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Phys Rev E ; 94(4-1): 042104, 2016 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27841499


In this work, the phase diagram of the ferromagnetic Ising model with dipole interactions is revisited with the aim of determining the nature of the phase transition between stripe-ordered phases with width n (h_{n}) and tetragonal liquid (TL) phases. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are performed in order to study the short-time dynamic behavior of the observables for selected values of the ratio between the ferromagnetic exchange and dipolar constants δ. The obtained results indicate that the h_{1}-TL phase transition line is continuous up to δ=1.2585, while for the h_{2}-TL line a weak first-order character is found in the interval 1.2585≤δ≤1.36 and becomes continuous for 1.37≤δ≤1.9. This result suggests the existence of a tricritical point close to δ=1.37. When it is appropriate, the complete set of critical exponents is obtained, and in all the studied cases they depend on δ but do not belong to the Ising universality class. Furthermore, short-time dynamic studies reveal that at the point where the mentioned lines meet the h_{1}-h_{2} line, i.e., at δ=1.2585, the critical phase corresponding to the h_{1}-TL transition coexists with the h_{2} phase.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26565188


The ferromagnetic Ising model with antiferromagnetic dipole interactions is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations, focusing on the characterization of the phase transitions between the tetragonal liquid and stripe of width h phases. The dynamic evolution of the physical observables is analyzed within the short-time regime for 0.5≤δ≤1.3, where δ is the ratio between the short-range exchange and the long-range dipole interaction constants. The obtained results for the interval 0.5≤δ≤1.2 indicate that the phase transition line between the h=1 stripe and tetragonal liquid phases is continuous. This finding contributes to clarifying the controversy about the order of this transition. This controversy arises from the difficulties introduced in the simulations due to the presence of long-range dipole interactions, such as an important increase in the simulation times that limits the system size used, strong finite size effects, as well as to the existence of multiple metastable states at low temperatures. The study of the short-time dynamics of the model allows us to avoid these hindrances. Moreover, due to the fact that the finite-size effects do not significantly affect the power-law behavior exhibited in the observables within the short-time regime, the results could be attributed to those corresponding to the thermodynamic limit. As a consequence of this, a careful characterization of the critical behavior for the whole transition line is performed by giving the complete set of critical exponents.