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J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(24): 7922-7928, 2019 Dec 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31794227


The effects of hydrophobic solutes on the structure of the surrounding water have been a topic of debate for almost 70 years. However, a consistent description of the physical insight into the causes of the anomalous thermodynamic properties of alcohol-water mixtures is lacking. Here we report experimental results that combined temperature-dependent linear and femtosecond infrared spectroscopy measurements to explore the water structural transformation in concentrated alcohol-water solutions. Experiments show that the enhancement of water structure arises around microhydrophobic interfaces at room temperature in the solutions. As temperature increases, this ordered water structure disappears and a surface topography-dependent new disordered water structure arises at concentrated solutions of large alcohols. The water structural transformation is dependent on not only the length of the alkyl chain but also the clustering of the alcohols. A more-ordered-than-water structure can transform into a less-ordered-than-water structure.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(47): 23410-23415, 2019 Nov 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31690661


Among natural energy resources, methane clathrate has attracted tremendous attention because of its strong relevance to current energy and environment issues. Yet little is known about how the clathrate starts to nucleate and disintegrate at the molecular level, because such microscopic processes are difficult to probe experimentally. Using surface-specific sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy, we have studied in situ the nucleation and disintegration of methane clathrate embryos at the methane-gas-water interface under high pressure and different temperatures. Before appearance of macroscopic methane clathrate, the interfacial structure undergoes 3 stages as temperature varies, namely, dissolution of methane molecules into water interface, formation of cage-like methane-water complexes, and appearance of microscopic methane clathrate, while the bulk water structure remains unchanged. We find spectral features associated with methane-water complexes emerging in the induction time. The complexes are present over a wide temperature window and act as nuclei for clathrate growth. Their existence in the melt of clathrates explains why melted clathrates can be more readily recrystallized at higher temperature, the so-called "memory effect." Our findings here on the nucleation mechanism of clathrates could provide guidance for rational control of formation and disintegration of clathrates.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 19(6): 4345-4351, 2017 Feb 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28119958


In this report, ultrafast time-resolved infrared spectroscopy is used to study the rotational motion of the liquid ethanol molecule. The results showed that the methyl, methylene, and CO groups have close rotational relaxation times, 1-2 ps, and the rotational relaxation time of the hydroxyl group (-OH) is 8.1 ps. The fast motion of the methyl, methylene and CO groups, and the slow motion of the hydroxyl group suggested that the ethanol molecules experience anisotropic motion in the liquid phase. The slow motion of the hydroxyl group also shows that the hydrogen bonded network could be considered as an effective molecule. The experimental data provided in this report are helpful for theorists to build models to understand the molecular rotational motion of liquid ethanol. Furthermore, our experimental method, which can provide more data concerning the rotational motion of sub groups of liquid molecules, will be useful for understanding the complicated molecular motion in the liquid phase.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 7(18): 3554-9, 2016 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27560477


Rechargeable lithium ion batteries are an attractive alternative power source for a wide variety of applications. To optimize their performances, a complete description of the solvation properties of the ion in the electrolyte is crucial. A comprehensive understanding at the nanoscale of the solvation structure of lithium ions in nonaqueous carbonate electrolytes is, however, still unclear. We have measured by femtosecond vibrational spectroscopy the orientational correlation time of the CO stretching mode of Li(+)-bound and Li(+)-unbound ethylene carbonate molecules, in LiBF4, LiPF6, and LiClO4 ethylene carbonate solutions with different concentrations. Surprisingly, we have found that the coordination number of ethylene carbonate in the first solvation shell of Li(+) is only two, in all solutions with concentrations higher than 0.5 M. Density functional theory calculations indicate that the presence of anions in the first coordination shell modifies the generally accepted tetrahedral structure of the complex, allowing only two EC molecules to coordinate to Li(+) directly. Our results demonstrate for the first time, to the best of our knowledge, the anion influence on the overall structure of the first solvation shell of the Li(+) ion. The formation of such a cation/solvent/anion complex provides a rational explanation for the ionic conductivity drop of lithium/carbonate electrolyte solutions at high concentrations.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 18(22): 14867-73, 2016 06 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27189266


Herein, we discuss the study of solvation dynamics of lithium-succinonitrile (SN) plastic crystalline electrolytes by ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy. The infrared absorption spectra indicated that the CN stretch of the Li(+) bound and unbound succinonitrile molecules in a same solution have distinct vibrational frequencies (2276 cm(-1)vs. 2253 cm(-1)). The frequency difference allowed us to measure the rotation decay times of solvent molecules bound and unbound to Li(+) ion. The Li(+) coordination number of the Li(+)-SN complex was found to be 2 in the plastic crystal phase (22 °C) and 2.5-3 in the liquid phase (80 °C), which is independent of the concentration (from 0.05 mol kg(-1) to 2 mol kg(-1)). The solvation structures along with DFT calculations of the Li(+)-SN complex have been discussed. In addition, the dissociation percentage of lithium salt was also determined. In 0.5 mol kg(-1) LiBF4-SN solutions at 80 °C, 60% ± 10% of the salt dissociates into Li(+), which is bound by 2 or 3 solvent molecules. In the 0.5 mol kg(-1) LiClO4-SN solutions at 80 °C, the salt dissociation ratio can be up to 90% ± 10%.

J Phys Chem B ; 120(12): 3187-95, 2016 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26967376


Isotopic effects on the formation and dissociation kinetics of hydrogen bonds are studied in real time with ultrafast chemical exchange spectroscopy. The dissociation time of hydrogen bond between phenol-OH and p-xylene (or mesitylene) is found to be identical to that between phenol-OD and p-xylene (or mesitylene) in the same solvents. The experimental results demonstrate that the isotope substitution (D for H) has negligible effects on the hydrogen bond kinetics. DFT calculations show that the isotope substitution does not significantly change the frequencies of vibrational modes that may be along the hydrogen bond formation and dissociation coordinate. The zero point energy differences of these modes between hydrogen bonds with OH and OD are too small to affect the activation energy of the hydrogen bond dissociation in a detectible way at room temperature.

J Phys Chem B ; 119(30): 9893-904, 2015 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26135548


In this work, MD simulations with two different force fields, vibrational energy relaxation and resonant energy transfer experiments, and neutron scattering data are used to investigate ion pairing and clustering in a series of GdmSCN aqueous solutions. The MD simulations reproduce the major features of neutron scattering experimental data very well. Although no information about ion pairing or clustering can be obtained from the neutron scattering data, MD calculations clearly demonstrate that substantial amounts of ion pairs and small ion clusters (subnanometers to a few nanometers) do exist in the solutions of concentrations 0.5 M*, 3 M*, and 5 M* (M* denotes mole of GdmSCN per 55.55 mole of water). Vibrational relaxation experiments suggest that significant amounts of ion pairs form in the solutions. Experiments measuring the resonant energy transfers among the thiocyanate anions in the solutions suggest that the ions form clusters and in the clusters the average anion distance is 5.6 Å (5.4 Å) in the 3 M* (5 M*) Gdm-DSCN/D2O solution.

J Phys Chem B ; 118(13): 3689-95, 2014 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24628604


The coordination number of Li(+) in acetonitrile solutions was determined by directly measuring the rotational times of solvent molecules bound and unbound to it. The CN stretch of the Li(+) bound and unbound acetonitrile molecules in the same solution has distinct vibrational frequencies (2276 cm(-1) vs 2254 cm(-1)). The frequency difference allows the rotation of each type of acetonitrile molecule to be determined by monitoring the anisotropy decay of each CN stretch vibrational excitation signal. Regardless of the nature of anions and concentrations, the Li(+) coordination number was found to be 4-6 in the LiBF4 (0.2-2 M) and LiPF6 (1-2 M) acetonitrile solutions. However, the dissociation constants of the salt are dependent on the nature of anions. In 1 M LiBF4 solution, 53% of the salt was found to dissociate into Li(+), which is bound by 4-6 solvent molecules. In 1 M LiPF6 solution, 72% of the salt dissociates. 2D IR experiments show that the binding between Li(+) and acetonitrile is very strong. The lifetime of the complex is much longer than 19 ps.