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Materials (Basel) ; 16(5)2023 Feb 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36902961


Heterogeneous superconductivity onset is a common phenomenon in high-Tc superconductors of both the cuprate and iron-based families. It is manifested by a fairly wide transition from the metallic to zero-resistance states. Usually, in these strongly anisotropic materials, superconductivity (SC) first appears as isolated domains. This leads to anisotropic excess conductivity above Tc, and the transport measurements provide valuable information about the SC domain structure deep within the sample. In bulk samples, this anisotropic SC onset gives an approximate average shape of SC grains, while in thin samples, it also indicates the average size of SC grains. In this work, both interlayer and intralayer resistivity were measured as a function of temperature in FeSe samples of various thicknesses. To measure the interlayer resistivity, FeSe mesa structures oriented across the layers were fabricated using FIB. As the sample thickness decreases, a significant increase in superconducting transition temperature Tc is observed: Tc raises from 8 K in bulk material to 12 K in microbridges of thickness ∼40 nm. We applied analytical and numerical calculations to analyze these and earlier data and find the aspect ratio and size of the SC domains in FeSe consistent with our resistivity and diamagnetic response measurements. We propose a simple and fairly accurate method for estimating the aspect ratio of SC domains from Tc anisotropy in samples of various small thicknesses. The relationship between nematic and superconducting domains in FeSe is discussed. We also generalize the analytical formulas for conductivity in heterogeneous anisotropic superconductors to the case of elongated SC domains of two perpendicular orientations with equal volume fractions, corresponding to the nematic domain structure in various Fe-based superconductors.

Materials (Basel) ; 15(24)2022 Dec 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36556572


Terbium tritelluride, TbTe3, orders antiferromagnetically in three steps at TN1 = 6.7 K, TN2 = 5.7 K, and TN3 = 5.4 K, preceded by a correlation hump in magnetic susceptibility at T* ~8 K. Combining thermodynamic, i.e., specific heat Cp and magnetization M, and transport, i.e., resistance R, measurements we established the boundaries of two commensurate and one charge density wave modulated phases in a magnetic field oriented along principal crystallographic axes. Based on these measurements, the magnetic phase diagrams of TbTe3 at H‖a, H‖b and H‖c were constructed.