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Plant Reprod ; 37(3): 379-392, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38431531


KEY MESSAGE: The combination of a flow cytometric seed screen and genotyping of each single seed offers a cost-effective approach to detecting complex reproductive pathways in flowering plants. Reproduction may be seen as one of the driving forces of evolution. Flow cytometric seed screen and genotyping of parents and progeny are commonly employed techniques to discern various modes of reproduction in flowering plants. Nevertheless, both methods possess limitations constraining their individual capacity to investigate reproductive modes thoroughly. We implemented both methods in a novel manner to analyse reproduction pathways using a carefully selected material of parental individuals and their seed progeny. The significant advantage of this approach lies in its ability to apply both methods to a single seed. The introduced methodology provides valuable insights into discerning the levels of apomixis, sexuality, and selfing in complex Rubus taxa. The results may be explained by the occurrence of automixis in Rubus, which warrants further investigation. The approach showcased its effectiveness in a different apomictic system, specifically in Taraxacum. Our study presents a comprehensive methodological approach for determining the mode of reproduction where flow cytometry loses its potential. It provides a reliable and cost-effective method with significant potential in biosystematics, population genetics, and crop breeding.

Apomixis , Citometría de Flujo , Semillas , Apomixis/genética , Apomixis/fisiología , Semillas/genética , Semillas/fisiología , Reproducción , Taraxacum/fisiología , Taraxacum/genética , Genotipo
Ann Bot ; 134(1): 163-178, 2024 Jun 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38549558


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Rubus ser. Glandulosi provides a unique model of geographical parthenogenesis on a homoploid (2n = 4x) level. We aim to characterize evolutionary and phylogeographical patterns in this taxon and shed light on the geographical differentiation of apomicts and sexuals. Ultimately, we aim to evaluate the importance of phylogeography in the formation of geographical parthenogenesis. METHODS: Rubus ser. Glandulosi was sampled across its Eurasian range together with other co-occurring Rubus taxa (587 individuals in total). Double-digest restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) and modelling of suitable climate were used for evolutionary inferences. KEY RESULTS: Six ancestral species were identified that contributed to the contemporary gene pool of R. ser. Glandulosi. Sexuals were introgressed from Rubus dolichocarpus and Rubus moschus in West Asia and from Rubus ulmifolius agg., Rubus canescens and Rubus incanescens in Europe, whereas apomicts were characterized by alleles of Rubus subsect. Rubus. Gene flow between sexuals and apomicts was also detected, as was occasional hybridization with other taxa. CONCLUSIONS: We hypothesize that sexuals survived the last glacial period in several large southern refugia, whereas apomicts were mostly restricted to southern France, whence they quickly recolonized Central and Western Europe. The secondary contact of sexuals and apomicts was probably the principal factor that established geographical parthenogenesis in R. ser. Glandulosi. Sexual populations are not impoverished in genetic diversity along their borderline with apomicts, and maladaptive population genetic processes probably did not shape the geographical patterns.

Filogeografía , Rosaceae , Europa (Continente) , Rosaceae/genética , Rosaceae/fisiología , Flujo Génico , Evolución Biológica , Apomixis/genética , Asia , Partenogénesis/genética , Variación Genética , Filogenia
New Phytol ; 242(3): 1348-1362, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38407427


Asexual organisms often differ in their geographic distributions from their sexual relatives. This phenomenon, termed geographic parthenogenesis, has long been known, but the underlying factors behind its diverse patterns have been under dispute. Particularly problematic is an association between asexuality and polyploidy in most taxa. Here, we present a new system of geographic parthenogenesis on the tetraploid level, promising new insights into this complex topic. We used flow cytometric seed screen and microsatellite genotyping to characterise the patterns of distribution of sexuals and apomicts and genotypic distributions in Rubus ser. Glandulosi across its range. Ecological modelling and local-scale vegetation and soil analyses were used to test for niche differentiation between the reproductive groups. Apomicts were detected only in North-western Europe, sexuals in the rest of the range in Europe and West Asia, with a sharp borderline stretched across Central Europe. Despite that, we found no significant differences in ecological niches. Genotypic richness distributions suggested independence of the reproductive groups and a secondary contact. We argue that unless a niche differentiation (resulting from polyploidy and/or hybridity) evolves, the main factors behind the patterns of geographic parthenogenesis in plants are phylogeographic history and neutral microevolutionary processes, such as clonal turnover.

Apomixis , Rubus , Partenogénesis/genética , Ploidias , Poliploidía
Life (Basel) ; 13(4)2023 Apr 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37109570


The new genus Bryorutstroemia is established for the red-brown, stipitate, bryoparasitic discomycete Helotium fulvum Boud. Combined phylogenetic analysis of ITS and LSU rDNA and EF1α revealed that Bryorutstroemia fulva belongs to the sclerotiniaceous clade, which comprises the paraphyletic families Rutstroemiaceae and Sclerotiniaceae. Bryorutstroemia formed with Clarireedia a supported clade (Rutstroemiaceae s.l.), though with high distance. Bryorutstroemia closely resembles other Rutstroemiaceae in having uninucleate ascospores with high lipid content and an ectal excipulum of textura porrecta, but is unique because of its bryophilous lifestyle and is extraordinary with its thick-walled inamyloid ascus apex. Although B. fulva was described in 1897, very few records came to our notice. The present study summarizes the known distribution of the species, including 25 personal collections from the years 2001-2022. Bryorutstroemia fulva was most often encountered on Dicranella heteromalla, and rarely on other members of Dicranales or Grimmiales, while inducing necrobiosis of the leaves. A detailed description based on mainly fresh apothecia is provided together with a rich photographic documentation. Six new combinations are proposed based on our phylogenetic results and unpublished personal morphological studies: Clarireedia asphodeli, C. calopus, C. gladioli, C. henningsiana, C. maritima, and C. narcissi.

J Fungi (Basel) ; 8(8)2022 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35893141


We studied the taxonomy of Pluteus romellii, and morphologically similar Holarctic species in the /romellii clade of section Celluloderma, using morphological and molecular data (nrITS, TEF1-α). Pluteus romellii is lectotypified and epitypified and accepted as an exclusively Eurasian species. Pluteus lutescens and P. pallescens are considered synonyms of P. romellii. Pluteus fulvibadius is accepted as a related, but separate, North American species. Five species in the /romellii clade are described as new to science: two from North America (P. austrofulvus and P. parvisporus), one from Asia (P. parvicarpus), one from Europe (P. siccus), and one widely distributed across the Holarctic region (P. vellingae). Basidioma size, pileus color, lamellae color, basidiospore size, hymenial cystidia shape and size, habitat and geographical distribution help separate the species described here, but in some instances only molecular data allows for confident identification. The current status of P. californicus, P. melleipes, P. romellii var. luteoalbus, P. splendidus, P. sternbergii and P.sulphureus is discussed.

Mycorrhiza ; 32(3-4): 269-280, 2022 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35419710


Achlorophyllous, mycoheterotrophic plants often have an elaborate mycorrhizal colonization pattern, allowing a sustained benefit from external fungal root penetrations. The present study reveals the root anatomy and mycorrhizal pattern of eight mycoheterotrophic Thismia spp. (Thismiaceae), all of which show separate tissue compartments segregating different hyphal shapes of the mycorrhizal colonization, as there are intact straight, coiled and peculiarly knotted hyphae as well as degenerated clumps of hyphal material. Those tissue compartments in Thismia roots potentially comprise exo-, meso- and endoepidermae, and exo-, meso- and endocortices, although not all species develop all these root layers. Differences in details among species according to anatomy (number of root layers, cell sizes and shapes) and colonization pattern (hyphal shapes within cells) are striking and can be discussed as an evolutionary series towards increasing mycorrhizal complexity which roughly parallels the recently established phylogeny of Thismia. We suggest functional explanations for why the distinct elements of the associations can contribute to the mycorrhizal advantage for the plants and, thus, we emphasize the relevance of structural traits for mycorrhizae.

Micorrizas , Evolución Biológica , Hifa , Raíces de Plantas/microbiología , Semillas , Simbiosis
Front Plant Sci ; 12: 602598, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33796122


Heterotrophic plants provide intriguing examples of reductive evolution. This is especially evident in the reduction of their plastid genomes, which can potentially proceed toward complete genome loss. Several milestones at the beginning of this path of degradation have been described; however, little is known about the latest stages of plastome reduction. Here we analyze a diversity of plastid genomes in a set of closely related non-photosynthetic plants. We demonstrate how a gradual loss of genes shapes the miniaturized plastomes of these plants. The subject of our study, the genus Thismia, represents the mycoheterotrophic monocot family Thismiaceae, a group that may have experienced a very ancient (60-80 mya) transition to heterotrophy. In all 18 species examined, the plastome is reduced to 14-18 kb and is highly AT-biased. The most complete observed gene set includes accD, seven ribosomal protein genes, three rRNA, and two tRNA genes. Different clades of Thismia have undergone further gene loss (complete absence or pseudogenization) compared to this set: in particular, we report two independent losses of rps2 and rps18.

MycoKeys ; 54: 49-76, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31231165


Octosporaconidiophora is described as a new species, based on collections from South Africa. It is characterised by apothecia with a distinct margin, smooth or finely warted ellipsoid ascospores, stiff, thick-walled hyaline hairs, warted mycelial hyphae and growth on pleurocarpous mosses Trichosteleumperchlorosum and Sematophyllumbrachycarpum (Hypnales) on decaying wood in afromontane forests. It is the first species of bryophilous Pezizales in which an anamorph has been observed; it produces long, claviform, curved, hyaline and transversely septate conidia. Three other cryptic species of Octospora were detected using three molecular markers (LSU and SSU nrDNA and EF1α), but these could not be distinguished phenotypically. These are not described formally here and an informal species aggregate O.conidiophora agg. is established for them. The new species and finds of Lamprosporacampylopodis growing on Campylopuspyriformis and Neottiellaalbocincta on Atrichumandrogynum represent the first records of bryophilous Pezizales in South Africa.

MycoKeys ; 52: 17-43, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31139008


The phylogentic diversity of the genus Morchella has only been sporadically studied in Central Europe. In this study, a molecular taxonomic revision of the Morchella species of the Czech Republic was performed using available fungarium specimens, fresh collections, and axenic cultures. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on either ITS or five-locus (ITS, LSU, RPB1, RPB2, and EF-1α) sequencing and the application of principles of the genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition (GCPSR) have revealed the occurrence of 11 phylogenetic species in the region, but only six of them could be assigned unequivocally to the previously published phylospecies: Mel-3 (M.semilibera), Mel-10 (M.importuna), Mel-19 (M.eohespera), Mes-4 (M.americana), Mes-5 and Mes-8 (M.esculenta). One lineage was identified as a new phylospecies and is designated as Mel-39. Four lineages grouped together with two or more previously published phylospecies: Mel-13/26 (M.deliciosa), Mel-15/16 (M.angusticeps / M.eximioides), Mel-20/34 (M.purpurascens), and Mel-23/24/31/32 (M.pulchella). Our phylogenetic analyses and literature review shed light on the pitfalls of current molecular taxonomy of morels and highlight the ambiguities of present species recognition concepts. The main source of the problems seems to be rooted in the application of different methods (multigene vs single-gene sequencing, phenotypic determination) and approaches (monophyly vs paraphyly, the application or not of GCPSR, degree of differentiation between accepted species, etc.) by various authors for the delimitation of new phylospecies. Therefore, we propose five criteria for distinguishing new phylospecies in the genus Morchella based on molecular data, and recommend a more conservative approach in species delimitation.

PLoS One ; 13(10): e0203443, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30281609


Thismia kelabitiana, a new unique species from the Sarawak state of Malaysia in the island of Borneo is described and illustrated. This new species is not similar to any species of Thismia described so far especially by having a unique form of mitre and outer perianth lobes deeply divided into 8-10 acute lobes and forming striking fringe around perianth tube opening. The species appears to be critically endangered due to ongoing logging activities in the region. It may potentially become a surrogate species for lower montane forests of the region and thus help protect them against further destruction.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Especiación Genética , Magnoliopsida/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Borneo , Bosques , Magnoliopsida/genética , Malasia , Semillas/genética , Semillas/crecimiento & desarrollo
Ann Bot ; 120(2): 317-328, 2017 08 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28402390


Background and Aims: Rubus subgenus Rubus is a group of mostly apomictic and polyploid species with a complicated taxonomy and history of ongoing hybridization. The only polyploid series with prevailing sexuality is the series Glandulosi , although the apomictic series Discolores and Radula also retain a high degree of sexuality, which is influenced by environmental conditions and/or pollen donors. The aim of this study is to detect sources of genetic variability, determine the origin of apomictic taxa and validate microsatellite markers by cloning and sequencing. Methods: A total of 206 individuals from two central European regions were genotyped for 11 nuclear microsatellite loci and the chloroplast trn L- trn F region. Microsatellite alleles were further sequenced in order to determine the exact repeat number and to detect size homoplasy due to insertions/deletions in flanking regions. Key Results: The results confirm that apomictic microspecies of ser. Radula are derived from crosses between sexual series Glandulosi and apomictic series Discolores , whereby the apomict acts as pollen donor. Each apomictic microspecies is derived from a single distinct genotype differing from the parental taxa, suggesting stabilized clonal reproduction. Intraspecific variation within apomicts is considerably low compared with sexual series Glandulosi , and reflects somatic mutation accumulation. While facultative apomicts produce clonal offspring, sexual species are the conduits of origin for new genetically different apomictic lineages. Conclusions: One of the main driving forces of evolution and speciation in the highly apomictic subgenus Rubus in central Europe is sexuality in the series Glandulosi . Palaeovegetation data suggest that initial hybridizations took place over different time periods in the two studied regions, and that the successful origin and spread of apomictic microspecies of the series Radula took place over several millennia. Additionally, the cloning and sequencing show that standard evaluations of microsatellite repeat numbers underestimate genetic variability considering homoplasy in allele size.

Apomixis , Hibridación Genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite , Rubus/genética , ADN de Cloroplastos/genética , Europa (Continente) , Mutación INDEL , Poliploidía , Rubus/clasificación
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 89: 13-27, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25882835


New species are generated by many means, among which hybridization plays an important role. Interspecific hybrids can form isolated evolutionary units, especially when mechanisms increasing viability and fertility, like polyploidy and apomixis, are involved. A good model system to study reticulate evolution in plants is Rubus subgen. Rubus (brambles, blackberries), which only in Europe includes 748 accepted species, out of which only four are sexual diploids and all others are polyploid apomicts. We employed two molecular markers (ITS and cpDNA) to shed light on the evolutionary history of European bramble flora and main processes generating such high species diversity. We distinguished just six ancestral diploids (including two extinct ones) for both markers, which gave rise to all European polyploid accessions, and revealed an extreme reticulation in bramble evolution. We furthermore detected hybridogenous origins and identified putative parents for several taxa (e.g. ser. Nessenses), while in other groups (e.g. ser. Discolores) we could also infer the direction of hybridization. By comparing different cp haplotypes having clear geographic patterns, we hypothesize that the origin of European brambles can be attributed to both Holocene species range expansion and Pleistocene climate fluctuations.

Apomixis , Evolución Molecular , Especiación Genética , Modelos Genéticos , Rubus/genética , Apomixis/genética , ADN de Cloroplastos/genética , ADN Espaciador Ribosómico/genética , Diploidia , Europa (Continente) , Marcadores Genéticos/genética , Hibridación Genética/genética , Cubierta de Hielo , Filogenia , Poliploidía , Rubus/clasificación , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN