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Mob DNA ; 13(1): 12, 2022 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35440097


BACKGROUND: Whiteflies are agricultural pests that cause negative impacts globally to crop yields resulting at times in severe economic losses and food insecurity. The Bemisia tabaci whitefly species complex is the most damaging in terms of its broad crop host range and its ability to serve as vector for over 400 plant viruses. Genomes of whiteflies belonging to this species complex have provided valuable genomic data; however, transposable elements (TEs) within these genomes remain unexplored. This study provides the first accurate characterization of TE content within the B. tabaci species complex. RESULTS: This study identified that an average of 40.61% of the genomes of three whitefly species (MEAM1, MEDQ, and SSA-ECA) consists of TEs. The majority of the TEs identified were DNA transposons (22.85% average) while SINEs (0.14% average) were the least represented. This study also compared the TE content of the three whitefly genomes with three other hemipteran genomes and found significantly more DNA transposons and less LINEs in the whitefly genomes. A total of 63 TE superfamilies were identified to be present across the three whitefly species (39 DNA transposons, six LTR, 16 LINE, and two SINE). The sequences of the identified TEs were clustered which generated 5766 TE clusters. A total of 2707 clusters were identified as uniquely found within the whitefly genomes while none of the generated clusters were from both whitefly and non-whitefly TE sequences. This study is the first to characterize TEs found within different B. tabaci species and has created a standardized annotation workflow that could be used to analyze future whitefly genomes. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to characterize the landscape of TEs within the B. tabaci whitefly species complex. The characterization of these elements within the three whitefly genomes shows that TEs occupy significant portions of B. tabaci genomes, with DNA transposons representing the vast majority. This study also identified TE superfamilies and clusters of TE sequences of potential interest, providing essential information, and a framework for future TE studies within this species complex.

Physiol Mol Plant Pathol ; 105: 54-66, 2019 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31007374


In vitro culture offers many advantages for yam germplasm conservation, propagation and international distribution. However, low virus titres in the generated tissues pose a challenge for reliable virus detection, which makes it difficult to ensure that planting material is virus-free. In this study, we evaluated next-generation sequencing (NGS) for virus detection following yam propagation using a robust tissue culture methodology. We detected and assembled the genomes of novel isolates of already characterised viral species of the genera Badnavirus and Potyvirus, confirming the utility of NGS in diagnosing yam viruses and contributing towards the safe distribution of germplasm.