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J Geophys Res Atmos ; 126(11): e2020JD034523, 2021 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34221782


The energetic particle precipitation (EPP) indirect effect (IE) refers to the downward transport of reactive odd nitrogen (NOx = NO + NO2) produced by EPP (EPP-NOx) from the polar winter mesosphere and lower thermosphere to the stratosphere where it can destroy ozone. Previous studies of the EPP IE examined NOx descent averaged over the polar region, but the work presented here considers longitudinal variations. We report that the January 2009 split Arctic vortex in the stratosphere left an imprint on the distribution of NO near the mesopause, and that the magnitude of EPP-NOx descent in the upper mesosphere depends strongly on the planetary wave (PW) phase. We focus on an 11-day case study in late January immediately following the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming during which regional-scale Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs) formed atop the strengthening mesospheric vortex. The LCSs emerged over the north Atlantic in the vicinity of the trough of a 10-day westward traveling planetary wave. Over the next week, the LCSs acted to confine NO-rich air to polar latitudes, effectively prolonging its lifetime as it descended into the top of the polar vortex. Both a whole atmosphere data assimilation model and satellite observations show that the PW trough remained coincident in space and time with the NO-rich air as both migrated westward over the Canadian Arctic. Estimates of descent rates indicate five times stronger descent inside the PW trough compared to other longitudes. This case serves to set the stage for future climatological analysis of NO transport via LCSs.

J Geophys Res Atmos ; 125(9)2020 May 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34211819


Using an 8-year (2007-2014) data set from two different limb-viewing instruments, we evaluate the relative roles of vertically versus obliquely propagating gravity waves (GWs) as sources of GWs in the polar summer mesosphere. Obliquely propagating waves are of interest because they are presumed to be generated by the summer monsoons. In the high-latitude upper mesosphere, the correlation coefficient between the time series of ice water content (IWC) and GW amplitude is 0.48, indicating that the observed GWs enhance polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs). For vertically propagating waves, the correlation coefficient between IWC and stratospheric/lower mesospheric (20-70 km) GW amplitude at the same high latitudes becomes more negative with increasing altitude. This change in correlation from negative in the lower mesosphere to positive at PMC altitudes suggests the presence of another source of GWs. The positive correlation coefficient between the time series of IWC and GW amplitude from 0-50°N, 20-90 km shows a slanted structure suggesting oblique propagation. This slanted structure is more robust in some seasons compared to others, and this interannual variability may be due to the latitudinal gradient of the mesospheric easterly jet where steeper gradients allow for low-latitude tropospheric GWs to be refracted to the high-latitude mesosphere more efficiently. Gravity-Wave Regional or Global Ray Tracer (GROGRAT) ray tracing simulations show that more GWs propagate obliquely compared to vertically propagating waves that reach PMC altitudes. For obliquely propagating waves, GROGRAT simulations indicate that nonorographic tropospheric GWs with faster phase speed (>20 m/s) and longer horizontal wavelength (>400 km) have a higher probability of reaching the polar summer mesosphere.