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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39183256


In this paper, we articulate a functional approach to cognitive capacities. It is a restricted functionalism for various reasons, but especially because it does not claim that all cognitive (and/or mental) entities and processes are functional in the sense of a systemic capacities approach. One of the central aims of a cognitive theory consists in providing explanations of behavioral phenomena of (human and non-human) animals, and of the phenomena that are involved in those explanations. We accept that part of what lies at the heart of these explanations are certain functional entities -we call them "cognitive functional systems" -which in our view stand for most of the cognitive capacities of an organism; that is, systems that are individuated primarily by the main cognitive functions they undertake. Additionally, in the paper, we go into further detail concerning these functional systems, their internal organization, the nature of their causal interactions, etc. We also argue that some of these classes of cognitive functional systems (i.e., cognitive capacities) can be construed as "natural kinds" whenever their kinds of functional organizations are understood as kinds of hierarchically ordered classes of information processing events that are related among each other in regular (often complex) ways.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(3): 18-31, sep.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447043


Resumen Diversos estudios han reportado que el cuidado informal de adultos mayores, personas con alguna enfermedad o discapacidad, e incluso el cuidado de menores de edad, tiene un impacto en la salud física y mental de las personas cuidadoras (PC). El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar los riesgos a la salud mental de las PC, teniendo como referencia el concepto de "carga de cuidado" que alude a las demandas físicas, emocionales, sociales y/o económicas de las actividades de cuidado, y la tensión que estas producen. Los participantes respondieron a un tamizaje entre abril y diciembre de 2020, vía una plataforma electrónica, mismo que tuvo por objeto identificar y atender problemas de salud mental que pudieran presentarse o agravarse por la pandemia y las medidas de confinamiento adoptadas para mitigarla. Más de 51,000 personas reportaron ser PC de menores, adultos mayores y/o enfermos crónicos, lo que permitió identificar variaciones en la carga de cuidado considerando el impacto de distintos perfiles de cuidadores (según el tipo y número de personas dependientes). Las condiciones de salud mental evaluadas fueron estrés agudo, ansiedad generalizada, ansiedad por la salud y depresión. Los resultados confirman que las PC que cuidan más de un tipo de persona dependiente tienen mayores probabilidades de riesgo a desarrollar alguna de las condiciones de salud mental. Así mismo, quienes cuidaban alguna persona con enfermedad crónica fueron los más vulnerables, mientras que tener un menor de edad al cuidado actuó en alguna medida como un factor protector.

Abstract Several studies have reported that informal care of older adults, chronically ill, and children's, has an impact on physical and mental health of caregivers. The goal of this study was to identify mental health risks of caregivers, considering the concept of caregiver burden that points to the physical, emotional, social and/or economic demands of care activities, and the tension they produce. Participants answered a mental health screening (via an electronic platform) that intended to identify and attend mental health problems that could arise or be aggravated during the pandemic and confinement measures adopted to mitigate it. More than 51,000 people reported being caregivers of children, older people and/or chronically ill, which allows to identify variations in caregiver burden considering type and number of dependent people. The mental health conditions evaluated were acute stress, generalized anxiety, health anxiety, and depression. Results confirmed that caregivers who take care of more than one type of dependent are more likely to be at risk of developing any of the mental health conditions measured. Likewise, those who care for a chronically ill, were the most vulnerable and, to take care of children was at some extent a protective factor.