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Sensors (Basel) ; 19(7)2019 Apr 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30979066


The goal of our research was to develop a continuous glass fibre-reinforced epoxy matrix self-sensing composite. A fibre bundle arbitrarily chosen from the reinforcing glass fabric in the composite was prepared to guide white light. The power of the light transmitted by the fibres changes as a result of tensile loading. In our research, we show that a selected fibre bundle even without any special preparation can be used as a sensor to detect deformation even before the composite structure is damaged (before fibre breaking).

Materials (Basel) ; 10(6)2017 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28772996


This goal of our research was to show that E-glass fiber bundles used for reinforcing composites can be enabled to transmit light in a common resin without any special preparation (without removing the sizing). The power of the transmitted light was measured and the attenuation coefficient, which characterizes the fiber bundle, was determined. Although the attenuation coefficient depends on temperature and the wavelength of the light, it is independent of the power of incident light, the quality of coupling, and the length of the specimen. The refractive index of commercially available transparent resins was measured and it was proved that a resin with a refractive index lower than that of the fiber can be used to make a composite whose fibers are capable of transmitting light. The effects of temperature, compression of the fibers, and the shape of fiber ends on the power of transmitted light were examined. The measurement of emitted light can provide information about the health of the fibers. This can be the basis of a simple health monitoring system in the case of general-purpose composite structures.

Opt Express ; 22(15): 17823-9, 2014 Jul 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25089403


We propose a compact head-worn 3D display which provides glasses-free full motion parallax. Two picoprojectors placed on the viewer's head project images on a retro-reflective screen that reflects left and right images to the appropriate eyes of the viewer. The properties of different retro-reflective screen materials have been investigated, and the key parameters of the projection - brightness and cross-talk - have been calculated. A demonstration system comprising two projectors, a screen tracking system and a commercial retro-reflective screen has been developed to test the visual quality of the proposed approach.

Appl Opt ; 53(5): 798-805, 2014 Feb 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24663257


In this paper, we propose a novel input wave front modulation method to enhance the security level of a Mach-Zender interferometer-based Fourier encryption system. The input data is encoded in the two wave fronts propagated in the arms of the interferometer. Both arms contain a 4f setup, and two independent Fourier keys are used to encrypt these wave fronts. During decryption the encrypted wave fronts are propagated through the interferometer. In the case when correct Fourier keys are used for decryption, the reconstructed data page is shown by the interference pattern of the output. We propose a method to synthesize two phase modulated input images for this cryptosystem. The modulation method has a user defined phase parameter. We prove that the security level of the proposed cryptosystem can be significantly improved compared with previous solutions, by using an optimally chosen phase parameter.

Appl Opt ; 52(22): 5449-54, 2013 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23913064


In this paper we propose a method to generate independent and simultaneous phase and amplitude modulation by a phase-only spatial light modulator and Fourier filtering. The incident light is modulated by a suitable phase pattern containing high spatial frequencies. The modulated light is transmitted through a 4f optical system having an appropriate spatial filter in the Fourier plane in order to synthesize the expected complex modulated wavefront on the output of the system. We propose a simple method to generate spatial filters applicable for the phase-only to complex modulated wavefront conversion. We analyze the quality of the output image related to the ideal wavefront using the proposed filters. We show that more efficient complex modulation can be realized by the proposed method than by the earlier solutions.

Appl Opt ; 51(34): 8068-73, 2012 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23207375


In this paper we propose a new (to our knowledge) complex spatial modulation method to encode data pages applicable in double random phase encryption (DRPE) to make the system more resistant to brute-force attack. The proposed modulation method uses data page pixels with random phase and amplitude values with the condition that the intensity of the interference of light from two adjacent pixels should correspond to the encoded information. A differential phase contrast technique is applied to recover the data page at the output of the system. We show that the proposed modulation method can enhance the robustness of the DRPE technique using point spread function analysis. Key space expansion is determined by numeric model calculations.

Appl Opt ; 51(6): 745-50, 2012 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22358164


In the increasing number of system approaches published in the field of optical encryption, the security level of the system is evaluated by qualitative and empirical methods. To quantify the security of the optical system, we propose to use the equivalent of the key length routinely used in algorithmic encryption. We provide a calculation method of the number of independent keys and deduce the binary key length for optical data encryption. We then investigate and optimize the key length of the combined phase- and amplitude-modulated key encryption in the holographic storage environment, which is one of the promising solutions for the security enhancement of single- and double-random phase-encoding encryption and storage systems. We show that a substantial growth of the key length can be achieved by optimized phase and amplitude modulation compared to phase-only encryption. We also provide experimental confirmation of the model results.

J Phys Chem B ; 114(43): 13718-25, 2010 Nov 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20929271


Until now, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel cylinders have been used in electrolyte diodes as a connecting element between the acidic and alkaline reservoirs. In this paper, a new connecting element is reported: a breath figure templated polyvinyl butyral (PVB) membrane prepared with dip-coating from a dichloromethane solution of the polymer in a humid atmosphere. The procedure gives a 1.5-2 µm thick membrane with a hexagonal pattern, the average characteristic length of which is 1 µm. After an acidic etching, it was found to be a good connecting element. The voltage-current characteristics and dynamic properties of PVA and PVB were measured and compared. The PVB membrane has a faster response to voltage changes than the PVA gel, but in both cases, there was a slow drift in the current that prevented it from reaching a steady state. Reproducible characteristics can be obtained, however, after the current reaches a well-defined quasi-steady state.

Appl Opt ; 49(4): 611-8, 2010 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20119008


We propose a method using phase encryption and hologram multiplexing to encode positional information into the hologram, which can be used during readout to find the correct position of the reference beam. We also include a method to align the position of the phase code in the reference beam during readout, with which we achieved approximately 1/100 hologram size (4.4 microm) precision electronically, without the need of a precise mechanical hologram positioning device. We prove the feasibility of the method with experiments.

Opt Lett ; 32(16): 2336-8, 2007 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17700777


We propose a method for performing binary intensity and continuous phase modulation of beams with a spatial light modulator (SLM) and a low-pass spatial filtering 4-f system. With our method it is possible to avoid the use of phase masks in holographic data storage systems or to enhance the phase encoding of the SLM by making it capable of binary amplitude modulation. The data storage capabilities and the limitations of the method are studied.