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Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 14(8): 2248-2261, 2024 Aug 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39194944


The fulfillment of rights to maternal healthcare is a key factor for the wellbeing of women. However, there is a lack of an instrument to ascertain the experience of women during maternity to enable adequate monitoring. The aim of this study was to validate a new instrument to measure women's perception of the fulfillment of rights during healthcare in pregnancy and childbirth and immediately postpartum. The initial version of the instrument consists of 50 items and was validated using exploratory factor analysis. Additionally, the final version of the instrument consists of 29 items and was validated by confirmatory factor analysis and known-group validity. The instrument was applied to 185 Spanish women. The global Aiken's V of the initial instrument proposal was 0.89. The process resulted in an instrument with five factors (information, privacy, consent, support, and participation) that explained the 60% of the total variance. The score of the instrument was correlated with resilience, maternity beliefs, and positive and negative affect. External validation showed relations with age, gravida, and the number of times a woman has been in labor. Additionally, the Cronbach's α reliability was 0.93 [0.91; 0.94]. In conclusion, the instrument developed is consistent and has appropriate psychometric properties for assessing the fulfillment rights of maternity healthcare.

Nurs Rep ; 13(4): 1553-1576, 2023 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37987409


Postpartum depression (PPD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) continue to be prevalent, and disabling women with mental disorders and obstetric violence (OV) may be a trigger for them, particularly during maternity. We aimed to analyze the association between manifestations of OV with the development of PPD and PTSD during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. This systematic review was based on the PRISMA 2020 statement and explored original articles published between 2012 and 2022. A total of 21 articles were included in the analysis, and bias was assessed by the Effective Public Health Practice Project's Quality Assessment Tool. The highest rate of PPD symptoms appeared in women under 20 years old, multiparous, and with low education levels. The higher PTSD ratio was present in women under 35 years, primiparous, and with secondary studies. The mode of labor (instrumental or C-section) was identified as a major risk factor of PPD, being mediator variables of the informal coercion of health professionals and dissatisfaction with newborn healthcare. Instead, partner support during labor and high satisfaction with healthcare during birth were protective factors. Regarding PTSD, the mode of labor, several perineal tears, and the Kristeller technique were risk factors, and loss of autonomy and coercion modulated PTSD symptomatology. The protective factors for PTSD were respect for the labor plan, adequate communication with health professionals, social support during labor, and the skin-to-skin procedure. This systematic review provides evidence that OV contributes to PPD and PTSD, being important in developing standardized tools to prevent it. This study recommends changes in maternal healthcare policies, such as individualized healthcare assistance, humanized pregnancy protocols, and women's mental health follow-up, and improvements in the methodological quality of future research.

Psychol. av. discip ; 17(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535036


La agresividad se ha reconocido como prevalente en la población adolescente, debido a su carácter impulsivo y de inestabilidad emocional, que también caracteriza a la adolescencia. Ello lleva a la necesidad de conocer la frecuencia y la relación de los factores de riesgo de la agresividad en población adolescente, explorando sus diferencias según sexo. Así, esta investigación de enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, transversal de alcance correlacional, estudió la presencia y las relaciones entre la agresividad y sus factores de riesgo en 212 mujeres y 188 hombres adolescentes, entre 12 y 17 años de edad. Para lo cual, se aplicó una ficha de valoración de factores de riesgo y el cuestionario de agresividad premeditada e impulsiva (CAPI-A). Los hallazgos muestran mayor prevalencia de agresividad impulsiva, y la presencia de más relaciones con factores de riesgo en mujeres respecto a los hombres. Los factores de riesgos relevantes en las mujeres son las actitudes hacia la norma, la percepción sobre la agresividad y los sentimientos; en los hombres, las conductas de riesgo y los sentimientos. Esto resulta de utilidad para la comprensión de la agresividad como pauta comportamental, y el diseño de intervenciones preventivas de la agresividad y sus consecuencias.

The aggressiveness has been recognized as prevalent in teenage population due to their impulsive character, with that emotional instability which characterizes adolescence. This conducts to the need of knowing the frequency and the relationship of risk factors of aggressiveness in teenage population, exploring their differences according to sex. Thus, this research of quantitative approach, non-experimental design, cross-sectional of correlational scope, studied the presence and the relations between aggressiveness and its risk factors in 212 teenage women and 188 teenage men between 12 and 17 years of age. For this, a record card of risk factor evaluation was implemented along with the questionnaire of premediated / impulsive aggressiveness (CAPI-A in Spanish). The findings show a higher prevalence of impulsive aggressiveness and the presence of more relations to risk factors in women than in men. The relevant risk factors in women are the attitudes towards norms, the perception about aggressiveness and the feelings; in men, risk conducts and feelings are the ones to mention. These results useful for the comprehension of aggressiveness as a behavioral pattern, and the design of preventive interventions towards aggressiveness and their consequences.

rev. psicogente ; 24(46): 36-57, ene.-dic. 2021. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366078


Resumen Introducción: La agresividad es una variable que se ha venido asociando a problemas sociales y clínicos; a su vez, se ha estimado un incremento de la misma denotando un riesgo mayor en población infanto-juvenil. Objetivo: Describir las características de la conducta agresiva y variables psicosociales asociadas (tipo de relaciones familiares y antecedentes personales), en una muestra de 351 adolescentes ente 12 y 17 años de edad de la ciudad de Bucaramanga y su área metropolitana. Método: Es una investigación cuantitativa de alcance descriptivo transversal. Se empleó un Cuestionario "Ad hoc" y el Cuestionario de Agresividad Premeditada e Impulsiva en Adolescentes (Andreu, 2010), los cuales se aplicaron de forma autoadministrada desde un muestreo no probabilístico. Los resultados se obtuvieron a través del programa estadístico SPSS, realizando un análisis estadístico de medidas de tendencia central y Chi cuadrado. Resultados: Se identificó que la agresividad es frecuente en los adolescentes, especialmente de tipo impulsiva (33 %), y predominando en las mujeres (premeditada= 25,4 %; impulsiva= 37,3 %). Los adolescentes con agresividad impulsiva alta se caracterizaban por menor edad (12 años= 7,7 %) y menor nivel académico (séptimo grado o menos= 14,8 %). De forma genérica, quienes tenían agresividad alta, tenían relación distante desde lo afectivo y físico con el padre, y antecedentes de haber tenido problemas con otros por ejercer la agresión. Conclusión: Los hallazgos comprueban la frecuencia de la agresividad en la adolescencia, y llevan a reflexionar sobre posibles cambios en los roles sociales sobre la expresión de las emociones. Es fundamental estudiar la relación de la agresividad con la impulsividad, la edad, la dinámica relacional con los padres, con el fin de brindar mayores aportes en el desarrollo de estrategias de prevención de la conducta disfuncional asociada a la agresividad.

Abstract Introduction: Aggression is a variable that has been associated with social and clinical problems; at the same time, an increase in it has been estimated, denoting a higher risk in the child-adolescent population. Objective: To describe the characteristics of aggressive behavior and associated psychosocial variables (type of family relationships and personal history), in a sample of 351 adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age from the city of Bucaramanga and its metropolitan area. Method: It is a quantitative investigation of transversal descriptive scope. An "Ad hoc" Questionnaire and the Premeditated and Impulsive Aggression Questionnaire in Adolescents (Andreu, 2010) were used, which were self-administered from a non-probabilistic sampling. The results were obtained through the SPSS statistical program, performing a statistical analysis of measures of central tendency and Chi square. Results: It was identified that aggressiveness is frequent in adolescents, especially of the impulsive type (33 %), and predominantly in women (premeditated = 25,4 %; impulsive = 37,3 %). Adolescents with high impulsive aggressiveness were characterized by younger age (12 years = 7,7 %) and lower academic level (seventh grade or less = 14,8 %). In a generic way, those who had high aggressiveness, had a distant emotional and physical relationship with the father, and a history of having had problems with others for exerting aggression. Conclusion: The findings verify the frequency of aggressiveness in adolescence, and lead to reflect on possible changes in social roles on the expression of emotions. It is essential to study the relationship of aggressiveness with impulsivity, age, and relationship dynamics with parents, in order to provide greater contributions in the development of strategies for the prevention of dysfunctional behavior associated with aggressiveness

NOVA publ. cient ; 14(26): 63-75, July-Dec. 2016. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-955169


Objetivo. Identificar las variables de conducta de enfermedad en una muestra de pacientes colombianos con Hemofilia A y comparar los resultados de grupos (con dolor crónico y sin dolor crónico) para un análisis de relaciones entre variables. Método. El enfoque fue cuantitativo y su diseño transversal; la metodología empleada fue ex post facto de tipo retrospectiva. Para el análisis estadístico se hizo una comparación de grupos (sin dolor crónico y con dolor crónico). El factor de conducta de enfermedad se evaluó a través del Cuestionario de Conducta de Enfermedad de Ballester y Botella del año 1993. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la prueba T, la correlación de Spearman, la prueba U de Mann-Whitney y la Curva de ROC. Resultados. Se evaluaron veintisiete sujetos con diagnóstico de Hemofilia A con un rango de edad entre 19 y 55 años. Diecisiete sujetos conformaron el grupo con dolor crónico y diez sujetos el grupo sin dolor crónico. En conclusión se hallaron asociaciones significativas entre el dolor crónico y las variables relacionadas a inestabilidad emocional, así como correlaciones positivas con resultados de investigaciones previas sobre la caracterización de la población con hemofilia.

Objective. To Identify the variables of illness behavior in a sample of Colombian patients with hemophilia A and to compare the results of groups (with chronic pain and without chronic pain chronic) for an analysis of relationships between variables. Methods. The approach was quantitative and its cross-sectional design. The methodology used was ex post facto retrospective type. A comparison groups (without chronic pain and chronic pain) was done for the statistical analysis. The disease behavior factor was evaluated through the Ballester and Botella Disease Questionnaire Conduct of 1993. The results obtained by the T-test, the Spearman correlation, the Mann-Whitney U test and the ROC curve. Results. Twenty-seven subjects diagnosed with haemophilia A diagnosed with a age range between 19 and 55 years were evaluated. Seventeen subjects formed the group with chronic pain and ten subjects the group without chronic pain. In conclusion, we found significant associations between chronic pain and variables related to emotional instability, as well as positive correlations with results of previous research on the characterization of the population with hemophilia.

Humanos , Hemofilia A , Acrodinia , Dolor Crónico , Hematología
Acta colomb. psicol ; 14(1): 47-60, ene.-jun. 2011. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-635266


La percepción de enfermedad y los estilos de afrontamiento se relacionan con la percepción de calidad de vida en la enfermedad crónica. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la identificación de las creencias sobre la enfermedad y las estrategias de afrontamiento predictoras de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en una muestra de 80 pacientes (68.6% hombres y 31.3% mujeres) asistentes al programa de rehabilitación cardiovascular de la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia, con sede en Bucaramanga. Para ello se aplicaron el Illness Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ), la Escala de Estrategias de Coping Modificada (EEC-M) y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud SF-36. Los resultados estadísticos evidencian la influencia del empleo de las estrategias de afrontamiento pasivas sobre la baja calidad de vida en la muestra valorada, así como de las creencias focalizadas en las limitaciones que conlleva la patología; asimismo, muestra a la religión como una estrategia protectora en el afrontamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular.

Illness perception and coping styles are related to the perceived quality of life in chronic illness. This study aimed at identifying beliefs about illness and coping strategies as predictors of health related quality of life in a sample of 80 patients (68.6% men and 31.3% women) who were attending the cardiac rehabilitation program at the Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia, based in Bucaramanga. In order to achieve this objective, the Illness Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ), the Coping Strategies Scale- Modified (CSS-M) and the Health Related Quality of Life Questionnaire SF-36 were administered to the participants. The statistical results show the influence of passive coping strategies and of beliefs focused on the constraints inherent to their pathology on the poor quality of life of the assessed sample. They also show religion as a protective strategy for coping with cardiovascular disease.

A percepção da doença e os estilos de enfrentá-la estão relacionados à qualidade de vida percebida em doenças crônicas. Neste estudo se identificaram as crenças sobre a doença e as estratégias predictoras da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em uma amostra de 80 pacientes (68,6% homens e 31,3% mulheres) participarem do programa de reabilitação cardíaca na Fundação Cardiovascular da Colômbia, com sede em Bucaramanga. Se aplicaram o Questionário de Comportamento Doença (IBQ), a Escala de Estratégias de Enfrentamento Modificada (CSE-M) e o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida Relacionada à Saúde SF-36. Os resultados estatísticos mostram a influência do uso de estratégias de enfrentamento passivo na má qualidade de vida nos valores da amostra e as crenças focadas nos constrangimentos inerentes à patologia. Também mostra a religião como uma estratégia de proteção ao lidar com a doença cardiovascular.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Calidad de Vida , Adaptación Psicológica , Conducta de Enfermedad , Rehabilitación Cardiaca