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Opt Lett ; 22(13): 994-6, 1997 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18185730


We have developed an all-solid-state master-oscillator-power-amplifier system employing Ce:LiCAF, a new degradation-free tunable ultraviolet laser medium pumped by the fourth harmonic of conventional 10-ns Q -switched Nd:YAG lasers. The low- Q , short-cavity Ce:LiCAF master oscillator produced a satellite-free 1-ns pulse under appropriate pumping-fluence control. 18% energy extraction with sufficient gain was achieved in a single-stage, confocal, double-pass amplifier. As a result, 289-nm, 1-ns, 14-mJ pulses were efficiently obtained from this simple laser system.

Opt Lett ; 20(3): 294-6, 1995 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19859165


Ce(3+):LuLiF(4) is shown to have a broad gain spectrum, which is attractive for short-pulse applications. A large small-signal gain over 6 dB/cm and a sufficiently large saturation fluence of 50 mJ/cm(2) were observed for 10-ns probe pulses under KrF excimer laser pumping. In a confocal four-pass configuration, 17-dB amplification was demonstrated for 325-nm picosecond pulses, and 20-dB gain was demonstrated for cw laser light.

Opt Lett ; 20(6): 599-601, 1995 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19859268


We propose a passive self-injection-seeding scheme for the generation of short-pulse trains from various pulsed lasers. In this scheme a single subnanosecond pulse is generated from a short-cavity seeding laser. The pulse is then returned to the same gain medium and amplified regeneratively until the gain is quenched completely. Cw operation capability or an external short-pulse seeding laser is not required for generation of short-pulse trains. Based on this simple scheme an ultraviolet subnanosecond pulse train is directly and passively generated from a solid-state laser medium (Ce(3+):LuLiF(4)) pumped by a standard 10-ns laser.

Opt Lett ; 19(7): 499-501, 1994 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19844353


The laser-induced fluorescence spectrum of LiLuF(4):Pr(3+) single crystals, pumped by an F(2) pulsed-discharge molecular laser at 157 nm, was obtained in the VUV and UV regions of the spectrum at room temperature. A number of new fluorescence peaks were observed for the first time to our knowledge. They were assigned to the dipole-allowed transitions 4f5d ? 4f(2) of Pr(3+) ion. In addition, the absorption spectrum of the crystal samples was recorded. The positions of the bands with the 4f5d configuration were found to be 46 412, 53 267, and 63 397 cm(-1) from the ground state, (3)H(4), of the Pr(3+) ion. The edge (onset) of the 4f5d bands was at 45 100 cm(-1).

Appl Opt ; 31(21): 4158-60, 1992 Jul 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20725395


The results of preliminary spectroscopic studies of new fluoride single-crystal CsY(2)F(7) that is activated by Nd(3+) ions are given. Direct evidence for the possibility of application of this ordered material as a laser host is given for the first time to our knowledge. Stimulated emission of Nd(3+) ions on the main intermultiplet transition is obtained under both nonselective flash-lamp pumping conditions and continuous Ar ion laser pumping conditions.