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Rev. andal. med. deporte ; 15(3): 114-126, Sep. 2022. tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-209913


Introducción: La restricción del flujo sanguíneo (RFS) es un complemento al entrenamiento tradicional con efectos sobre fuerza e hipertrofia. Sus efectostodavía no están claros, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión acerca de los efectos perceptuales del RFS durante diferentesprogramas de ejercicio. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed, Medline, Cinahl, Cochrane, Web of Science, Dialnet y PEDro. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos en los quese usaba RFS en un programa de ejercicio y se estudiaban variables perceptuales (dolor, fatiga, disconfort, esfuerzo percibido). La calidad metodológicade los estudios se evaluó a través de la escala PEDro. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 24 ensayos que usaron RFS en miembro inferior durante programas de ejercicios resistidos, aeróbico-anaeróbicos, demiembro superior, concéntricos o excéntricos. Conclusiones: La RFS puede tener efectos perceptuales sobre diferentes programas de ejercicio, aunque éstos están altamente determinados por el estrésfisiológico del programa.(AU)

Introduction: Restriction of blood flow (RFS) is an adjunct to traditional training with effects on strength and hypertrophy. Its effects are still unclear, sothe aim of this paper is to review the perceptual effects of RFS during different exercise programmes. Methods: We searched PubMed, Medline, Cinahl, Cochrane, Web of Science, Dialnet and PEDro. Clinical trials were included in which RFS was used in anexercise programme and perceptual variables (pain, fatigue, discomfort, perceived exertion) were studied. The methodological quality of the studies wasassessed using the PEDro scale. Results: 24 trials using RFS on lower limb during resisted, aerobic-anaerobic, upper limb, concentric or eccentric exercise programmes were selected.Conclusions: RFS may have perceptual effects on different exercise programmes, although these are highly determined by the physiological stress of theprogramme.(AU)

Introdução: A restrição do fluxo sanguíneo (RFS) é um complemento ao treino tradicional com efeitos sobre a força e a hipertrofia. Os seus efeitos aindanão são claros, pelo que o objectivo deste documento é rever os efeitos perceptuais das RFS durante diferentes programas de exercício. Método: Pesquisámos PubMed, Medline, Cinahl, Cochrane, Web of Science, Dialnet e PEDro. Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos em que a RFS foi utilizadanum programa de exercícios e foram estudadas variáveis perceptuais (dor, fadiga, desconforto, percepção de esforço). A qualidade metodológica dosestudos foi avaliada utilizando a escala PEDro. Resultados: 24 ensaios utilizando RFS em membros inferiores durante programas de exercícios resistidos, aeróbico-anaeróbicos, de membros superiores,concêntricos ou excêntricos foram seleccionados. Conclusões: As RFS podem ter efeitos perceptuais em diferentes programas de exercício, embora estes sejam altamente determinados pelo stressfisiológico do programa.(AU)

Humanos , Flujo Sanguíneo Regional , Hipertrofia , Fuerza Muscular , Entrenamiento de Fuerza , Ejercicio Físico , Tratamiento Anaerobio , Anaerobiosis , Fatiga , Dolor , Bases de Datos Bibliográficas , PubMed , Medicina Deportiva , Pierna/fisiología , Rodilla/fisiología
Anal Chim Acta ; 1209: 339003, 2022 May 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35569840


The 2020s could be called, with little doubt, the "Mars decade". No other period in space exploration history has experienced such interest in placing orbiters, rovers and landers on the Red Planet. In 2021 alone, the Emirates' first Mars Mission (the Hope orbiter), the Chinese Tianwen-1 mission (orbiter, lander and rover), and NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover reached Mars. The ExoMars mission Rosalind Franklin rover is scheduled for launch in 2022. Beyond that, several other missions are proposed or under development. Among these, MMX to Phobos and the very important Mars Sample Return can be cited. One of the key mission objectives of the Mars 2020 and ExoMars 2022 missions is the detection of traces of potential past or present life. This detection relies to a great extent on the analytical results provided by complementary spectroscopic techniques. The development of these novel instruments has been carried out in step with the analytical study of terrestrial analogue sites and materials, which serve to test the scientific capabilities of spectroscopic prototypes while providing crucial information to better understand the geological processes that could have occurred on Mars. Being directly involved in the development of three of the first Raman spectrometers to be validated for space exploration missions (Mars 2020/SuperCam, ExoMars/RLS and RAX/MMX), the present review summarizes some of the most relevant spectroscopy-based analyses of terrestrial analogues carried out over the past two decades. Therefore, the present work describes the analytical results gathered from the study of some of the most distinctive terrestrial analogues of Martian geological contexts, as well as the lessons learned mainly from ExoMars mission simulations conducted at representative analogue sites. Learning from the experience gained in the described studies, a general overview of the scientific outcome expected from the spectroscopic system developed for current and forthcoming planetary missions is provided.

Marte , Vuelo Espacial , Medio Ambiente Extraterrestre/química , Espectrometría Raman/métodos
Sci Rep ; 11(1): 1461, 2021 01 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33446849


In this work, the analytical research performed by the Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) team during the ExoFiT trial is presented. During this test, an emulator of the Rosalind Franklin rover was remotely operated at the Atacama Desert in a Mars-like sequence of scientific operations that ended with the collection and the analysis of two drilled cores. The in-situ Raman characterization of the samples was performed through a portable technology demonstrator of RLS (RAD1 system). The results were later complemented in the laboratory using a bench top RLS operation simulator and a X-Ray diffractometer (XRD). By simulating the operational and analytical constraints of the ExoMars mission, the two RLS representative instruments effectively disclosed the mineralogical composition of the drilled cores (k-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, muscovite and rutile as main components), reaching the detection of minor phases (e.g., additional phyllosilicate and calcite) whose concentration was below the detection limit of XRD. Furthermore, Raman systems detected many organic functional groups (-C≡N, -NH2 and C-(NO2)), suggesting the presence of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in the samples. The Raman detection of organic material in the subsurface of a Martian analogue site presenting representative environmental conditions (high UV radiation, extreme aridity), supports the idea that the RLS could play a key role in the fulfilment of the ExoMars main mission objective: to search for signs of life on Mars.

Metas enferm ; 18(2): 27-32, mar. 2015. graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-134145


OBJETIVO: identificar y realizar una comparativa entre las expectativas profesionales de los enfermeros internos residentes de primer año de la Especialidad de Enfermería Pediátrica y la realidad a la que se enfrenta la primera promoción de estos especialistas formados en los hospitales de Andalucía. METODOLOGÍA: estudio descriptivo realizado en los hospitales con plazas acreditadas para impartir la Especialidad de Enfermería Pediátrica en Andalucía. La población de estudio la constituyeron dos grupos formados por residentes que cursaban su primer curso de la especialidad de Enfermería Pediátrica en el año2013 y por especialistas de Enfermería Pediátrica que habían finalizado su formación en ese mismo año. Para recoger la información se elaboraron dos cuestionarios validados por un comité de expertos: al grupo de residentes se les preguntó por las expectativas que tenían sobre su futura especialización y al grupo de especialistas recién terminados se les interrogó sobre la realizada la que se enfrentaron una vez finalizó su periodo formativo y se reincorporaron al mundo laboral. RESULTADOS: se enviaron un total de 44 cuestionarios: 33 al grupo de residentes de primer curso y 11 al de enfermeros especialistas. Se recogieron 23 valoraciones, 16 de los cuales eran de residentes de primer año y los otros siete de especialistas, suponiendo una participación del 48% para el primer grupo y del 63%para el segundo. El 85,7% de los especialistas en Pediatría se encuentra empleado en el momento del estudio, de los cuales, el71,4% trabaja en el área pediátrica. El 100% de los especialistas se siente preparado para trabajar de manera autónoma tras acabar su formación. La mayor diferencia en la comparativa entre ambos grupos es el reconocimiento que el resto de de profesionales tienen de los especialistas, siendo solo de un 28% frente a la expectativa del 57% de los residentes. CONCLUSIONES: la oportunidad de trabajo de los especialistas es esperanzadora, ya que sí se valora su formación por parte de los organismos de contratación, sobre todo en la sanidad pública. Sin embargo, la percepción de los especialistas fue que los usuarios (en este caso los familiares de los niños atendidos) y los propios profesionales no especialistas aún no les reconocen en su totalidad la competencia como profesionales expertos en Enfermería Pediátrica

OBJECTIVE: to identify and conduct a comparison between the professional expectations of Internal Resident Nurses in their first year of the Paediatric Nursing Specialty, and the reality faced by the first class of students who have completed this specialty training in Andalusian hospitals. METHODOLOGY: a descriptive study conducted in hospitals with authorized posts to teach the Paediatric Nursing Specialty in Andalusia. The study population was formed by two groups of residents in their first year of the Paediatric Nursing Specialty in2013, and Paediatric Nursing specialists who had completed their training on the same year. In order to collect the information, two questionnaires were prepared and validated by an expert committee; the group of residents was asked about their expectations regarding their future specialization, and the group of specialists who had recently completed their training was asked about the reality they had faced once they had completed their training period and had returned to their work activities. RESULTS: in total, 44 questionnaires were sent: 33 to the group of first year residents, and 11 to the group of specialist nurses.23 evaluations were collected, 16 from first year residents, and7 from specialists, which represented a 48% participation by the first group and 63% by the second group. 85.7% of the Paediatric Specialists were working at the time of the study; and out of these, 71.4% were working in the Paediatric area.100% of specialists feel they are prepared to work independently after completing their training. The major difference in the comparison between both groups was the acknowledgement of these specialists by the rest of professionals, which only reached 28% vs. the 57% expectations by residents. CONCLUSIONS: working opportunities for these specialists is promising, because their training is valued by the recruitment institutions, mostly by the National Health System. However, the perception by specialists was that users (in this case, the relatives of treated children), and non-specialist professionals still don't acknowledge completely their competence as expert professionals in Paediatric Nursing

Humanos , Enfermería Pediátrica/tendencias , Especialización/tendencias , Estudiantes de Enfermería/estadística & datos numéricos , Internado no Médico/tendencias , Selección de Profesión , Empleos Relacionados con Salud/tendencias , Recolección de Datos/métodos
J Liposome Res ; 13(2): 131-45, 2003 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12855108


An investigation on the dependence of electrophoretic mobilities of unilamellar vesicles of phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol-phosphatidylinositol (PC-Chol-PI) on the concentration of several cations with variations in the relation charge/radius in the range Na+, K+, Cs+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Al3+, and La3+ has been realized. Plots of zeta potential against ion concentration exhibit a maximum for all the cations under study, the position of the maximum is greatly affected by the charge of the ion. From the feature of these plots two phenomenon were observed: an initial binding of cations into the slipping plane for ion concentration below the maximum and a phenomenon of vesicle association for concentration above the maximum. To confirm these observations measurements on dynamic light scattering were performed to obtain the corresponding size distribution of the liposomes at different ion concentrations. Finally the ability of the Stern isotherm to describe the adsorption of the cations to vesicles was tested by two methods. The two main parameters of the theory: the total number of adsorption sites per unit area, N1, and the equilibrium constant, K; (and consequently the free energy of adsorption, deltaG0ads) were calculated for the different ions, showing good agreement. The equilibrium constants of adsorption have been found to obey a linear relationship with ion radius the slope of which decreases with the ion charge.

Cationes/química , Liposomas/química , Colesterol , Electroforesis , Matemática , Fosfatidilcolinas , Fosfatidilinositoles , Soluciones , Termodinámica , Agua