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J Funct Biomater ; 14(6)2023 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37367282


This prospective study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of decellularized porcine conjunctiva (DPC) in the management of severe symblepharon. Sixteen patients with severe symblepharon were enrolled in this study. After symblepharon lysis and Mitomycin C (MMC) application, tarsus defects were covered with residual autologous conjunctiva (AC), autologous oral mucosa (AOM), or DPC throughout the fornix, and DPC was used for all the exposed sclera. The outcomes were classified as complete success, partial success, or failure. Six symblepharon patients had chemical burns and ten had thermal burns. Tarsus defects were covered with DPC, AC, and AOM in two, three, and eleven cases, respectively. After an average follow-up of 20.0 ± 6 months, the anatomical outcomes observed were complete successes in twelve (three with AC+DPC, four with AC+AOM+DPC, and five with AOM+DPC) (75%) cases, partial successes in three (one with AOM+DPC and two with DPC+DPC) (18.75%) cases, and failure in one (with AOM+DPC) (6.25%) case. Before surgery, the depth of the narrowest part of the conjunctival sac was 0.59 ± 0.76 mm (range, 0-2 mm), tear fluid quantity (Schirmer II tests) was 12.5 ± 2.26 mm (range, 10-16 mm), and the distance of the eye rotation toward the opposite direction of the symblepharon was 3.75 ± 1.39 mm (range, 2-7 mm). The fornix depths increased to 7.53 ± 1.64 mm (range, 3-9 mm), eye movement was significantly improved, and the distance of eye movement reaching 6.56 ± 1.24 mm (range, 4-8 mm) 1 month after the operation; the postoperative Schirmer II test (12.06 ± 2.90 mm, range, 6-17 mm) was similar to that before surgery. Goblet cells were finally found in fifteen patients by conjunctival impression cytology in the transplantation area of DPC, except for one patient who failed. DPC could be considered an alternative for ocular surface reconstruction of severe symblepharon. Covering tarsal defects with autologous mucosa is necessary for extensive reconstruction of the ocular surface.

Front Med (Lausanne) ; 8: 697264, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34552942


The study aims to evaluate the effect of allogeneic cultivated limbal epithelial cell sheet transplantation (CLET) in reconstructing conjunctival sac for severe symblepharon after chemical and thermal burns. A retrospective, non-comparative case series. Thirty-six eyes (36 patients) underwent CLET for severe symblepharon and conjunctival sac stenosis or atresia. Symblepharon was separated, and pseudopterygium was preserved to replace the palpebral conjunctiva. Allogeneic cultivated limbal epithelial cell sheet using human amniotic membrane as a carrier was transplanted into the recipient's eye to reconstruct the conjunctival sac. The effect of conjunctival sac reconstruction, eye and eyelid movement, ocular surface restitution, and symblepharon recurrence were analyzed after surgery. Symblepharon was completely relieved in 30 of the 36 eyes (83.3%) by a single surgical procedure, with fornix reconstruction, as well as free movement of eye globe and eyelids. Strip-like symblepharon remained in 6 eyes (16.7%) and was completely relieved after the second CLET. Twenty patients without visual function received prostheses 3 months after surgery and the other sixteen patients underwent different corneal transplantation for visual acuity improvement. During the follow-up period, no one had symblepharon recurrence. The transplantation of cultivated allogeneic limbal epithelial sheets offers an effective and safe alternative in the treatment of symblepharon and reconstruction of conjunctival sac in eyes with severe ocular burns, which lays the foundation for subsequent treatments.