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Natl J Maxillofac Surg ; 15(1): 131-135, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38690244


Context: Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF), or OSMF, is a well-known, potentially premalignant condition of the oral cavity. Monitoring OSMF widespread effects necessitate interventions in at-risk individuals, ideally before the disease becomes aggressive. Ascorbic acid and iron, for instance, are significant micronutrients in the pathogenesis of OSMF. Aims: This study aimed to investigate the significance of ascorbic acid and iron levels in serum and saliva in patients with premalignant disorder (OSMF) and to correlate variations in ascorbic acid and iron levels with histopathological grading. Settings and Design: The present study was conducted on 195 patients over a period of 10 months. Subjects and Methods: These patients were divided into two groups, Group I (n = 88, Control), Group II (n = 107, clinically diagnosed and histopathologically confirmed cases of OSMF). Serum and salivary ascorbic acid were analyzed by the dintrophenyl hydrazine method, whereas serum and salivary iron were analyzed by the dipyridyl method. Statistical Analysis Used: Paired t-test and Fisher test were used to compare between the mean and to find the level of significance P value. Results: The serum and salivary ascorbic acid levels consistently decreased with the progression of histopathological grading of OSMF. Serum and salivary iron levels were also decreased in OSMF patients, and it came as significant. Conclusions: Excess collagen synthesis during OSMF may have been promoted with ascorbic acid and iron. As a reason, serum and salivary monitoring may be significant in detecting and diagnosing OSMF early on.

Natl J Maxillofac Surg ; 13(Suppl 1): S65-S69, 2022 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36393923


Context: The reactive oxygen species such as superoxide radicals (O2 •), hydroxyl radicals (OH•), and hydrogen peroxide play a vital role in the pathogenesis of human cancer development and have become one of the areas of key interest in the field of biochemical analysis. Aims: The present study was designed to determine the significance of oxidative stress and levels of nitric oxide (NO) in patients with premalignant disorders and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), by evaluating the levels of lipid peroxidation products, antioxidants, and NO products. Settings and Design: The present study was conducted on 280 patients for 2 years. These patients were divided into 4 groups, Group I (n = 70, control), Group II (n = 70, oral submucous fibrosis), Group III (n = 70, OSCC), and Group IV (n = 70, OL). Subjects and Methods: The levels of lipid peroxidation products, antioxidants, and NO products were determined by colorimetric methods. Statistical Analysis Used: Paired t-test was used to compare the mean. Results: Lipid peroxidation products such as lipid hydroperoxide and malondialdehyde and NO products such as nitrite (NO2-), nitrate (NO3-), and total nitrite (TNO2-) were significantly elevated, whereas enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants were significantly lowered in OSCC, oral submucous fibrosis, and oral leukoplakia when compared to normal healthy participants. The P values were calculated and came as statistically significant (<0.05). Conclusions: Antioxidant enzyme impairment and NO status may be considered as one of the factors responsible for oral cancer pathogenesis and may serve as a promising biomarker and therapeutic target for minimizing malignant transformation in oral premalignant disorders.

J Family Med Prim Care ; 11(6): 2456-2460, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36119222


Context: In India, the use of social security schemes by the rural population has not been evaluated with much consideration. The awareness of these social security programs plays a vital role in their use. Aims: This research was conducted to evaluate the awareness among the rural population regarding government-initiated social security schemes and to provide recommendations based on the results of the study. Settings and Design: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural health care center. Methods and Material: A sample of 250 individuals in the rural health care center of a dental college was subjected to a questionnaire regarding the awareness of the government-launched social security schemes-Sukanya Samridhi Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, Ayushman Bharat Yojana, and Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. Statistical Analysis Used: The study data were analyzed by Epi Info™ 7 software package. Descriptive statistics were assessed and differences between the two groups were compared using the Chi-square test and the P value of < 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: In the present study, 212 rural people were aware of any one of the recently initiated social security schemes, and the awareness level of these social security schemes was higher in those with age more than 30 years, males, literates, and classes 3 and 4 economic groups of population. Conclusions: The rural population's knowledge of the government's social security schemes is strong, and it is affected by people's age, gender, literacy level, and socioeconomic status.

J Int Soc Prev Community Dent ; 11(4): 382-388, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34430498


AIM: The first communication with a healthcare professional is critical for determining the correct diagnosis, particularly when it comes to patients' description of symptoms. This study aimed at exploring the primary symptoms observed in oral submucous fibrosis patients with non-specific complaints visiting outpatient department and pan shop at Kanpur, India. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was a cross-sectional study involving a two-stage sampling to select clinically diagnosed oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) patients from the outpatient department and pan shop customers (PSCs) at rural healthcare centers. A total of 321 participants were selected based on convenience sampling. Patient demographics, history of relevant habits with a period, and socioeconomic status were all documented. The extent of mouth opening was used to grade OSF cases. Data were analyzed using MedCalc Version 19.7.2 with χ2, Wilcoxon signed-rank, and t-tests used, as appropriate, to calculate P-values. RESULTS: Out of the 184 OSF-OPD patients, only 59 (32.06%) described relevant disease symptoms of OSF: in stage III, 28.5% or stage IV, 38.7%. One hundred and twenty-five patients (67.93%) reported chief complaints (CCs) unrelated to OSF, and all of these cases were diagnosed with an early stage of OSF (stage I: 72.41% and stage II: 61.53%). Out of the total 137 PSCs, 74 PSCs have had prior dental consultations, but only 44 (32.11%) people had sought medical help because of OSF-related CCs. CONCLUSION: A limited number of studies were conducted in this area, particularly in the rural population of central India. Our study found that considerable amount of main complaints from OSF patients was unrelated to their symptoms. There is insufficient knowledge of OSF symptoms among rural population, which further restricts early detection of the disease.