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Phys Rev E ; 104(4-1): 044204, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34781571


The passive estimation of impulse responses from ambient noise correlations arouses increasing interest in seismology, acoustics, optics, and electromagnetism. Assuming the equipartition of the noise field, the cross-correlation function measured with noninvasive receiving probes converges towards the difference of the causal and anticausal Green's functions. Here, we consider the case when the receiving field probes are antennas which are well coupled to a complex medium-a scenario of practical relevance in electromagnetism. We propose a general approach based on the scattering matrix formalism to explore the convergence of the cross-correlation function. The analytically derived theoretical results for chaotic systems are confirmed in microwave measurements within a mode-stirred reverberation chamber. This study provides fundamental insight into the Green's function retrieval technique and paves the way for a new technique to characterize electromagnetic antennas.

Phys Rev E ; 102(1-1): 010201, 2020 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32795053


We consider the efficiency of multiplexing spatially encoded information across random configurations of a metasurface-programmable chaotic cavity in the microwave domain. The distribution of the effective rank of the channel matrix is studied to quantify the channel diversity and to assess a specific system's performance. System-specific features such as unstirred field components give rise to nontrivial interchannel correlations and need to be properly accounted for in modeling based on random matrix theory. To address this challenge, we propose a two-step hybrid approach. Based on an ensemble of experimentally measured scattering matrices for different random metasurface configurations, we first learn a system-specific pair of coupling matrix and unstirred contribution to the Hamiltonian, and then add an appropriately weighted stirred contribution. We verify that our method is capable of reproducing the experimentally found distribution of the effective rank with good accuracy. The approach can also be applied to other wave phenomena in complex media.

Phys Rev E ; 97(6-1): 062202, 2018 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30011483


A transmission amplitude is considered for quantum or wave transport mediated by a single resonance coupled to the background of many chaotic states. Such a model provides a useful approach to quantify fluctuations in an established signal induced by a complex environment. Applying random matrix theory to the problem, we derive an exact result for the joint distribution of the transmission intensity (envelope) and the transmission phase at arbitrary coupling to the background with finite absorption. The intensity and phase are distributed within a certain region, revealing essential correlations even at strong absorption. In the latter limit, we obtain a simple asymptotic expression that provides a uniformly good approximation of the exact distribution within its whole support, thus going beyond the Rician distribution often used for such purposes. Exact results are also derived for the marginal distribution of the phase, including its limiting forms at weak and strong absorption.

Phys Rev E ; 96(3-1): 032221, 2017 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29346952


In various situations where wave transport is preeminent, like in wireless communication, a strong established transmission is present in a complex scattering environment. We develop a nonperturbative approach to describe emerging fluctuations which combines a transmitting channel and a chaotic background in a unified effective Hamiltonian. Modeling such a background by random matrix theory, we derive exact results for both transmission and reflection distributions at arbitrary absorption that is typically present in real systems. Remarkably, in such a complex scattering situation, the transport is governed by only two parameters: an absorption rate and the ratio of the so-called spreading width to the natural width of the transmission line. In particular, we find that the established transmission disappears sharply when this ratio exceeds unity. The approach exemplifies the role of the chaotic background in dephasing the deterministic scattering.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26172770


We study the dynamics of two conservatively coupled Hénon maps at different levels of dissipation. It is shown that the decrease of dissipation leads to changes in the structure of the parameter plane and the scenarios of transition to chaos compared to the case of infinitely strong dissipation. Particularly, the Feigenbaum line becomes divided into several fragments. Some of these fragments have critical points of different types, namely, of C and H type, as their terminal points. Also the mechanisms of formation of these Feigenbaum line ruptures are described.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(18): 184101, 2012 May 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22681079


We consider an open (scattering) quantum system under the action of a perturbation of its closed counterpart. It is demonstrated that the resulting shift of resonance widths is a sensitive indicator of the nonorthogonality of resonance wave functions, being zero only if those were orthogonal. Focusing further on chaotic systems, we employ random matrix theory to introduce a new type of parametric statistics in open systems and derive the distribution of the resonance width shifts in the regime of weak coupling to the continuum.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 80(4 Pt 2): 046203, 2009 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19905411


We investigate the statistical properties of the complexness parameter which characterizes uniquely complexness (nonorthogonality) of resonance eigenstates of open chaotic systems. Specifying to the regime of weakly overlapping resonances, we apply the random matrix theory to the effective Hamiltonian formalism and derive analytically the probability distribution of the complexness parameter for two statistical ensembles describing the systems invariant under time reversal. For those with rigid spectra, we consider a Hamiltonian characterized by a picket-fence spectrum without spectral fluctuations. Then, in the more realistic case of a Hamiltonian described by the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble, we reveal and discuss the role of spectral fluctuations.

Algoritmos , Modelos Estadísticos , Dinámicas no Lineales , Simulación por Computador
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 69(3 Pt 2): 035201, 2004 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15089349


The reflection matrix R=S(dagger)S, with S being the scattering matrix, differs from the unit matrix when absorption is finite. Using the random matrix approach, we calculate analytically the distribution function of its eigenvalues in the limit of a large number of propagating modes in the leads attached to a chaotic cavity. The obtained result is independent of the presence of time-reversal symmetry in the system, being valid at finite absorption and arbitrary openness of the system. The particular cases of perfectly and weakly open cavities are considered in detail. An application of our results to the problem of thermal emission from random media is briefly discussed.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 68(3 Pt 2): 036211, 2003 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14524872


Absorption yields an additional exponential decay in open quantum systems which can be described by shifting the (scattering) energy E along the imaginary axis, E+i variant Planck's over 2pi /2tau(a). Using the random-matrix approach, we calculate analytically the distribution of proper delay times (eigenvalues of the time-delay matrix) in chaotic systems with broken time-reversal symmetry that is valid for an arbitrary number of generally nonequivalent channels and an arbitrary absorption rate tau(-1)(a). The relation between the average delay time and the "norm-leakage" decay function is found. Fluctuations above the average at large values of delay times are strongly suppressed by absorption. The relation of the time-delay matrix to the reflection matrix S dagger S is established at arbitrary absorption that gives us the distribution of reflection eigenvalues. The particular case of single-channel scattering is explicitly considered in detail.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 67(2 Pt 2): 026215, 2003 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12636784


We examine the notion and properties of the non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian of an unstable system using as an example potential resonance scattering with a fixed angular momentum. We present a consistent self-adjoint formulation of the problem of scattering on a finite-range potential, which is based on the separation of the configuration space into two segments, internal and external. The scattering amplitude is expressed in terms of the resolvent of a non-Hermitian operator H. The explicit form of this operator depends on both the radius of separation and the boundary conditions at this place, which can be chosen in many different ways. We discuss this freedom and show explicitly that the physical scattering amplitude is, nevertheless, unique, although not all choices are equally adequate from the physical point of view. The energy-dependent operator H should not be confused with the non-Hermitian effective Hamiltonian H(eff) which is usually exploited to describe interference of overlapping resonances. We note that the simple Breit-Wigner approximation is as a rule valid for any individual resonance in the case of few-channel scattering on a flat billiardlike cavity, leaving no room for nontrivial H(eff) to appear. The physics is appreciably richer in the case of an open chain of L connected similar cavities whose spectrum has a band structure. For a fixed band of L overlapping resonances, the smooth energy dependence of H can be ignored so that the constant LxL submatrix H(eff) approximately describes the time evolution of the chain in the energy domain of the band and the complex eigenvalues of H(eff) define the energies and widths of the resonances. We apply the developed formalism to the problem of a chain of L delta barriers, whose solution is also found independently in a closed form. We construct H(eff) for the two commonly considered types of boundary conditions (Neumann and Dirichlet) for the internal motion. Although the final results are in perfect coincidence, somewhat different physical patterns arise of the trend of the system with growing openness. Formation in the outer well of a short-lived doorway state shifted in energy is explicitly demonstrated together with the appearance of L-1 long-lived states trapped in the inner part of the chain.