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PLoS One ; 18(5): e0285751, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37172054


Calanus finmarchicus is one of the most important zooplankton species in the North Atlantic. The zooplankton is currently being harvested and industrially processed to a marine oil product for human consumption as a marine nutraceutical containing long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This oil is very rich in wax esters, a lipid class where fatty acids are esterified to long chain fatty alcohols. In this paper we describe a simple method to 1) isolate the wax esters from the other lipid classes present in the oil, 2) hydrolyze the wax esters, and 3) separate the fatty acids from the fatty alcohol, all by means of solid phase extraction. Starting with an average of 322 mg Calanus oil, we obtained 75 mg fatty alcohols and 63 mg fatty acids. Contrary to previously described techniques, our method neither oxidize the fatty alcohols to fatty acids, nor are the fatty acids methylated, allowing the native, unesterified fatty acids and fatty alcohols to be used for further studies, such as in cell culture experiments to study the metabolic effects of these specific lipid fractions rather than the intact oil or wax esters.

Ácidos Grasos Omega-3 , Ácidos Grasos , Animales , Humanos , Ácidos Grasos/metabolismo , Alcoholes Grasos , Ceras/metabolismo , Ésteres/metabolismo , Zooplancton/metabolismo
Front Pharmacol ; 11: 961, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32676029


The consumption of seafood and the use of fish oil for the production of nutraceuticals and fish feed have increased over the past decades due the high content of long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. This increase has put pressure on the sustainability of fisheries. One way to overcome the limited supply of fish oil is to harvest lower in the marine food web. Calanus finmarchicus, feeding on phytoplankton, is a small copepod constituting a considerable biomass in the North Atlantic and is a novel source of omega-3 fatty acids. The oil is, however, different from other commercial marine oils in terms of chemistry and, possibly, bioactivity since it contains wax esters. Wax esters are fatty acids that are esterified with alcohols. In addition to the long-chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the oil is also rich in stearidonic acid (SDA), long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids, and the long-chain fatty alcohols eicosenol and docosenol. Recent animal studies have indicated anti-inflammatory and anti-obesogenic actions of this copepod oil beyond that provided by EPA and DHA. This review will discuss potential mechanisms behind these beneficial effects of the oil, focusing on the impact of the various components of the oil. The health effects of EPA and DHA are well recognized, whereas long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids and long-chain fatty alcohols have to a large degree been overlooked in relation to human health. Recently, however the fatty alcohols have received interest as potential targets for improved health via conversion to their corresponding fatty acids. Together, the different lipid components of the oil from C. finmarchicus may have potential as nutraceuticals for reducing obesity and obesity-related metabolic disorders.