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Heliyon ; 5(10): e02502, 2019 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31667375


Green route biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (SNPs) using methanol extract of Oscillatoria sp. was investigated. The nanoparticles (OsSNPs) were characterized by UV-Vis spectrophotometry, FTIR, SEM, Thermogravimetry, EDX and DLS. The antibacterial, antibiofilm and in vitro cytotoxicity activity of the OsSNPs was determined. Surface Plasmon Resonance peak was at 500 nm. Functional groups such as hydroxyl; alcohol, phosphate, and amine among others were responsible for the capping and stabilization of proteins in the nanoparticles. The OsSNPs were spherical with size of 10 nm and are thermostable to an extent without totally losing its weight. EDX analysis revealed a strong signal of silver element. DLS shows the particle diameter average of 0.000 nm and 558.1 nm with a polydispersity index of 0.580. The OsSNPs had effective antibacterial activity against the test bacterial pathogens with zone of inhibition ranged from 1 - 21 mm. OsSNPs exhibited strong antibiofilm activity. However, the toxicity of the OsSNPs to Artemia salina (brine shrimp) was observed to be insignificant with the highest mortality at 4000 µg/mL and lethal dose (LC50) of 2630.3 µg/mL. Greenly synthesized OsSNPs had effective antibacterial potency and low cytotoxicity which suggests its use in biomedical and pharmacological applications.

Int J Vet Sci Med ; 5(2): 135-142, 2017 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30255062


Following previous studies on delivery potential and immune response of chickens given Newcastle disease vaccine with gums, this study was conducted to evaluate the protective ability of vaccines delivered with plant gums against clinicopathological features of Newcastle disease (ND). Processed gums from incised trunks of Cedrela odorata and Khaya senegalensis trees were combined with ND vaccine in ratio 2:2:1 and administered at 21 days to white leghorn cockerels after weaning of maternal antibodies. The birds were grouped into gum-vaccine-oral (GVOR), vaccine-oral (VOR), gum-vaccine-ocular (GVOC), vaccine-ocular (VOC), gum-oral (GOR), gum-ocular (GOC), no-gum-no-vaccine/challenged (NGNV/C), no-gum-no-vaccine/unchallenged (NGNV/U). Vaccination was boosted with the same preparation at day 42 while birds were challenged with live ND virus (KUDU strain) at day 84. Clinical signs (Dullness, Diarrhoea, Paralysis, Torticollis) Post infection (Pi), terminal weakness, gross and histology lesions were scored on a severity scale from absent (0-), mild (1+) to moderate (2+) and severe (3+). Scores were assigned a quantitative score of 0, 10, 20, 30 respectively. Clinical signs scores for the 5 week Pi were subjected to Friedman test to assess the significance of severity among the groups. The test was significant at 1% significance level which implies that the clinical signs ranked highest in the NGNV/C, followed by the Gum alone groups, the vaccine alone groups and the gum-vaccine groups irrespective of route. Moribund birds subsequently euthanized were seen in the GOR and GOC group at 21% each and at 57% in NGNV/C group alone. No signs were seen in the NVNG/U group. Grossly, mild to moderate lesions were seen in all groups except GVOR and NGNV/U. At histology, pulmonary congestion, acute pneumonia, cecal tonsilar haemorrhages, gliosis and neuronophagia were present at different proportions in all groups except the GVOR and NGNV/U. Overall, lesion severity was least in the gum-vaccine groups while the oral groups had less lesion score compared to the ocular. From this study, phytogenic mucoadhesives polymers used hold immense potential as a delivery agent capable of improving protection against clinicopathologic features of Newcastle disease in previously vaccinated birds.

Springerplus ; 5(1): 1289, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27547664


BACKGROUND: Few studies have investigated the interaction of bioadhesives with biologic tissues for veterinary application. Hence, this study evaluates the mucoadhesive property and vaccine delivery properties of polymers from phytogenic origin. Gums from Cedrela odorata and Khaya senegalensis were harvested, purified, dried and compressed into 500 mg tablets individually and in combined ratios. The time taken for these tablets, placed on freshly excised (5 × 5 cm) trachea and duodenal tissues of cattle, chicken, pig, sheep and goat and fastened to the basket end of a tablet dissolution machine probe set at 50 rev/min in a phosphate buffer 6.8 pH at 37 °C, to fall off the tissue was the peak adhesion time (PAT). Gum with best PAT was combined with Newcastle disease vaccine and the procedure repeated. Haemagglutination assay (HA) was conducted on the gum polymer-vaccine mix with gum and vaccine individually as controls. RESULTS: On intestinal and trachea tissues, Cedrela gum polymer averagely had prolonged PAT (≈1 h 30 min and 1 h respectively) while average PAT values of Khaya gums followed the same trend but too transient PAT (≈6 and 0.3 min respectively). However on combination, Cedrela-Khaya polymer mix (1:1) was best on chicken, cattle and sheep trachea and intestinal tissues (PAT of 1 h 30 min and 2 h 24 min respectively). On combination with vaccine, the PAT of the gums reduced slightly on cattle and sheep tissues while other animal tissue showed varied results. The HA results showed the gum polymer boosted the HA property of the vaccine (Log 10(5)), when compared to vaccine alone (Log 10(4)). CONCLUSION: Hence, mucoadhesives from phytogenic sources have potential for non-invasive vaccine application.