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Sociol Health Illn ; 2024 Aug 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39192635


The health policies imposed by multiple national governments after the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 were publicly justified by official figures on the deaths that the new virus would have caused and could cause in the future. At the same time, however, groups of people from different countries expressed their scepticism about those figures. Although they were categorised as 'anti-science', 'spreaders of misinformation' or 'conspiracy theorists' in some media, many of those sceptics claimed to be based on scientific evidence. This article qualitatively analyses a sample of the content published by sceptics on their social media between 2020 and 2022. More specifically, it examines the shared documents supposedly coming from the scientific community. We find very diverse content ranging from unsubstantiated assumptions to documents produced by prestigious scientists inviting questions about the fatality rates, the mathematical models anticipating millions of deaths, and the real numbers of people who died from COVID-19. The disputes surrounding the official figures lead us to a reflection about the relationship between, epistemic diversity, the dissemination of science, censorship, and new forms of political opposition. We also touch upon the nature and ethics of scientific controversy in times of a 'war' against 'misinformation'.

Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534418


RE S U M E N Este artículo es el resultado de una investigación cuyos objetivos fueron identificar y analizar los usos y sentidos del concepto de "espiritualidad" en tres círculos de mujeres de la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia. Para ello se empleó una metodología cualitativa basada principalmente en observaciones etnográficas de los encuentros mensuales que realizan estos círculos, así como en entrevistas semi-estructuradas a dieciséis mujeres que participan de ellos. Los resultados muestran que los usos y significados que estas personas otorgan a la espiritualidad se relacionan con la búsqueda de referentes distintos a los del patriarcado o del judeocristianismo, así como a un proceso de autoconocimiento, al contacto con un "yo sagrado" y a la revisión continua de las actitudes y los pensamientos. Se concluye entonces que la "espiritualidad femenina" es un concepto complejo a través del cual se pretende orientar de una manera novedosa las subjetividades de las participantes. Sin embargo, al hacer énfasis en la autonomía y la sacralización de la mujer dicho concepto es una manifestación de los procesos de individualización y reflexividad propios de la modernidad tardía.

This article is the result of an investigation whose main objectives are to identify and analyze the uses and meanings of the concept of "spirituality" in three women's circles in the city of Medellín. In order to achieve this, a qualitative methodology was used, based mainly on ethnographic observations of the monthly meetings held by these circles, as well as semi-structured interviews with sixteen women who participate in them. The results show that the uses and meanings that these persons give to spirituality are related to the search for referents other than those of patriarchy or Judeo-Christianity as well as a quest of self-knowledge, contact with a "sacred self" and the review of attitudes and thoughts. It is concluded that "feminine spirituality" is a complex concept intended to guide the subjectivities of the participants in a new way However; by emphasizing the autonomy and sacralization of women, this concept is a manifestation of the processes of individualization and reflexivity typical of late modernity

Este artigo é o resultado de uma investigação cujos objetivos foram identificar e analisar os usos e significados do conceito de "espiritualidade" em três círculos de mulheres na cidade de Medellín, Colômbia. Para isso, foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa, baseada principalmente em observações etnográficas das reuniões mensais realizadas por esses círculos, bem como entrevistas semiestruturadas com dezesseis mulheres que deles participam. Os resultados mostram que os usos e significados que essas pessoas atribuem à espiritualidade estão relacionados à busca de outros referentes que não sejam os do patriarcado ou judaico-cristianismo, bem como um processo de autoconhecimento, contato com um "eu sagrado" e a revisão de atitudes e pensamentos. Conclui-se então que a "espiritualidade feminina" é um conceito complexo por meio do qual se pretende orientar as subjetividades das participantes de uma nova forma. No entanto, ao enfatizar a autonomia e a sacralização da mulher, esse conceito é uma manifestação dos processos de individualização e reflexividade típicos da modernidade tardia.

Agora USB ; 19(1): 115-131, ene.-jun. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038197


Resumen En este artículo se estudian los procesos de legitimación puestos en práctica por los integrantes de la Red de Artistas y Activistas Populares de Bello, colectivo cuyo lema es "resistir mediante el arte". Gracias a una metodología cualitativa, con énfasis en el análisis de discursos y la observación etnográfica, se demuestra que en este tipo de iniciativas cohabitan prácticas y discursos necesarios a su legitimación tanto interna como externa. Igualmente, se concluye que los procesos organizativos de la resistencia implican formas de dominación fluctuantes y una distribución desigual del capital simbólico entre sus integrantes.

Abstract This article examines the processes of legitimacy put into practice by the members of the Network of Popular Artists and Activists in Bello, a group whose motto is "to resist through art." Thanks to a qualitative methodology, with an emphasis on discourse analysis and ethnographic observation, it is demonstrated that in this type of initiatives cohabits necessary practices and speeches to their legitimation both internal and external. Likewise, it is concluded that the organizational processes of resistance imply fluctuating forms of domination and an unequal distribution of symbolic capital among its members.