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PhytoKeys ; 238: 33-64, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38344433


The genus Magnolia (Magnoliaceae) has a wide and disjunct geographic distribution ranging from Eastern and South Asia to Malaysia, extending across the Neartics and reaching into the Neotropics. Regarding its infrageneric classification, the genus is divided into three subgenera: Yulania, Gynopodium and Magnolia, the latter including the section Talauma in which the native Brazilian taxa are classified. The species of Magnoliasect.Talauma can be recognized by two parallel longitudinal scars on the petiole formed by the shedding of the stipules, in addition to a woody syncarp that breaks into irregular plates at dehiscence. Currently, in Brazil, species recognition is not clear on national platforms that are widely used by the Brazilian botanical community (e.g. Flora do Brasil), with only two native Magnolia species being accepted: M.amazonica and M.ovata. The lack of knowledge about the species and their respective characteristics has resulted in many identification errors in Brazilian herbaria, which contributes to the lack of knowledge about their current conservation status. We conducted a complete taxonomic revision based on extensive fieldwork, a herbarium survey, along with literature study. Based on this, we propose to recognize three previously described species, supporting the acceptance of five native Magnolias occurring in Brazil, namely: M.amazonica, M.brasiliensis, M.irwiniana, M.ovata and M.sellowiana. However, we follow the Flora do Brasil in maintaining M.paranaensis as a synonym of M.ovata. Additionally, we designate a lectotype for M.sellowiana. We present morphological descriptions and the geographic distribution for each species, in addition to an identification key to all of these plus the two introduced ornamental species from Asia and North America, illustrations, photographs, ecological data, updated conservation status and taxonomic notes.

PhytoKeys ; 225: 1-40, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37252325


The Saña River Valley in Northern Peru is unusual for the western slopes of the Peruvian Andes because of its nearly year-round regime of precipitation instead of marked seasonal dry winters. This results in unexpected plant diversity. We surveyed the species of Peperomia (Piperaceae), occurring in this valley from 300 to 3000 m elevation, based on the study of specimens from ten herbaria and field collections, resulting in a total of 81 accessions, of which 48 were made by the authors. We found 16 different taxa: Peperomiacacaophila, from Ecuador, is reported for the first time in Peru; P.cymbifolia, P.dolabriformis and P.emarginulata are reported for the first time for the Saña River Valley; other widely distributed species like P.fraseri, P.galioides, P.haematolepis, P.hispidula, P.inaequalifolia, P.microphylla, and P.rotundata were also found. Five species new to science are described: P.pilocarpa, P.riosaniensis, close to P.palmiformis from Amazonas; P.sagasteguii, related to P.trinervis, P.symmankii, close to P.ricardofernandezii from Piura, and P.vivipara, related to P.alata. A key to the species of Peperomia from the Saña River Valley, based on vegetative characters, is provided.

ResumenEl valle del Río Saña en el norte de Perú es inusual para las vertientes occidentales de los Andes peruanos por su régimen de precipitación ininterrumpido en lugar de inviernos secos estacionales marcados. Esto resulta en una diversidad de plantas inesperada. Revisamos las especies de Peperomia (Piperaceae), del valle del Río Saña entre los 300 a 3000 m de altitud, basándonos en el estudio de especímenes de diez herbarios y colecciones de campo, resultando en un total de 81 accesiones, de las cuales 48 fueron realizadas por los autores. Encontramos 16 taxones diferentes: Peperomiacacaophila, de Ecuador, se reporta por primera vez en Perú; P.cymbifolia, P.dolabriformis y P.emarginulata se reportan por primera vez para el valle del Río Saña; otras especies ampliamente distribuidas como P.fraseri, P.galioides, P.haematolepis, P.hispidula, P.inaequalifolia, P.microphylla y P.rotundata también se encontraron. Se describen cinco especies nuevas para la ciencia: P.pilocarpa, P.riosaniensis, cercana de P.palmiformis de Amazonas; P.sagasteguii, relacionada con P.trinervis, P.symmankii, cercana a P.ricardofernandezii de Piura, y P.vivipara, relacionada con P.alata. Se presenta una clave para las especies de Peperomia del Valle del Río Saña basada en caracteres vegetativos.

Plants (Basel) ; 11(3)2022 Feb 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35161429


Chloroplast genomes are considered to be highly conserved. Nevertheless, differences in their sequences are an important source of phylogenetically informative data. Chloroplast genomes are increasingly applied in evolutionary studies of angiosperms, including Magnoliaceae. Recent studies have focused on resolving the previously debated classification of the family using a phylogenomic approach and chloroplast genome data. However, most Neotropical clades and recently described species have not yet been included in molecular studies. We performed sequencing, assembly, and annotation of 15 chloroplast genomes from Neotropical Magnoliaceae species. We compared the newly assembled chloroplast genomes with 22 chloroplast genomes from across the family, including representatives from each genus and section. Family-wide, the chloroplast genomes presented a length of about 160 kb. The gene content in all species was constant, with 145 genes. The intergenic regions showed a higher level of nucleotide diversity than the coding regions. Differences were higher among genera than within genera. The phylogenetic analysis in Magnolia showed two main clades and corroborated that the current infrageneric classification does not represent natural groups. Although chloroplast genomes are highly conserved in Magnoliaceae, the high level of diversity of the intergenic regions still resulted in an important source of phylogenetically informative data, even for closely related taxa.

PhytoKeys ; 213: 35-66, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36762245


An accurate taxa delimitation, based on a full understanding of evolutionary processes involved in taxa differentiation, can be gained from a combination of ecological, morphological, and molecular approaches. The taxonomy of Magnoliasubsect.Talauma in Cuba has long been debated and exclusively based on traditional morphological study of a limited number of individuals. A more accurate description of leaf morphology variation using geometric morphometrics combined with genetic data could bring consistency to taxa delimitation in this group. Leaf samples for the morphological (243) and genetic (461) analyses were collected throughout the entire distribution range. The variability of each taxon was analyzed through multivariate and geometric morphometry, and 21 genetic markers (SSR). The observed leaf morphological variability was higher than previously described. Morphological and genetic classifications were highly congruent in two out of four taxa. Our data brought evidence that Magnoliaorbiculata can be considered a true species with very clear genetic and morphological limits. The main taxonomic issues concern the north-eastern Cuban populations of Magnoliasubsect.Talauma. The data supported the existence of two clear groups: corresponding mainly to M.minor-M.oblongifolia and T.ophiticola. However, these two groups cannot be considered fully delimited since genetic markers provided evidence of genetic admixture between them. Due to the likely absence of, at least strong, reproductive barriers between these three taxa, we propose therefore to consider them as a species complex.

Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 167: 107359, 2022 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34793981


The Caribbean islands provide an ideal setting for studying biodiversity, given their complex geological and environmental history, and their historical and current geographical proximity to the American mainland. Magnolia, a flagship tree genus that has 15 endemic and threatened taxa (12 species and 3 subspecies) on the Caribbean islands, offers an excellent case study to empirically test Caribbean biogeographical hypotheses. We constructed phylogenetic hypotheses to: (1) reveal their evolutionary history, (2) test the current largely morphology-based classification and assess species limits, and (3) investigate major biogeographic hypotheses proposed for the region. Nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data of all 15 Caribbean Magnolia taxa are included, supplemented by a selection of American mainland species, and species representing most major clades of the Magnoliaceae family. We constructed phylogenetic hypotheses in a time-calibrated Bayesian framework, supplemented with haplotype network analyses and ancestral range estimations. Genetic synapomorphies in the studied markers confirm the species limits of 14 out of 15 morphologically recognizable Caribbean Magnolia taxa. There is evidence for four colonization events of Magnolia into the Caribbean from the American mainland, which most likely occurred by overwater dispersal, given age estimates of maximum 16 mya for their presence on the Caribbean islands.

Magnolia , Magnoliaceae , Teorema de Bayes , Región del Caribe , Filogenia , Filogeografía
Front Plant Sci ; 12: 661522, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34267769


Background: Hydrangea section Cornidia consists of 26 currently accepted species and a yet undefined number of new species and erroneously synonymized taxa. This clade consists of (sub)tropical lianas occurring from northern Mexico to southern Chile and Argentina, and one species from Southeast Asia. Currently, no molecular phylogenetic hypothesis is available that includes more than a few species of this section. Hence, a resolved and well-sampled molecular phylogenetic hypothesis may help to enforce taxonomic decisions. In this study, we present a phylogenetic framework based on sequences from two low copy nuclear genes from a comprehensive taxon sampling of H. section Cornidia and a selection of outgroups. Our phylogenetic reconstructions prove the non-monophyly of the traditionally recognized subsections Monosegia and Polysegia and their corresponding series, Speciosae and Aphananthae, and Synstyleae and Chorystyleae, respectively. Three morphologically defined species were recovered with high support as monophyletic, namely, Hydrangea panamensis, Hydrangea serratifolia, and Hydrangea tarapotensis. However, statistical support for some shallow nodes did not allow to refute, with high support, the monophyly of several of the herein recognized species for which more than one individual could be analyzed. Based on the obtained phylogenetic framework, we reconstructed the evolution of selected reproductive characters. Hydrangea section Cornidia is the only genus section for which dioecism has been extensively documented. Our character reconstruction of sexual dimorphism shows that dioecism is the ancestral state in this section and that this was reversed to monoecy in Hydrangea seemannii and Hydrangea integrifolia. Character reconstruction for the enlarged marginal flowers recovered their presence as the ancestral character state in H. section Cornidia, although at least three internal lineages independently lost them; thus, losses were reconstructed to be more likely than gain. With respect to the flower color, more species exhibit white than red flowers, and white is reconstructed as the ancestral state. Cornidia also shows an unusual disjunct geographic distribution between Asia and Central Mesoamerica-South America, as it is not present in the USA and Canada. The origin of Cornidia is reconstructed to be the New World with higher probability, and the presence of one species in Asia is likely due to long-distance dispersal.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(4)2021 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33807445


The Mexican state of Veracruz has suffered very high deforestation rates in the last few decades, and despite the establishment of protected areas and conservation projects, primary forest is now mainly persisting in mostly small, scattered, fragmented remnants. New species of Magnolia section Talauma in this state have been described with little to no reference to the already existing ones, potentially resulting in over-splitting, obscuring their taxonomic delineation and conservation status, and consequently conservation programs. To study the conservation units and their genetic diversity, we here employ 15 microsatellite markers on a highly representative sampling of 254 individuals of what are presumed to be five Magnolia species. The results support at least three species and maximum five main conservation units. We propose downgrading the latter to four, given morphological, ecological, demographical, and geographical considerations. Two out of the three sympatrically occurring species in the rainforest in the Los Tuxtlas volcanic area have weak genetic evidence to be considered separate species. Similarly, the individuals in the Sierra de Zongolica in central Veracruz, who bear a very high morphological and genetic similarity to Magnolia mexicana, have weak genetic evidence to be recognised as a separate species. Nonetheless, the individuals could be identified as Magnolia decastroi based on morphology, and further research including the full range of this species is recommended.

Plants (Basel) ; 10(3)2021 Mar 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33809003


Mexico is floristically the fourth most species-rich country in the world, and Asteraceae is the most diverse vascular plant family in this country. The species exhibits a wide range of growth forms, but the tree-like habit, appropriately named daisy trees, is heavily underestimated, even though slightly different tree definitions are handled. Very little is known about their precise species number or conservation status in Mexico, so we update here the list of known Mexican daisy tree species, summarize their very diverse uses, present a general panorama of their present and future distribution, and discuss their conservation status. A bibliographic review and herbarium study were carried out, carefully curated taxonomical ocurrence maps were prepared for each species, and a climatic suitability modelling approach was used to characterise the spatial patterns of Mexican Asteraceae trees. With 149 daisy tree species, the country ranks second at a global level; within the country, their greatest diversity is found in central and western Mexico. A decrease in diversity is estimated in areas that currently host the highest species richness, whereas the hotspot regions are estimated to show an increase in species diversity, so climate change is not a threat to all Mexican daisy tree species.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 642598, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33912209


Phylogenetic relationships within the magnoliid order Piperales have been studied extensively, yet the relationships of the monotypic family Lactoridaceae and the holoparasitic Hydnoraceae to the remainder of the order remain a matter of debate. Since the first confident molecular phylogenetic placement of Hydnoraceae among Piperales, different studies have recovered various contradictory topologies. Most phylogenetic hypotheses were inferred using only a few loci and have had incomplete taxon sampling at the genus level. Based on these results and an online survey of taxonomic opinion, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group lumped both Hydnoraceae and Lactoridaceae in Aristolochiaceae; however, the latter family continues to have unclear relationships to the aforementioned taxa. Here we present extensive phylogenomic tree reconstructions based on up to 137 loci from all three subcellular genomes for all genera of Piperales. We infer relationships based on a variety of phylogenetic methods, explore instances of phylogenomic discordance between the subcellular genomes, and test alternative topologies. Consistent with these phylogenomic results and a consideration of the principles of phylogenetic classification, we propose to exclude Hydnoraceae and Lactoridaceae from the broad circumscription of Aristolochiaceae, and instead favor recognition of four monophyletic and morphologically well circumscribed families in the perianth-bearing Piperales: Aristolochiaceae, Asaraceae, Hydnoraceae, and Lactoridaceae, with a total of six families in the order.

PhytoKeys ; 171: 91-153, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33584112


Hydrangea section Cornidia, currently consisting of 19 accepted taxa, occurs from Mexico to Chile and Argentina, with one species in southeast Asia. Its representatives are root-climbing lianas which may grow up to 60 m high in the tree canopy of temperate to (sub)tropical forests. Our extensive field work throughout its distribution area, study of herbarium specimens and ongoing molecular studies have resulted in the discovery of species new to science, as well as new insights into the circumscription of many taxa. We here present amended descriptions for seven Hydrangea species of Central and South America and discuss the taxonomical situation of two Colombian Hydrangeas, including an identification key, illustrations, and distribution maps. Field work was carried out in Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and Peru, including exploration in areas where the genus had not been collected before. These specimens and observations were complemented with the study of specimens of 41 herbaria of North, Central and South America, as well as Europe. Detailed morphological studies of all species were carried out, based on living plants in their natural habitat, as well as on dried specimens from our own collections and all available herbarium material. Type material was studied in detail for all species concerned. Based on an extensive number of morphological characters, combined with distribution patterns, phenological differences and ecological preferences, including molecular data in most cases, Hydrangea peruviana and H. oerstedii are clearly distinct taxa, as well as the other seven species mentioned here, which had been synonymized with either of these two species. The present study results in the recognition of 26 species in section Cornidia and exemplifies the urgent need for profound taxonomic studies in plants, as in many families we do not dispose of well-circumscribed units for conservation to mitigate the already occurring unprecedented loss of biodiversity.

ResumenHydrangea sección Cornidia, que actualmente consiste en 19 taxones aceptados, se distribuye desde México hasta Chile y Argentina, con una especie en el sureste asiático. Sus representantes son lianas trepadoras que pueden crecer hasta 60 m de altura en la copa de los árboles de los bosques templados a (sub)tropicales. Nuestro extenso trabajo de campo en toda su área de distribución, la revisión de especímenes de herbario y los estudios moleculares en curso han dado como resultado el descubrimiento de especies nuevas para la ciencia, así como conocimiento nuevo sobre la circunscripción de muchos taxones. Aquí presentamos descripciones enmendadas para siete especies de Hydrangea de Centro y Suramérica y discutimos la situación taxonómica de dos Hydrangeas colombianas, incluyendo una clave de identificación, ilustraciones y mapas de distribución. El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo en Costa Rica, Panamá, Ecuador y Perú, incluída la exploración en áreas donde el género no había sido recolectado antes. Estos especímenes y observaciones se complementaron con el estudio de especímenes de 41 herbarios de Norte, Centro y Suramérica, así como de Europa. Se llevaron a cabo estudios morfológicos detallados de todas las especies, basados ​​en plantas vivas en su hábitat natural, así como en muestras secas de nuestras propias colecciones y todo el material de herbario disponible. El material tipo se estudió en detalle para todas las especies en cuestión. En base a una gran cantidad de caracteres morfológicos, combinados con patrones de distribución, diferencias fenológicas y preferencias ecológicas, incluyendo datos moleculares en la mayoría de los casos, Hydrangea peruviana y H. oerstedii son taxones claramente distintos, así como las otras siete especies mencionadas aquí, que habían sido sinonimizadas con cualquiera de estas dos especies. El presente estudio resulta en el reconocimiento de 26 especies en la sección Cornidia y ejemplifica la necesidad urgente de estudios taxonómicos profundos en plantas, ya que en muchas familias no disponemos de unidades de conservación bien circunscritas para mitigar la pérdida de biodiversidad sin precedentes.

Heredity (Edinb) ; 122(4): 485-500, 2019 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30368529


Conserving tree populations safeguards forests since they represent key elements of the ecosystem. The genetic characteristics underlying the evolutionary success of the tree growth form: high genetic diversity, extensive gene flow and strong species integrity, contribute to their survival in terms of adaptability. However, different biological and landscape contexts challenge these characteristics. This study employs 63 de novo developed microsatellite or SSR (Single Sequence Repeat) markers in different datasets of nine Neotropical Magnolia species. The genetic patterns of these protogynous, insect-pollinated tree species occurring in fragmented, highly-disturbed landscapes were investigated. Datasets containing a total of 340 individuals were tested for their genetic structure and degree of inbreeding. Analyses for genetic structure depicted structuring between species, i.e. strong species integrity. Within the species, all but one population pair were considered moderate to highly differentiated, i.e. no indication of extensive gene flow between populations. No overall correlation was observed between genetic and geographic distance of the pairwise species' populations. In contrast to the pronounced genetic structure, there was no evidence of inbreeding within the populations, suggesting mechanisms favouring cross pollination and/or selection for more genetically diverse, heterozygous offspring. In conclusion, the data illustrate that the Neotropical Magnolias in the context of a fragmented landscape still have ample gene flow within populations, yet little gene flow between populations.

Magnolia/genética , Región del Caribe , ADN de Plantas/genética , Flujo Génico , Estructuras Genéticas , Variación Genética , Genética de Población , Magnolia/clasificación , México , Repeticiones de Microsatélite/genética , Densidad de Población , Especificidad de la Especie
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 114: 415-425, 2017 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28606445


The number of species recognized in section Asperae of the flowering plant genus Hydrangea differs widely between subsequent revisions. This variation is largely centered around the H. aspera species complex, with numbers of recognized species varying from one to nearly a dozen. Despite indications of molecular variation in this complex, no sequence-based species delimitation methods have been employed to evaluate the primarily morphology-based species boundaries. In the present study, a multi-locus coalescent-based approach to species delimitation is employed in order to identify separate evolutionary lines within H. sect. Asperae, using four chloroplast and four nuclear molecular markers. Eight lineages were recovered within the focal group, of which five correspond with named morphotypes. The other three lineages illustrate types of conflict between molecular species delimitation and traditional morphology-based taxonomy. One molecular lineage comprises two named morphotypes, which possibly diverged recently enough to not have developed sufficient molecular divergence. A second conflict is found in H. strigosa. This morphotype is recovered as a separate lineage when occurring in geographic isolation, but when occurring in sympatry with two other morphotypes (H. aspera and H. robusta), the coalescent species delimitation lumps these taxa into a single putative species.

Hydrangea/clasificación , Teorema de Bayes , Cloroplastos/clasificación , Cloroplastos/genética , ADN de Plantas/química , ADN de Plantas/aislamiento & purificación , ADN de Plantas/metabolismo , Hydrangea/anatomía & histología , Hydrangea/genética , Microscopía Electrónica de Rastreo , Filogenia , Hojas de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Hojas de la Planta/química , Quinona Reductasas/clasificación , Quinona Reductasas/genética , ARN de Transferencia de Valina/clasificación , ARN de Transferencia de Valina/genética
Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 117: 111-123, 2017 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28535985


Recalcitrant relationships are characterized by very short internodes that can be found among shallow and deep phylogenetic scales all over the tree of life. Adding large amounts of presumably informative sequences, while decreasing systematic error, has been suggested as a possible approach to increase phylogenetic resolution. The development of enrichment strategies, coupled with next generation sequencing, resulted in a cost-effective way to facilitate the reconstruction of recalcitrant relationships. By applying the anchored hybrid enrichment (AHE) genome partitioning strategy to Aristolochia using an universal angiosperm probe set, we obtained 231-233 out of 517 single or low copy nuclear loci originally contained in the enrichment kit, resulting in a total alignment length of 154,756bp to 160,150bp. Since Aristolochia (Piperales; magnoliids) is distantly related to any angiosperm species whose genome has been used for the plant AHE probe design (Amborella trichopoda being the closest), it serves as a proof of universality for this probe set. Aristolochia comprises approximately 500 species grouped in several clades (OTUs), whose relationships to each other are partially unknown. Previous phylogenetic studies have shown that these lineages branched deep in time and in quick succession, seen as short-deep internodes. Short-shallow internodes are also characteristic of some Aristolochia lineages such as Aristolochia subsection Pentandrae, a clade of presumably recent diversification. This subsection is here included to test the performance of AHE at species level. Filtering and subsampling loci using the phylogenetic informativeness method resolves several recalcitrant phylogenetic relationships within Aristolochia. By assuming different ploidy levels during bioinformatics processing of raw data, first hints are obtained that polyploidization contributed to the evolution of Aristolochia. Phylogenetic results are discussed in the light of current systematics and morphology.

Aristolochia/clasificación , Aristolochia/genética , Filogenia , Alelos , Genoma de Planta/genética , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Ploidias
Syst Bot ; 42(4): 607-619, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29398773


Gaps between molecular ages and fossils undermine the validity of time-calibrated molecular phylogenies. An example of the time gap surrounds the age of angiosperm's origin. We calculate molecular ages of the earliest flowering plant lineages using 22 fossil calibrations (101 genera, 40 families). Our results reveal the origin of angiosperms at the late Permian, ~275 million years ago. Different prior probability curves of molecular age calculations on dense calibration point distributions had little effect on overall age estimates compared to the effects of altered calibration points. The same is true for reasonable root age constraints. We conclude that our age estimates based on multiple datasets, priors, and calibration points are robust and the true ages are likely between our extremes. Our results, when integrated with the ecophysiological evolution of early angiosperms, imply that the ecology of the earliest angiosperms is critical to understand the pre-Cretaceous evolution of flowering plants.

Front Plant Sci ; 7: 1145, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27555851


The species-rich genus Peperomia (Black Pepper relatives) is the only genus among early diverging angiosperms where epiphytism evolved. The majority of fruits of Peperomia release sticky secretions or exhibit hook-shaped appendages indicative of epizoochorous dispersal, which is in contrast to other flowering plants, where epiphytes are generally characterized by fruit morphological adaptations for anemochory or endozoochory. We investigate fruit characters using Cryo-SEM. Comparative phylogenetic analyses are applied for the first time to include life form and fruit character information to study diversification in Peperomia. Likelihood ratio tests uncover correlated character evolution. We demonstrate that diversification within Peperomia is not homogenous across its phylogeny, and that net diversification rates increase by twofold within the most species-rich subgenus. In contrast to former land plant studies that provide general evidence for increased diversification in epiphytic lineages, we demonstrate that the evolution of epiphytism within Peperomia predates the diversification shift. An epiphytic-dependent diversification is only observed for the background phylogeny. An elevated frequency of life form transitions between epiphytes and terrestrials and thus evolutionary flexibility of life forms is uncovered to coincide with the diversification shift. The evolution of fruits showing dispersal related structures is key to diversification in the foreground region of the phylogeny and postdates the evolution of epiphytism. We conclude that the success of Peperomia, measured in species numbers, is likely the result of enhanced vertical and horizontal dispersal ability and life form flexibility but not the evolution of epiphytism itself.

Am J Bot ; 102(9): 1506-20, 2015 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26373974


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Species of the endemic Chilean cactus genus Copiapoa have cylindrical or (sub)globose stems that are solitary or form (large) clusters and typically yellow flowers. Many species are threatened with extinction. Despite being icons of the Atacama Desert and well loved by cactus enthusiasts, the evolution and diversity of Copiapoa has not yet been studied using a molecular approach. METHODS: Sequence data of three plastid DNA markers (rpl32-trnL, trnH-psbA, ycf1) of 39 Copiapoa taxa were analyzed using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches. Species distributions were modeled based on geo-referenced localities and climatic data. Evolution of character states of four characters (root morphology, stem branching, stem shape, and stem diameter) as well as ancestral areas were reconstructed using a Bayesian and maximum likelihood framework, respectively. KEY RESULTS: Clades of species are revealed. Though 32 morphologically defined species can be recognized, genetic diversity between some species and infraspecific taxa is too low to delimit their boundaries using plastid DNA markers. Recovered relationships are often supported by morphological and biogeographical patterns. The origin of Copiapoa likely lies between southern Peru and the extreme north of Chile. The Copiapó Valley limited colonization between two biogeographical areas. CONCLUSIONS: Copiapoa is here defined to include 32 species and five heterotypic subspecies. Thirty species are classified into four sections and two subsections, while two species remain unplaced. A better understanding of evolution and diversity of Copiapoa will allow allocating conservation resources to the most threatened lineages and focusing conservation action on real biodiversity.

Evolución Biológica , Cactaceae/fisiología , Cactaceae/clasificación , Cactaceae/genética , Chile , ADN de Plantas/genética , ADN de Plantas/metabolismo , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Filogenia , Dispersión de las Plantas , Plastidios/genética , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
BMC Evol Biol ; 15: 132, 2015 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26141718


BACKGROUND: Identifying orthologous molecular markers that potentially resolve relationships at and below species level has been a major challenge in molecular phylogenetics over the past decade. Non-coding regions of nuclear low- or single-copy markers are a vast and promising source of data providing information for shallow-scale phylogenetics. Taking advantage of public transcriptome data from the One Thousand Plant Project (1KP), we developed a genome-scale mining strategy for recovering potentially orthologous single-copy markers to address low-scale phylogenetics. Our marker design targeted the amplification of intron-rich nuclear single-copy regions from genomic DNA. As a case study we used Hydrangea section Cornidia, one of the most recently diverged lineages within Hydrangeaceae (Cornales), for comparing the performance of three of these nuclear markers to other "fast" evolving plastid markers. RESULTS: Our data mining and filtering process retrieved 73 putative nuclear single-copy genes which are potentially useful for resolving phylogenetic relationships at a range of divergence depths within Cornales. The three assessed nuclear markers showed considerably more phylogenetic signal for shallow evolutionary depths than conventional plastid markers. Phylogenetic signal in plastid markers increased less markedly towards deeper evolutionary divergences. Potential phylogenetic noise introduced by nuclear markers was lower than their respective phylogenetic signal across all evolutionary depths. In contrast, plastid markers showed higher probabilities for introducing phylogenetic noise than signal at the deepest evolutionary divergences within the tribe Hydrangeeae (Hydrangeaceae). CONCLUSIONS: While nuclear single-copy markers are highly informative for shallow evolutionary depths without introducing phylogenetic noise, plastid markers might be more appropriate for resolving deeper-level divergences such as the backbone relationships of the Hydrangeaceae family and deeper, at which non-coding parts of nuclear markers could potentially introduce noise due to elevated rates of evolution. The herein developed and demonstrated transcriptome based mining strategy has a great potential for the design of novel and highly informative nuclear markers for a range of plant groups and evolutionary scales.

Genes de Plantas , Hydrangea/genética , Minería de Datos , Evolución Molecular , Hydrangea/clasificación , Filogenia , Plastidios , Transcriptoma
J R Soc Interface ; 11(99)2014 10 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25079869


In the Neotropics, the genus Hydrangea of the popular ornamental hortensia family is represented by climbing species that strongly cling to their support surface by means of adhesive roots closely positioned along specialized anchoring stems. These root-climbing hortensia species belong to the nearly exclusive American Hydrangea section Cornidia and generally are long lianescent climbers that mostly flower and fructify high in the host tree canopy. The Mexican species Hydrangea seemannii, however, encompasses not only long lianescent climbers of large vertical rock walls and coniferous trees, but also short 'shrub-like' climbers on small rounded boulders. To investigate growth form plasticity in root-climbing hortensia species, we tested the hypothesis that support variability (e.g. differences in size and shape) promotes plastic responses observable at the mechanical, structural and anatomical level. Stem bending properties, architectural axis categorization, tissue organization and wood density were compared between boulder and long-vertical tree-climbers of H. seemannii. For comparison, the mechanical patterns of a closely related, strictly long-vertical tree-climbing species were investigated. Hydrangea seemannii has fine-tuned morphological, mechanical and anatomical responses to support variability suggesting the presence of two alternative root-climbing strategies that are optimized for their particular environmental conditions. Our results suggest that variation of some stem anatomical traits provides a buffering effect that regulates the mechanical and hydraulic demands of two distinct plant architectures. The adaptive value of observed plastic responses and the importance of considering growth form plasticity in evolutionary and conservation studies are discussed.

Hydrangea/anatomía & histología , Hydrangea/fisiología , Movimiento/fisiología , Raíces de Plantas/fisiología , Análisis de Varianza , Fenómenos Biomecánicos , México
Ann Bot ; 113(7): 1139-54, 2014 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24694829


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The order Piperales has the highest diversity of growth forms among the earliest angiosperm lineages, including trees, shrubs, climbers and herbs. However, within the perianth-bearing Piperales (Asarum, Saruma, Lactoris, Hydnora, Prosopanche, Thottea and Aristolochia), climbing species only occur in the most species-rich genus Aristolochia. This study traces anatomical and morphological traits among these lineages, to detect trends in growth form evolution and developmental processes. METHODS: Transverse stem sections of different developmental stages of representatives of Asarum, Saruma, Lactoris, Hydnora, Thottea and Aristolochia were compared and anatomical traits were linked to growth form evolution. Biomechanical properties of representative climbers were determined in three-point bending tests and are discussed based on the anatomical observations. Growth form evolution of the perianth-bearing Piperales was reconstructed by ancestral character state reconstruction using Mesquite. KEY RESULTS: While species of Asarum and Saruma are exclusively herbaceous, species of the remaining genera show a higher diversity of growth habit and anatomy. This growth form diversity is accompanied by a more complex stem anatomy and appropriate biomechanical properties. The ancestral growth form of the perianth-bearing Piperales is reconstructed with either a shrub-like or herbaceous character state, while the following three backbone nodes in the reconstruction show a shrub-like character state. Accordingly, the climbing habit most probably evolved in the ancestor of Aristolochia. CONCLUSIONS: Since the ancestor of the perianth-bearing Piperales has been reconstructed with a herb- or shrub-like habit, it is proposed that the climbing habit is a derived growth form, which evolved with the diversification of Aristolochia, and might have been a key feature for its diversification. Observed anatomical synapomorphies, such as the perivascular fibres in Lactoris, Thottea and Aristolochia, support the phylogenetic relationship of several lineages within the perianth-bearing Piperales. In addition, the hypothesis that the vegetative organs of the holoparasitic Hydnoraceae are most probably rhizomes is confirmed.

Aristolochiaceae/anatomía & histología , Aristolochiaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Tallos de la Planta/anatomía & histología , Tallos de la Planta/crecimiento & desarrollo , Evolución Biológica , Fenómenos Biomecánicos
PLoS One ; 8(11): e79204, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24265760


Extreme haustorial parasites have long captured the interest of naturalists and scientists with their greatly reduced and highly specialized morphology. Along with the reduction or loss of photosynthesis, the plastid genome often decays as photosynthetic genes are released from selective constraint. This makes it challenging to use traditional plastid genes for parasitic plant phylogenetics, and has driven the search for alternative phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary markers. Thus, evolutionary studies, such as molecular clock-based age estimates, are not yet available for all parasitic lineages. In the present study, we extracted 14 nuclear single copy genes (nSCG) from Illumina transcriptome data from one of the "strangest plants in the world", Hydnora visseri (Hydnoraceae). A ~15,000 character molecular dataset, based on all three genomic compartments, shows the utility of nSCG for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships in parasitic lineages. A relaxed molecular clock approach with the same multi-locus dataset, revealed an ancient age of ~91 MYA for Hydnoraceae. We then estimated the stem ages of all independently originated parasitic angiosperm lineages using a published dataset, which also revealed a Cretaceous origin for Balanophoraceae, Cynomoriaceae and Apodanthaceae. With the exception of Santalales, older parasite lineages tend to be more specialized with respect to trophic level and have lower species diversity. We thus propose the "temporal specialization hypothesis" (TSH) implementing multiple independent specialization processes over time during parasitic angiosperm evolution.

Genes de Plantas , Magnoliopsida/genética , Tracheophyta/genética , Evolución Biológica , ADN Mitocondrial , Magnoliopsida/clasificación , Mutación , Fotosíntesis/genética , Filogenia , Plastidios/genética , Tracheophyta/clasificación