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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 3821, 2024 Feb 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38360843


Liquid jet pumps are widely used in various industrial applications for fluid mixing, circulation, and transport. The efficiency and performance of liquid jet pumps play a crucial role in determining their overall effectiveness and economic viability. The performance of liquid jet pumps is primarily affected by parameters such as motive fluid pressure, nozzle design, and entrainment ratio. Liquid jet pumps exhibit a notable drawback in terms of comparatively lower efficiency when compared to alternative pump types. The reduced overall efficiency of liquid jet pumps stems primarily from energy dissipation incurred during the entrainment process. To address this obstacle, a water-water loop system was implemented in conjunction with a liquid jet pump, followed by the introduction of drag-reducing polymers (DRPs) into the suction flow of the liquid jet pump using a specific configuration. This configuration led to a significant reduction in drag within the liquid jet pump, raising its efficiency in some cases from 13.8% to 26.7% with a drag reduction of 46%, subsequently improving its overall performance. The resulting enhancement was evaluated using various efficiency models documented in the existing literature to comprehensively assess the overall performance of the liquid jet pump. A new interpretation of jet pump efficiency has been shared, along with a comparison of the various efficiencies.

ACS Omega ; 8(1): 539-554, 2023 Jan 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36643422


Reservoir stimulation is a widely used technique in the oil and gas industry for increasing the productivity of hydrocarbon reservoirs, most notably in carbonate formations. This work aims to develop an optimization workflow under uncertainty for matrix acidizing. A reactive transport model is implemented in a finite-element framework to simulate the initiation and propagation of dissolution channels in porous carbonate rock. The model is verified using an analytical solution. We utilize surrogate modeling based on polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) and Sobol indices to identify the most significant parameters. We investigate the effect of varying 12 identified parameters on the efficiency of the stimulation process using dimensionless groups, including the Damköhler, Peclet, and acid capacity numbers. Furthermore, the surrogate model reproduces the physics-based results accurately, including the dissolution channels, the pore volume to breakthrough, and the effective permeability of the stimulated rock. The developed workflow assesses how uncertainties propagate to the model's response, where the surrogate model is used to calculate the univariate effect. The global sensitivity analysis shows that the acid capacity number is the most significant parameter for the pore volume to breakthrough with the highest Sobol index. The marginal effect calculated for the individual parameter confirms the results from Sobol indices. This work provides a systematic workflow for uncertainty analysis and optimization applied to the processes of rock stimulation. Characterizing the impact of uncertainty provides physical insights and a better understanding of the matrix acidizing process.