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J Neurogastroenterol Motil ; 28(3): 483-500, 2022 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35799242


Background/Aims: Chagasic megacolon is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, which promotes in several cases, irreversible segmental colonic dilation. This alteration is the major anatomic-clinical disorder, characterized by the enteric nervous system and muscle wall structural damage. Herein, we investigate how T. cruzi -induced progressive colonic structural changes modulate the colonic contractile pattern activity. Methods: We developed a murine model of T. cruzi-infection that reproduced long-term modifications of the enlarged colon. We evaluated colonic and total intestinal transit time in animals. The patterns of motor response at several time intervals between the acute and chronic phases were evaluated using the organ bath assays. Enteric motor neurons were stimulated by electric field stimulation. The responses were analyzed in the presence of the nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists. Western blot was performed to evaluate the expression of nicotinic and muscarinic receptors. The neurotransmitter expression was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: In the chronic phase of infection, there was decreased intestinal motility associated with decreased amplitude and rhythmicity of intestinal contractility. Pharmacological tests suggested a defective response mediated by acetylcholine receptors. The contractile response induced by acetylcholine was decreased by atropine in the acute phase while the lack of its action in the chronic phase was associated with tissue damage, and decreased expression of choline acetyltransferase, nicotinic subunits of acetylcholine receptors, and neurotransmitters. Conclusions: T. cruzi -induced damage of smooth muscles was accompanied by motility disorders such as decreased intestinal peristalsis and cholinergic system response impairment. This study allows integration of the natural history of Chagasic megacolon motility disorders and opens new perspectives for the design of effective therapeutic.

Front Microbiol ; 8: 2188, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29176965


Several antigens from Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease (CD), contain amino acid repeats identified as targets of the host immune response. Ribosomal proteins containing an Ala, Lys, Pro-rich repeat domain are among the T. cruzi antigens that are strongly recognized by antibodies from CD patients. Here we investigated the role of amino acid repeats present in the T. cruzi ribosomal protein L7a, by immunizing mice with recombinant versions of the full-length protein (TcRpL7a), as well as with truncated versions containing only the repetitive (TcRpL7aRep) or the non-repetitive domains (TcRpL7aΔRep). Mice immunized with full-length TcRpL7a produced high levels of IgG antibodies against the complete protein as well as against the repeat domain, whereas mice immunized with TcRpL7aΔRep or TcRpL7aRep produced very low levels or did not produce IgG antibodies against this antigen. Also in contrast to mice immunized with the full-length TcRpL7a, which produced high levels of IFN-γ, only low levels of IFN-γ or no IFN-γ were detected in cultures of splenocytes derived from mice immunized with truncated versions of the protein. After challenging with trypomastigotes, mice immunized with the TcRpL7a were partially protected against the infection whereas immunization with TcRpL7aΔRep did not alter parasitemia levels compared to controls. Strikingly, mice immunized with TcRpL7aRep displayed an exacerbated parasitemia compared to the other groups and 100% mortality after infection. Analyses of antibody production in mice that were immunized with TcRpL7aRep prior to infection showed a reduced humoral response to parasite antigens as well as against an heterologous antigen. In vitro proliferation assays with mice splenocytes incubated with different mitogens in the presence of TcRpL7aRep resulted in a drastic inhibition of B-cell proliferation and antibody production. Taken together, these results indicate that the repeat domain of TcRpL7a acts as an immunosuppressive factor that down regulates the host B-cell response against parasite antigens favoring parasite multiplication in the mammalian host.