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J Taibah Univ Med Sci ; 18(1): 140-147, 2023 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36398021


Objectives: To determine the short-term effects of sympathetic and peripheral stimulation of interferential current (IFC) on blood flow (BF) in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP). Methods: Thirty children with hemiplegic CP, ranging from 8 to 12 years old, were randomly divided into three groups (10 children/group). The first group received sympathetic stimulation of IFC, the second group received peripheral stimulation of IFC, and the third group (control) received placebo peripheral stimulation of IFC. A frequency of 80-100 Hz at an intensity of 10-20 mA was applied for 20 min. Blood volume pulse (BVP) amplitude was measured before IFC application using a plethysmography sensor at the big toe immediately after and 15 min poststimulation. The data were statistically analyzed and compared. Results: There were statistically significant differences in BVP amplitude among the three time intervals in both the sympathetic and peripheral groups (P < 0.05) with no difference in the control group (P = 0.995). There was a significant increase in BVP amplitude immediately after stimulation compared with before stimulation in both the sympathetic and peripheral groups (P = 0.0001). However, differences between the sympathetic and peripheral groups at the three measured periods were statistically nonsignificant (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Both IFC applications had a proper effect on improving BF in children with hemiplegic CP with no difference in efficacy between sympathetic and peripheral stimulation.

J Phys Ther Sci ; 30(10): 1227-1231, 2018 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30349154


[Purpose] This study was carried out to investigate the effect of orange filtered polarized polychromatic light on post burn pediatric scar. [Participants and Methods] Thirty children with post burn scar in wrist and hands participated in this study. They were between 3 to 7 years old, having hypertrophic burn scar ≥2 months post healing, free from concomitant skin disease and keloids. They were randomly assigned into two groups. The control group (A) (n=15) received Scar Standard Management (SSM) protocol and the study group (B) (n=15) received SSM protocol along with 15 min/area polarized light with medical range filter followed by 15 min/area orange filtered polarized light. All children received the study protocol once a day, 3 times/week for one month. Scar assessment was done before and after the study protocol by using Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS). [Results] All participated children were analyzed. Comparison of post treatment results between groups revealed significant improvement of post burn scar for both groups with significant difference in favor to the study group. [Conclusion] Ultimately it was revealed that Orange filtered polarized light has a special and beneficial effect on decreasing post burn pediatric scar.