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Sci Total Environ ; 750: 142320, 2021 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33182187


Development along Florida's coastal waterways has led to significant degradation in water quality over time. Numerous sources have contributed to increased nutrient loads in surface waters. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) pollution from urban fertilizer use has been addressed at the state, county, and municipality level yet the success of these efforts is rarely evaluated. This study aimed to validate these efforts by assessing the source and concentration of nutrients from surface water associated with waterfront homes with or without Florida Friendly Landscaping™, a nonstructural best management practice. The objectives were: to compare nutrient concentrations in runoff from differing landscape designs; compare the NO3- isotopic signature to that of known N sources; and evaluate the impact of a fertilizer ordinance blackout that is in effect during the wet season. Results from the study indicate no statistical reduction in the nutrient concentration of lawn runoff from either landscape design or the implementation of a fertilizer blackout ordinance. Results show that the sources of N in home landscapes are highly variable and cannot be solely attributed to fertilizer sources and highlight the influence of atmospheric depositions and soil nutrient pools which contribute 53-65% of the nitrate in lawn runoff. Nutrient management strategies need to address multiple sources of urban nutrients and mitigation efforts will not be immediate.