se observó en los tejidos alrededor del implante más cerca de la carga para ambos grupos. Al evaluar los implantes monotípicos de zirconia y titanio, se sugiere que cuanto mayor sea la rigidez del implante, mayor será la concentración de tensiones internas y menor la disipación a los tejidos circundantes. Por lo tanto, los implantes cerámicos monotipo compuestos de zirconia policristalina tetragonal estabilizada con itrio pueden ser una alternativa viable a los implantes de titanio para prótesis de arcada completa.

Implantes Dentales , Materiales Dentales , Estrés Mecánico , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , Análisis de Elementos Finitos , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagen
Dent J (Basel) ; 10(1)2022 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35049610


This study evaluated the influence of distal implants angulation and framework material in the stress concentration of an All-on-4 full-arch prosthesis. A full-arch implant-supported prosthesis 3D model was created with different distal implant angulations and cantilever arms (30° with 10-mm cantilever; 45° with 10-mm cantilever and 45° with 6-mm cantilever) and framework materials (Cobalt-chrome [CoCr alloy], Yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal [Y-TZP] and polyetheretherketone [PEEK]). Each solid was imported to computer-aided engineering software, and tetrahedral elements formed the mesh. Material properties were assigned to each solid with isotropic and homogeneous behavior. The contacts were considered bonded. A vertical load of 200 N was applied in the distal region of the cantilever arm, and stress was evaluated in Von Misses (σVM) for prosthesis components and the Maximum (σMAX) and Minimum (σMIN) Principal Stresses for the bone. Distal implants angled in 45° with a 10-mm cantilever arm showed the highest stress concentration for all structures with higher stress magnitudes when the PEEK framework was considered. However, distal implants angled in 45° with a 6-mm cantilever arm showed promising mechanical responses with the lowest stress peaks. For the All-on-4 concept, a 45° distal implants angulation is only beneficial if it is possible to reduce the cantilever's length; otherwise, the use of 30° should be considered. Comparing with PEEK, the YTZP and CoCr concentrated stress in the framework structure, reducing the stress in the prosthetic screw.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385835


ABSTRACT: To evaluate the stresses generated in upper premolars rehabilitated with ceramic fragments (table-top) of lithium disilicate on the occlusal surface. An upper premolar was modeled following its anatomical references using computer aided design software (Rhinoceros version 5.0 SR8, USA). The dental tissues were individually designed containing enamel, dentin and periodontal ligament. The main anatomical points were used as parameters for model creation. Ceramic fragments were modeled varying their maximum thicknesses as: 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 1.5 mm. Solid geometries were exported to the analysis software (ANSYS 17.2, USA) in STEP format. The materials were considered isotropic, homogeneous and linear, and the values of the elastic modulus of the materials and structures were used to perform a static structural mechanical analysis. The set was submitted to 200 N load. The system fixation was defined on the basis of the three- dimensional model, and the results were obtained in MPa according to the failure criteria of the analyzed materials (tensile stress). Occlusal restoration was not detrimental to mechanical behavior. Stress distribution in the internal region of the restoration was similar between the groups. Thicker fragments presented a lower concentration of tensile stress, therefore suggesting better prognosis in attenuating tensile stresses in the tooth region. More conservative occlusal ceramic fragments presented worse prognosis. However, all evaluated thickness for table-tops support the occlusal rehabilitation of upper premolars when submitted to 200 N loading.

RESUMEN: El objetivo fue evaluar las tensiones generadas en los premolares superiores rehabilitados con fragmentos cerámicos (tablero) de disilicato de litio en la superficie oclusal. Se modeló un premolar superior siguiendo sus referencias anatómicas utilizando un software de diseño asistido por computadora (Rhinoceros versión 5.0 SR8, EE. UU.). Los tejidos dentales se moldearon individualmente conteniendo esmalte, dentina y ligamento periodontal. Los principales puntos anatómicos se utilizaron como parámetros para la creación del modelo. Los fragmentos cerámicos se modelaron variando sus espesores máximos como: 0,5 mm, 1,0 mm y 1,5 mm. Las geometrías sólidas se exportaron al software de análisis (ANSYS 17.2, EE. UU.) En formato STEP. Los materiales se consideraron isotrópicos, homogéneos y lineales, y los valores del módulo elástico de los materiales y estructuras se utilizaron para realizar un análisis mecánico estructural estático. El conjunto se sometió a una carga de 200 N. La fijación del sistema se definió a partir del modelo tridimensional, y los resultados se obtuvieron en MPa según los criterios de falla de los materiales analizados (tensión de tracción). La restauración oclusal no perjudica el comportamiento mecánico. La distribución de la tensión en la región interna de la restauración es similar entre los grupos. Los fragmentos más gruesos presentaron una menor concentración de tensión de tracción, lo que sugiere un mejor pronóstico en la atenuación de las tensiones de tracción en la región dentaria. Los fragmentos cerámicos oclusales más conservadores presentaron peor pronóstico. Sin embargo, todos los espesores evaluados para tableros de mesa en disilicato de litio apoyan la rehabilitación oclusal de los premolares superiores cuando se someten a una carga de 200 N.

Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385842


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of overtorque on integrity, strength and stress on external hexagonal implants (EH), with two different grades (N=10): conventional (C), grade 4; and modified (M), grade 4 with thermal treatment. The dimensions of EH were 3.75 x 13 mm; the specimens were fixed and submitted to SEM analysis and image acquisition. The abutment was then retained with 70 N/cm, re-analyzed by SEM, and a second image was obtained. The images were analyzed by Image J software (1.44o- NIH, USA) for dimensional variations measurement on surface of the hexagonal area. The finite element method was applied with a similar compliance to calculate the resultant stress (MPa) during the torque. Results were statistically analyzed with t-student test (5 %). The dimensional accuracy of M (0.22 mm2) was statistically significant (p<0.05). Minimum principal stress and von-Mises stress of C (-19.95 MPa, -19.94 MPa), were lower than M values (-55.83 MPa, -55.96 MPa), respectively. However, the M group showed lower deformation than C group. Therefore, more rigid titanium alloy is a promising alternative to avoid plastic deformation of prosthetic connec tions even concentrating higher stress magnitude on its structure.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia del sobrepar en la integridad, la fuerza y la tensión en los implantes hexagonales externos (EH), con dos grados diferentes (N = 10): convencional (C), grado 4; y modificado (M), grado 4 con tratamiento térmico. Las dimensiones de EH eran 3,75 de diámetro x 13 mm de longitud; las muestras se fijaron y se sometieron a análisis SEM y adquisición de imágenes. A continuación, el pilar se retuvo con 70 N / cm, se volvió a analizar por SEM y se obtuvo una segunda imagen. Las imágenes se analizaron con el software Image J (1.44o-NIH, EE. UU.) Para medir las variaciones dimensionales en la superficie superior del área hexagonal, que fue causada por un par excesivo. El método de los elementos finitos se aplicó con un cumplimiento similar para calcular la tensión resultante (MPa) durante el par. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente con la prueba t-student (5 %). La precisión dimensional de M (0,22 mm2) fue estadísticamente significativa (p <0,05). La tensión principal mínima y la tensión de von-Mises de C (-19,95 MPa, -19,94 MPa), fueron inferiores a los valores de M (-55,83 MPa, -55,96 MPa), respectivamente. Sin embargo, el hexágono del grupo M mostró menor deformación que el grupo C. Por lo tanto, la aleación de titanio más rígida es una alternativa prometedora para evitar la deformación plástica de las conexiones protésicas incluso concentrando una mayor magnitud de tensión en su estructura.

J Mech Behav Biomed Mater ; 123: 104760, 2021 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34418777


The fatigue behavior and FEA analysis of different ceramic materials cemented over distinct substrates for implant-supported crowns were evaluated in this study. Discs of 10 mm in diameter of both restorative and substrate materials were made and randomly allocated into pairs (n = 15) considering the two study factors: 'restorative ceramic material' (1 mm thickness) - polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN), lithium disilicate (LD), zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS), or translucent zirconia (TZ); and 'foundation substrate' (2 mm thickness) - polyetheretherketone (Peek) or yttrium-stabilized zirconia (YZ). Adhesive cementation was made with a dual cure resin cement. Fatigue testing was run using the step-stress methodology: initial load of 200 N for 5000 cycles, followed by steps of 10,000 cycles starting at 400 N up to 2800 N or until failure, step size of 200 N, frequency of 20 Hz. Data were analyzed by the Kaplan Meier and log-rank post-hoc tests. Fractography analysis (stereomicroscope and SEM) and FEA were also performed. Both factors under study and their interaction statistically influenced the fatigue failure load (FFL), cycles for failure (CFF) and survival rates (p < 0.001). The restorative materials bonded to YZ had higher FFL and CFF than when adhering to Peek, while restorative materials with more crystalline content (TZ and ZLS) showed higher FFL and CFF than LD and PICN. The fractography analysis showed that all materials bonded to YZ resulted in failures starting at the occlusal surface (Hertzian cone cracks), while materials bonded to Peek had radial cracks from the ceramic-cement intaglio surface. FEA analysis showed that tensile stress concentration decreased in the intaglio surface when testing the restorative material over a stiffer (YZ) foundation substrate. In addition, the higher the restorative material's crystalline content, the more the stress is concentrated within the material (TZ > ZLS ≥ LD > PICN) when bonded to the same foundation substrate. Thus, it concluded that a stiffer foundation substrate (YZ) enhances the load-bearing capacity under fatigue of the restorative set; that restorative materials with higher crystalline content results in higher fatigue performance of the set, regardless of the foundation used; and that the foundation material influences the failure pattern of the restorative set.

Cerámica , Circonio , Diseño Asistido por Computadora , Porcelana Dental , Fracaso de la Restauración Dental , Análisis del Estrés Dental , Ensayo de Materiales , Propiedades de Superficie , Soporte de Peso
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants ; 35(2): 357-365, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32142573


PURPOSE: Different titanium bases for implant-supported prostheses can present different mechanical behavior. The goal of this study was to evaluate the torque before and after fatigue, the load to failure, and stress concentration of zirconia restorations cemented or notched to a titanium base. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty implants were included in polyurethane cylinders and divided into two groups: zirconia restoration cemented on a titanium base and zirconia restoration notched on a titanium base. The specimens had their torque loosening and vertical misfit evaluated before and after cyclic fatigue (200 N/2 Hz/2 × 106 cycles/37°C). Load to failure was evaluated in a universal testing machine (1 mm/min, 1,000 kgf). Failures were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Three-dimensional models were created, and the stress concentration was calculated using the finite element method. Data from the in vitro tests were submitted to two-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (α = .5). RESULTS: The cemented restorations presented less torque loosening (19.79 to 15.95 Ncm), lower vertical misfit (3.7 to 10.5 µm), lower stress concentration in the restoration (88.2 to 99.8 MPa), and higher fracture load (451.3 to 390.8 N) than notched restorations. CONCLUSION: The presence of a cement layer between the restoration and titanium base reduced the susceptibility to abutment screw loosening, improved the resistance to compressive load, and reduced the stress concentration in the restoration.

Pilares Dentales , Titanio , Coronas , Diseño de Implante Dental-Pilar , Fracaso de la Restauración Dental , Análisis del Estrés Dental , Ensayo de Materiales , Torque , Circonio
J Mech Behav Biomed Mater ; 43: 69-77, 2015 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25553557


This study evaluated the shear stress presented in glass fiber posts with parallel fiber (0°) and different coronal diameters under fatigue, fracture resistance and FEA. 160 glass-fiber posts (N=160) with eight different coronal diameters were used (DT=double tapered, number of the post=coronal diameter and W=Wider - fiber post with coronal diameter wider than the conventional): DT1.4; DT1.8W; DT1.6; DT2W; DT1.8; DT2.2W; DT2; DT2.2. Eighty posts were submitted to mechanical cycling (3×10(6) cycles; inclination: 45°; load: 50N; frequency: 4Hz; temperature: 37°C) to assess the surviving under intermittent loading and other eighty posts were submitted to fracture resistance testing (resistance [N] and shear-stress [MPa] values were obtained). The eight posts types were 3D modeled (Rhinoceros 4.0) and the shear-stress (MPa) evaluated using FEA (Ansys 13.0). One-way ANOVA showed statistically differences to fracture resistance (DT2.2W and DT2.2 showed higher values) and shear stress values (DT1.4 showed lower values). Only the DT1.4 fiber posts failed after mechanical cycling. FEA showed similar values of shear stress between the groups and these values were similar to those obtained by shear stress testing. The failure analysis showed that 95% of specimens failed by shear. Posts with parallel fiber (0°) may suffer fractures when an oblique shear load is applied on the structure; except the thinner group, greater coronal diameters promoted the same shear stresses.

Materiales Dentales , Análisis de Elementos Finitos , Vidrio , Ensayo de Materiales , Estrés Mecánico , Presión , Temperatura