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PLoS One ; 16(1): e0244694, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33449921


Seasonal temperature and precipitation patterns on a global scale are main factors to which insects and plants adapt through natural selection, although periodic outbreaks in insect populations may occur in areas where they had not been previously reported, a phenomenon considered as a consequence of global warming. In this study, we estimate the distribution of sugarcane borers, Diatraea spp., under different climate scenarios (rcp26, rcp45, rcp60 and rcp85.) Insects were collected weekly in four sugarcane fields from four different towns in the department of Caldas (Colombia) during 2017, and also in several sugarcane fields in the Cauca River Valley (CRV) between 2010 and 2017. The influence of climatic variables on different agro-ecological zones of the CRV sugarcane fields was defined by climatic data between 2010 and 2017 (maximum and minimum daily temperatures, and accumulated precipitation). The estimate of an optimal niche for Diatraea spp. includes temperatures between 20°C and 23°C, accumulated annual rainfall between 1200 and 1500 mm, dry months with precipitations below 50 mm, slopes of less than 0.05 degrees, crop heterogeneity with an index of 0.2 and primary production values of 1.0. Data suggests Diatraea population is considerably influenced by adverse climate change effects, under the premise of an increase in local and global temperatures, reducing its population niches as well as the number of individuals.

Mariposas Nocturnas , Animales , Cambio Climático , Colombia , Calentamiento Global , Mariposas Nocturnas/fisiología , Dinámica Poblacional , Lluvia , Saccharum/parasitología , Estaciones del Año
Rev. luna azul ; (37): 63-73, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-696603


La concentración letal (CL) es usada para estimar la toxicidad de plaguicidas a artrópodos. Sin embargo, la CL es una medida incompleta de los efectos de los productos sobre poblaciones, pues analiza solamente la mortalidad como parámetro de toxicidad. Se sabe que individuos que sobreviven a la exposición a plaguicidas pueden sufrir efectos subletales. Objetivo: En este trabajo fue estudiado en laboratorio los efectos letales y subletales del caldo sulfocálcico en el crecimiento poblacional de los ácaros T. evansi y T. urticae. Metodología: Los efectos letales fueron estimados a través de test de toxicidad aguda con obtención de curvas dosis-respuesta y sus respectivas concentraciones letales, y los efectos subletales a través de la estimativa de la tasa instantánea de crecimiento poblacional (ri). Resultados: Las concentraciones letales y subletales del caldo sulfocálcico para T. evansi fueron 0,2 y 1,03% del producto, respectivamente, mientras que para T. urticae fueron 5,68 y 23,44% del producto. Conclusiones: El caldo sulfocálcico se presenta como una alternativa para el control de T. evansi, mientras que para T. urticae no es viable económicamente su utilización.

The lethal concentration (CL) is used to estimate the toxicity of pesticides for arthropods. However, the CL is an incomplete measurement of the effects of products on populations because it analyzes only mortality as a parameter of toxicity. It is known that individuals that survive to exposure of pesticides may suffer sub-lethal effects. Objective: The lethal and sublethal effects of lime sulfur on the population growth of dust mites T. evansi and T. urticae were studied in laboratory conditions. Methodology: Lethal effects were estimated by using acute toxicity tests to obtain dosage-response curves and their respective lethal concentrations and sub-lethal effects were estimated by means of the instantaneous population growth rate (ri). Results: The lethal and sub-lethal concentrations of lime sulphur against T. evansi were 0.2 and 1.03%, respectively, whereas for T. urticae, concentrations were 5.68 and 23.44%. Conclusions: Lime sulfur represents a valuable alternative for T. evansi control; while for T. urticae is not a viable economically option to be recommended.

Humanos , Ácaros y Garrapatas , Plaguicidas , Azufre , Toxicidad