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Salud ment ; 46(2): 61-67, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450416


Abstract Introduction In rational emotive behavioral therapy, irrational beliefs are significant in mental health since their presence leads to conditions such as depression and suicidal ideation. Since these conditions have been increasing worldwide, it is essential to explore the factors that contribute to their understanding. Objective To design explanatory models for depression and suicidal ideation based on irrational beliefs in psychology students. Method Quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study with multivariate analysis. Results Two explanatory models were designed: one for depression and the other for suicidal ideation. Thirty-nine per cent of depressive symptomatology can be explained by the presence of irrational beliefs concerning perfectionism, avoidance of responsibilities, concern over the future, and the determinism of the past. At the same time, 54% of suicidal ideation can be explained by the presence of beliefs centering on perfectionism, avoidance of responsibilities, external locus of control, and the determinism of the past. Discussion and conclusion Depression and suicidal ideation in psychology students can partly be explained by irrational beliefs concerning perfectionism, external locus of control, concern over the future, avoidance of responsibilities, and the determinism of the past. Clinical care approaches can modify these beliefs to reduce symptoms and promote mental health.

Resumen Introducción Para la terapia racional emotiva conductual las creencias irracionales tienen un gran peso en la salud mental, ya que la presencia de estas genera padecimientos como depresión e ideación suicida. Se sabe que en el mundo estos padecimientos han ido en aumento, por ello, es importante explorar factores que faciliten su explicación. Objetivo Generar modelos explicativos para la depresión y la ideación suicida desde las creencias irracionales en estudiantes de psicología. Método Estudio cuantitativo, no experimental, transversal con análisis multivariado. Resultados Se realizaron modelos explicativos; uno para la depresión y otro para ideación suicida. La sintomatología depresiva se explica en 39% con la presencia de creencias irracionales de perfeccionismo, evitación de responsabilidades, preocupación por el futuro y determinismo del pasado. Por otro lado, la ideación suicida se explica en 54% con la presencia de las creencias de perfeccionismo, evitación de responsabilidades, locus de control externo y determinismo del pasado. Discusión y conclusión La depresión e ideación suicida en estudiantes de psicología se puede explicar en parte por creencias irracionales de perfeccionismo, locus de control externo, preocupación por el futuro, evitación de responsabilidades y determinismo del pasado. A través de enfoques de atención clínica es factible modificar dichas creencias con el objetivo de disminuir sintomatología y promover la salud mental.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 5(1): 1872-1880, abr. 2015. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-761462


OBJETIVO: Correlacionar características sociodemográficas, clínicas y síntomas depresivos con riesgo suicida en padres de pacientes con enfermedad neuromuscular (ENM).DISEÑO: Estudio prospectivo, transversal analítico.MÉTODO: se evaluaron padres de hijos con ENM, mediante un inventario de depresión y una escala de riesgo suicida. Se correlacionaron riesgo suicida, síntomas depresivos y factores sociodemográficos de los padres y características clínicas del hijo con ENM.RESULTADOS: Evaluados 54 cuidadores, 52 (96%) fueron madres, edad promedio 43.43 ±8.2 (20 a 58). Edad de los hijos 16.61 ±5.6 (8 a 27) años. El 24% de los participantes refirieron síntomas de depresión y 15% de riesgo suicida. Ningún factor socio demográfico o clínico tuvo asociación con riesgo suicida. Hubo correlación directa de los síntomas depresivos con riesgo suicida (r= .86 y r2= .73). En el análisis multivariado fueron significativos para riesgo suicida, la indecisión (rm=18.48), ideación suicida activa (rm=14.04), sentimientos de culpa (rm=11.44), el pesimismo (rm=11.38) y pérdida de interés en el sexo (rm=8.4).CONCLUSIÓN: El riesgo suicida de los padres de hijos con ENM se correlaciona con los síntomas depresivos de indecisión, sentimientos de culpa, pesimismo e ideación suicida. Por ello, es importante el apoyo psicoterapéutico a los padres de los pacientes.

AIM: To correlate clinical, social, demographic characteristics and depressive symptoms with suicide risk among parents of patients with neuromuscular diseases in rehabilitation.DESIGN: The study design was prospective, transversal and analytic.METHOD: the study was conducted on parents of children with neuromuscular diseases (NMD), from the Teletón Children's rehabilitation centre of Western Mexico (Centro de Rehabilitación Teletón de Occidente), through the use of individual validated standardised tests; Beck's depression inventory and Plutchik's suicide risk scale. Correlation was measured between suicide risk, depressive symptoms and clinical, social-demographic characteristics. The informed consent was obtained from all participants.RESULTS: 54 parents were evaluated, 52 (96%) were mothers, average age 43.43 ±8.2 (20 to 58). The average age of children was 16.61 ±5.6 (8 to 27). 24% of parents showed depression, 15% of participants showed suicidal risk. Social or demographic factors were not correlated with suicide risk. Neither, the clinical characteristics of the patients with neuromuscular diseases were correlated to suicide risk in participants. There was direct correlation of depressive symptoms with suicide risk (r = 0.86; r2 = 0.73). Multivariate analysis only revealed significant data on indecision (rm=18.48), feelings of guilt (rm=11.44), pessimism (rm=11.38), loss of interest in sex (rm=8.4) and active suicide ideation (rm=14.04).CONCLUSION: The suicide risk in the parents of children with NMD are correlated with depressive symptoms; mainly, indecision, feelings of guilt, pessimism and suicide ideation. Based on results, the parents of children with NMD must be involved in prevention strategies for depression symptoms and suicide behavior.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 4(1): 1446-1458, abr. 2014.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-714397


El suicidio es un problema de salud pública mundial y los adolescentes son los que presentan con mayor frecuencia esta problemática. El estudio realizado identifica la estructura semántica del dominio cultural, el promedio de conocimiento y el grado de consenso cultural que sobre el suicidio tienen adolescentes con tentativa suicida. El trabajo es un estudio cualitativo mediante la técnica de listas libres. Participaron 29 adolescentes (13 a 18 años). Las listas libres fueron sobre: las causas; los signos y los síntomas; lo que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente antes de cometer suicidio y las estrategias de prevención de éste. Los resultados muestran para cada pregunta un único modelo semántico en el dominio cultural. En lo estructural se identifican los problemas familiares como la causa del intento suicida; la depresión y la tristeza son síntomas previos al intento suicida. La tristeza y la soledad, salir del problema y suicidarse es lo que considera que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente previo al intento de suicidio. Como estrategias de prevención, se identifican le ponga más atención y hablar con él. Los resultados ponderan la importancia de la familia para los programas de prevención de las conductas suicidas en adolescentes.

The suicide is a problem of public world health and the adolescents are those who present with more frequency this problem. Nevertheless, the studies of the suicide phenomenon from a cultural perspective are limited. Cultural research in suicidology is important to develop the understanding of the meanings of suicidal behavior in different contexts. The cultural consensus theory would contribute to the cultural perspective of the knowledge of suicidal behaviors in terms of its internal elements and their functioning (emic) and this theory allows knowing if there exists a knowledge shared by a social group regarding an issue and allows to recognize its organization. The aim of this study was to identify the semantic structure of the cultural domain, as well as the average of knowledge and the degree of cultural consensus regarding suicide among adolescent suicide attempters. It was a qualitative study, using the free-listing technique, with a non-random sample made up of 29 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The free lists were on: the causes; the signs and the symptoms; what he/she feels, thinks and does before attempting suicide and the strategies of suicide prevention at adolescence. The results showed for every question a single semantic model in the cultural domain suicide attempt. In such structure, the family problems were identified as the cause of suicidal attempt; the depression and the sadness were symptoms before suicidal attempt. The sadness, the loneliness and the angerwere what an adolescent feels before the suicide attempt. Furthermore, to get out of the problem and to end his/her life were what an adolescent thinks before attempting suicide and to commit suicide was what an adolescent does before to suicide attempt. To pay more attention, to talk with the adolescent, to improve the communication with the parents and to attend a psychotherapy were identified as strategies for suicide prevention. The results highlight the importance of the family of suicide prevention programs for adolescents based on cultural knowledge.

Schizophr Res Treatment ; 2012: 584725, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22970365


The purpose of the present study was to determine sex differences in facial, prosodic, and social context emotional recognition in schizophrenia (SCH). Thirty-eight patients (SCH, 20 females) and 38 healthy controls (CON, 20 females) participated in the study. Clinical scales (BPRS and PANSS) and an Affective States Scale were applied, as well as tasks to evaluate facial, prosodic, and within a social context emotional recognition. SCH showed lower accuracy and longer response times than CON, but no significant sex differences were observed in either facial or prosody recognition. In social context emotions, however, females showed higher empathy than males with respect to happiness in both groups. SCH reported being more identified with sad films than CON and females more with fear than males. The results of this study confirm the deficits of emotional recognition in male and female patients with schizophrenia compared to healthy subjects. Sex differences were detected in relation to social context emotions and facial and prosodic recognition depending on age.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 20(2): 167-179, jul.-dic. 2011.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-619670


Este estudio buscó identificar la estructura semántica del dominio cultural, el promedio de conocimiento y el grado de consenso cultural manifestado por los adolescentes sobre el intento de suicidio. Fue un estudio cualitativo de listas libres, con un muestreo propositivo no aleatorizado de 27 adolescentes entre 13 y 18 años. Los resultados evidenciaron un solo modelo semántico. En lo estructural se identificó el problema familiar como una causa importante del intento suicida; las categorías depresión y tristeza se consideraron como signos y síntomas previos a esta tentativa y no como causas. Como estrategias de prevención, se consideró recibir información mediante pláticas o establecer conversaciones sobre los problemas. Este modelo permite proponer estrategias de prevención que privilegien el núcleo familiar.

The objective of this study was to identify the semantic structure of the cultural domain, as well as the average knowledge and degree of cultural consensus among adolescents regarding suicide attempts. It was a qualitative study, using the free-listing technique, with a non-random sample made up of 27 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18. The results showed a single semantic model. in such structure, family problems were identified as an important cause of suicide attempts, while depression and sadness were identified as signs and symptoms prior to the attempt, rather than as causes. Information talks and conversations about problems were suggested as prevention strategies. This model makes it possible to propose prevention strategies that prioritize the family nucleus.

Este estudo buscou identificar a estrutura semântica do domínio cultural, o nível de conhecimento e o grau de consenso cultural manifestado pelos adolescentes acerca da tentativa de suicídio. Foi um estudo qualitativo com listas livres e uma amostra propositiva, não aleatória, com 27 adolescentes entre 13 e 18 anos. Os resultados evidenciaram somente um modelo semântico. No estrutural identificou-se o problema familiar como uma causa importante para as tentativas de suicídio; enquanto que as categorias depressão e tristeza foram consideradas não como causas, mas como signos e sintomas prévios a esta tentativa. Como estratégias de prevenção foram consideradas a recepção da informação mediante diálogos livres ou mediante conversações sobre os problemas. Esse modelo permite propor estratégias de prevenção que privilegiem o núcleo familiar.

Adolescente , Intento de Suicidio/prevención & control , Intento de Suicidio/psicología , Suicidio/prevención & control , Suicidio/psicología , Salud Mental , Núcleo Familiar/psicología
Int J Psychophysiol ; 71(1): 84-90, 2009 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18727940


Impairments in emotional recognition have been consistently reported in schizophrenic patients. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate time-sequenced responses in ERPs and event-related oscillations during emotional recognition of happiness and fear compared to facial identity recognition in schizophrenic patients (SCH) versus healthy controls (CON). Ten paranoid SCH and ten CON subjects performed three oddball paradigm tasks, evaluating face identity recognition and facial emotional recognition of happiness and fear. Event-related potentials and event-related theta and alpha oscillations were obtained for each task. N170 and P2 components appeared with higher amplitude in SCH than in CON at the occipital locations. An early prefrontally distributed P3a component was observed while doing the identity task with lower amplitude in SCH than in CON. Comparatively, P3b amplitude was lower in SCH than in CON over parietal leads in the identity and happiness tasks. Additionally, theta oscillations showed significantly lower RMS values in SCH between 250 and 500 ms post-stimuli in frontal and central regions. On the other hand, the grand-averaged alpha oscillations demonstrated higher RMS values in the occipital leads in SCH compared to CON and the opposite over the frontal regions. Results are interpreted in the framework of a functional disruption in the distributed neuronal networks involved both in facial identity and emotional recognition in schizophrenics as indexed by the brain oscillatory activity and related ERP components.

Relojes Biológicos/fisiología , Emociones/fisiología , Expresión Facial , Reconocimiento Visual de Modelos/fisiología , Esquizofrenia/fisiopatología , Psicología del Esquizofrénico , Adulto , Análisis de Varianza , Proteínas de Arabidopsis , Electroencefalografía , Potenciales Evocados/fisiología , Humanos , Masculino , Proteínas Nucleares , Estimulación Luminosa , Tiempo de Reacción/fisiología , Esquizofrenia/patología , Adulto Joven