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J Fungi (Basel) ; 9(2)2023 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36836297


The South China Botanical Garden (SCBG), one of the largest and oldest botanical gardens in China, conserves important plant germplasms of endangered species. Therefore, ensuring tree health and studying the associated mycobiome of the phyllosphere is essential to maintaining its visual aesthetics. During a survey of plant-associated microfungal species in SCBG, we collected several coelomycetous taxa. Phylogenetic relationships were evaluated based on the analyses of ITS, LSU, RPB2, and ß-tubulin loci. The morphological features of the new collections were compared with those of existing species, emphasizing close phylogenetic affinities. Based on the morphological comparisons and multi-locus phylogeny, we introduce three new species. These are Ectophoma phoenicis sp. nov., Remotididymella fici-microcarpae sp. nov., and Stagonosporopsis pedicularis-striatae sp. nov. In addition, we describe a new host record for Allophoma tropica in the Didymellaceae. Detailed descriptions and illustrations are provided along with notes comparing allied species.

MycoKeys ; 79: 173-192, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33958954


Collections of fungal samples from two dead leaf specimens from Italy were subjected to morphological examination and phylogenetic analyses. Two coelomycetous taxa belonging to two different genera in Xylariomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, namely Discosia and Sporocadus, were identified. The Discosia taxon is revealed as a new species and is herein introduced as Discosia ravennica sp. nov. while the Sporocadus taxon is identified as Sporocadus rosigena. Multi-locus phylogeny based on DNA sequence data of the large subunit (LSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal genes, ß-tubulin (ß-tub) and RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) showed that D. ravennica is related to D. neofraxinea but it forms an independent lineage that supports its new species status. The new taxon also differs from other Discosia species by its unilocular to bilocular, superficial and applanate conidiomata with basal stroma composed of cells of textura angularis, elongate-ampulliform conidiogenous cells and conidia smaller in size. Sporocadus rosigena is here reported as a new host record from Quercus ilex from Italy. Descriptions, illustrations and molecular data for both species are provided in this paper.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 602773, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33381097


A survey of bambusicolous fungi in Bijiashan Mountain Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, revealed several Arthrinium-like taxa from dead sheaths, twigs, and clumps of Bambusa species. Phylogenetic relationships were investigated based on morphology and combined analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), large subunit nuclear ribosomal DNA (LSU), beta tubulin (ß-tubulin), and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef 1-α) gene sequences. Based on morphological characteristics and phylogenetic data, Arthrinium acutiapicum sp. nov. and Arthrinium pseudorasikravindrae sp. nov. are introduced herein with descriptions and illustrations. Additionally, two new locality records of Arthrinium bambusae and Arthrinium guizhouense are described and illustrated.

MycoKeys ; (38): 35-46, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30123029


Sulcispora is typified by S.pleurospora. We collected a sulcispora-like taxon on leaves of Anthoxanthumodoratum L. in Italy and obtained single ascospore isolates. Combined ITS, LSU, SSU and tef1 sequence analyses suggested that Sulcispora is placed in the family Phaeosphaeriaceae and a newly collected Sulcispora species is introduced here as S.supratumida sp. nov. Detailed descriptions and illustrations are provided for Sulcisporasupratumida and it is compared with the type species, S.pleurospora.

IMA Fungus ; 7(1): 131-53, 2016 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27433444


With the advance to one scientific name for each fungal species, the generic names in the class Sordariomycetes typified by sexual and asexual morphs are evaluated based on their type species to determine if they compete with each other for use or protection. Recommendations are made for which of the competing generic names should be used based on criteria such as priority, number of potential names changes, and frequency of use. Some recommendations for well-known genera include Arthrinium over Apiospora, Colletotrichum over Glomerella, Menispora over Zignoëlla, Microdochium over Monographella, Nigrospora over Khuskia, and Plectosphaerella over Plectosporium. All competing generic names are listed in a table of recommended names along with the required action. If priority is not accorded to sexually typified generic names after 2017, only four names would require formal protection: Chaetosphaerella over Oedemium, Diatrype over Libertella, Microdochium over Monographella, and Phaeoacremonium over Romellia and Togninia. Concerning species in the recommended genera, one replacement name (Xylaria benjaminii nom. nov.) is introduced, and the following new combinations are made: Arthrinium sinense, Chloridium caesium, C. chloroconium, C. gonytrichii, Corollospora marina, C. parvula, C. ramulosa, Juncigena fruticosae, Melanospora simplex, Seimatosporium massarina, Sporoschisma daemonoropis, S. taitense, Torpedospora mangrovei, Xylaria penicilliopsis, and X. termiticola combs. nov.