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Electron Physician ; 9(11): 5778-5786, 2017 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29403619


BACKGROUND: The prevalence of disability in Iran has increased due to ageing of the population and the presence of chronic diseases. However, little is known about the availability of rehabilitation services in Iran. OBJECTIVE: To study the availability of physical rehabilitation services in Iran. METHODS: This was a mixed method study. In the first phase, a qualitative design was conducted for designing an instrument with focus groups based on Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) instrument (developed by World Health Organization). Content analysis was used for data analysis. Then, in the second phase, a cross-sectional study was performed to collect the data with census method in Iran. This study was formed from June to October 2015, and samples consisted of all governmental, public non-governmental and private facilities established for rehabilitation centers affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Labor, Cooperative and Social Welfare and the Iranian Red Crescent Society. Data analyses were performed using SPSS software (version 16). Descriptive statistical analysis (percentage and frequency) were calculated for quantitative data. RESULTS: In the first phase, the content analysis of qualitative data identified a Master Facilities List (MFL) of rehabilitation services and service providers in Iran. Results of the second phase showed that the rate of inpatient, outpatient, community-based and long-term care centers per 1,000,000 populations in Iran were 1.68, 89.24, 66.21 and 3.6, respectively. Also, that the rate of rehabilitation professionals including physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and audiologists were 3.90, 64.65, 22.09, 22.83 and 24.18 per 1,000,000 populations, respectively. CONCLUSION: There is a need to increase the availability of rehabilitation services and to promote rehabilitation referrals by using an interdisciplinary team approach.

Iran Red Crescent Med J ; 16(1): e13246, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24719707


BACKGROUND: Domestic violence appears to be a major social problem. Researches in the last 10 years have uncovered multiple effects of witnessing domestic violence on children, ranging in severity from little or no effect to sever psychological harm. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to measure the prevalence of exposure to domestic violence among high school students in Tehran. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on high school students of Tehran in the school year 2011-2012. The "Children's Exposure to Domestic Violence Scale" was administered to a total cohort of 1,212 students (615 males and 597 females) selected by the stratified sampling method. RESULTS: Approximately one-half of the participants (44.3%) had been exposed to their fathers's violence against their mothers at least sometimes in their lives, the most common form of which was preventing the mother from doing something (28.5%) and the least common, hurting the mother with sharp or deadly tools (9.6%). A substantial proportion of the students (90.6%) had been exposed to violence in the community or at school, the most common kind would be being heard from someone calling another person names or making fun of them (81.7%) and the least common, being injured a child in the community or at school (31.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to violence is a widespread problem among children in Tehran. It encompasses a wide range and children were exposed to violence in different ways and forms.

Iran J Public Health ; 43(1): 100-6, 2014 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26060686


BACKGROUND: The present study was conducted to determine the association between social support and health-related QOL (HRQL) for a sample of 120 patients living with HIV/AIDS in Tehran. METHOD: Eighty male and 40 female living with HIV referred to Iranian AIDS Research Center at Imam Khomini Hospital in Tehran, Iran in 2011 were randomly selected for assessment. Data was collected by means of Vaux's Social Support questionnaire and Medical Outcomes Short-Form-36 (SF-36) QOL questionnaires. Pearson (P) Correlation Coefficient and Fisher z-test were used for statistical analysis. RESULTS: In general, social support was significantly associated with overall QOL in men (P = 0.001) and women (P = 0.009) living with HIV/AIDS. In men, social support was significantly associated with mental and physical domains of QOL (P = 0.001) while in women it simply associated with mental domain of QOL (P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that increasing social support for HIV/AIDS persons increases their QOL. This can help those physicians who are involved in care of HIV-infected persons and it maintains QOL across the spec-trum of HIV disease.

Iran J Psychiatry ; 9(4): 241-7, 2014 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25792993


OBJECTIVE: Mental health is an essential component for positive adaptation that enables people to cope with adversity to achieve their full potential and humanity. In this study, using a community based approach, the social determinants of mental health in Iranian women were extracted; and in addition, priority setting for interventional programs according to analytical framework of WHO was implemented. METHOD: This study was a community based participatory research (CBPR) in district 22 of Tehran (Iran). The target group was married females with age range of 18-65 years. In this study, mental health priorities were extracted by qualitative methods according to Essential National Health Research model (ENHR) and the analytical framework of WHO. Data analysis was done based on content analysis by the open code 3.6 software. RESULTS: In the quantitative phase, according to secondary data, 1144 individuals (560 females and 584 males) were selected, of whom 41 percent had impaired mental health based on General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (P<0.05). According to the qualitative phase, the first mental health priority in socioeconomic level was lack of insurance for unattended families, it was unemployment in differential exposure level and it was lack of knowledge and skills related to dealing with stress in the differential vulnerability level; in differential outcome and consequence levels, the priorities were lack of free counseling centers in the study area and lack of facilities for mental health rehabilitation. CONCLUSION: Providing training courses to improve the skills to deal with stress is considered one of the most important interventions for mental health promotion in women.

Iran Red Crescent Med J ; 15(8): 743-8, 2013 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24578846


BACKGROUND: Adaptive ways of coping with stress are as a major component of mental health and also this is considered as a key element in quality of life. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between quality of life and coping mechanisms in married women ages between 18-65 years in order to develop appropriate intervention programs to promote mental health. PATIENTS AND METHODS: THIS STUDY WAS A PART OF INTERVENTIONAL PROJECT TO MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION IN MARRIED WOMEN THAT COMPLETED THROUGH A CROSS SECTIONAL STUDIES USING TWO STANDARD QUESTIONNAIRES: Ways of Coping (WOC) and Quality of Life questionnaire (WHO, QOL-BREF). RESULTS: The most and the least used ways in coping with stress were Planful Problem Solving and Confronting Coping. Considering the quality of life, the most and the least scores were related to social dimension and mental health. Also women who have higher quality of life used more Positive Reappraisal way and less Escape-Avoidance way to deal with stress (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It seems that implementation of an appropriate interventional program related to adaptive ways of coping in order to deal with stress is effective in mental health and quality of life promotion.