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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(5): 3129-3143, 2022 Feb 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35040858


We consider the main aspects of detailed dynamics of the reactions of direct three-body ion-ion recombination Cs+ + X- + R → CsX + R (X- = F-, I- and R = Ar, Xe) for non-central encounters of the ions. The reactions are simulated by the quasiclassical trajectory method using diabatic semiempirical potential energy surfaces proposed previously. The recombination mechanisms are studied via visualization of randomly selected trajectories for each of the four systems. Comparison of trajectories for different systems with identical sets of initial conditions is carried out. For most of the presented trajectories, the ion encounter energy and the third body energy are equal to 1 eV. The characteristic function of recombination is defined, this function depends on 13 arguments including eight kinematic parameters. It is shown that the transfer of excess energy from the ion pair to the neutral atom can occur, in particular, via an encounter of the R atom with the Cs+ ion, via an encounter of the R atom with the X- ion, or via successive encounters of the R atom with both the ions, as well as via an "insertion" of the R atom between the ions.

Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 23(13): 7783-7798, 2021 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33047746


The direct three-body recombination reactions Cs+ + X- + R → CsX + R (X = F, I and R = Ar, Xe) are studied within the quasiclassical trajectory method using diabatic semiempirical potential energy surfaces, the encounters of the ions being non-central. The collision energies range between 1 and 10 eV (values typical for low temperature plasma), while the so-called delay parameter, which characterizes the delay in the arrival of the neutral atom R in relation to the time instant when the distance between the ions attains its minimum, is equal to 0 or 20%. The calculation results include the recombination excitation functions, the opacity functions, and the vibrational and rotational energy distributions of the recombination products. All the four reactions considered exhibit similar overall statistical dynamics, but each process has its own features. On the whole, for both the recombining pairs Cs+ + F- and Cs+ + I-, xenon is more effective than argon as an acceptor of excess energy from the ion pair. The rotational energy distributions of the salt molecules CsF and CsI are almost equilibrium, whereas the vibrational energy distributions are strongly non-equilibrium.

J Phys Chem A ; 115(25): 7055-64, 2011 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21557593


Despite the ubiquity of recombination processes in nature and various technologies, presently little is known about the dynamics of these processes. This article reports on a quasi-classical trajectory study of the dynamics of the direct three-body recombination of Cs(+) and Br(-) ions in the presence of a Xe atom at energies of the ion encounter and that of the third body ranging from 0.2 to 10 eV. Several dynamical mechanisms of stabilization of the recombining ion pair have been found. Head-on ion encounters are characterized by two mechanisms of removing the energy from the recombining pair. In the case of nonzero impact parameters of ion encounters, the dynamics leading to the stabilization of the nascent CsBr molecule becomes much more complicated and three new mechanisms appear. They depend mainly on the energy of the ion encounter, on the energy of the collision of the ion pair with the third body, and on the impact parameter of the ion encounter and the impact parameter of the third body. The common feature of all the three mechanisms is the transfer of a fraction of the rotational energy of the recombining pair to the third body. This transfer plays a key role in the stabilization of the molecule. The dynamical peculiarities observed are expected to be common for the recombination of the charged and neutral particles.

J Chem Phys ; 133(6): 064505, 2010 Aug 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20707573


The quantum theorem of corresponding states is applied to N=13 and N=26 cold quantum fluid clusters to establish where para-hydrogen clusters lie in relation to more and less quantum delocalized systems. Path integral Monte Carlo calculations of the energies, densities, radial and pair distributions, and superfluid fractions are reported at T=0.5 K for a Lennard-Jones (LJ) (12,6) potential using six different de Boer parameters including the accepted value for hydrogen. The results indicate that the hydrogen clusters are on the borderline to being a nonsuperfluid solid but that the molecules are sufficiently delocalized to be superfluid. A general phase diagram for the total and kinetic energies of LJ (12,6) clusters encompassing all sizes from N=2 to N=infinity and for the entire range of de Boer parameters is presented. Finally the limiting de Boer parameters for quantum delocalization induced unbinding ("quantum unbinding") are estimated and the new results are found to agree with previous calculations for the bulk and smaller clusters.

J Chem Phys ; 122(13): 134314, 2005 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15847472


High resolution HF product time-of-flight spectra measured for the reactive scattering of F atoms from n-H2(p-H2) molecules at collision energies between 69 and 81 meV are compared with exact coupled-channel quantum mechanical calculations based on the Stark-Werner ab initio ground state potential energy surface. Excellent agreement between the experimental and computed rotational distributions is found for the HF product vibrational states v'=1 and v'=2. For the v'=3 vibrational state the agreement, however, is less satisfactory, especially for the reaction with p-H2. The results for v'=1 and v'=2 confirm that the reaction dynamics for these product states is accurately described by the ground electronic state 1 (2)A' potential energy surface. The deviations for HF(v'=3, j' > or =2) are attributed to an enhancement of the reaction resulting from the 25% fraction of excited ((2)P(12)) fluorine atoms in the reactant beam.

J Chem Phys ; 122(7): 074322, 2005 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15743247


It is shown that in hard sphere (impulsive) collisions of atoms with diatomic molecules, complete conversion of the collision energy into the internal energy of the diatomic partner is possible for any number of impacts between the elastic balls representing the particles. The corresponding collision geometries and relations between the masses of the particles are described in detail.

J Chem Phys ; 121(12): 5579-89, 2004 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15366980


Rigorous definitions are presented for the kinematic angular momentum K of a system of classical particles (a concept dual to the conventional angular momentum J), the angular momentum L(xi) associated with the moments of inertia, and the contributions to the total kinetic energy of the system from various modes of the motion of the particles. Some key properties of these quantities are described-in particular, their invariance under any orthogonal coordinate transformation and the inequalities they are subject to. The main mathematical tool exploited is the singular value decomposition of rectangular matrices and its differentiation with respect to a parameter. The quantities introduced employ as ingredients particle coordinates and momenta, commonly available in classical trajectory studies of chemical reactions and in molecular dynamics simulations, and thus are of prospective use as sensitive and immediately calculated indicators of phase transitions, isomerizations, onsets of chaotic behavior, and other dynamical critical phenomena in classical microaggregates, such as nanoscale clusters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(11): 113402, 2004 Sep 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15447338


A phase-space approach is proposed for molecular dynamics simulations, which serve as a bridge between detailed descriptions of microscopic world and macroscopic properties of matter. The introduction-aside from the angular momentum of spatial rotations-of other "hyperangular" momenta (the overall grand angular momentum of a cluster of particles and those describing the deformation and rearrangement modes) permits one to analyze different degrees of freedom and to extract, from simulation data, a kinetic energy partition in terms of phase-space invariants. Model calculations illustrate how these provide specific signatures of critical behavior, such as energy thresholds for openings of chaotic pathways in small clusters and for phase transitions in nanoaggregates.

J Chem Phys ; 120(2): 800-12, 2004 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15267916


The connection between the salient features of the potential energy surface (PES) and the dynamical characteristics of the elementary collision process is studied using a correlation approach based on quasiclassical trajectory simulations. The method is demonstrated for the reaction F + D2 --> D + DF for which the scattering characteristics were calculated on a model family of PES's based on a London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato-type five-parameter equation. The correlations between the reactive cross section and the vibrational and rotational quantum numbers and the scattering angle of the DF product, and the various parameters of the collinear and noncollinear PES's, such as the location and height of the minimal barrier and the Sato coefficients, are reported. Although usually correlations between two variables suffice, in some cases coefficients of correlation among three variables are required. The role of nonlinear parameter dependencies in computing the correlation coefficients is also considered. The correlation approach makes it possible to examine a large set of potential surfaces without intermediate human control and obtain quantitative information.