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Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 339-366, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552683


Os anticorpos monoclonais são uma nova classe de medicamentos que representa um marco na evolução da terapia de doenças alérgicas graves. Além de possibilitar uma terapia imunológica alvo específico, proporciona maior controle de sintomas, redução de exacerbações, melhoria da qualidade de vida e da segurança. A eficácia e a segurança dos anticorpos monoclonais no tratamento de doenças alérgicas estão bem documentadas nos estudos clínicos pivotais, de extensão e de vida real. No Brasil, estão licenciados atualmente pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) imunobiológicos para asma, dermatite atópica (DA), esofagite eosinofílica (EoE), granulomatose eosinofílica com poliangeíte (GEPA), rinossinusite crônica com pólipo nasal (RSCcPN), síndromes hipereosinofílicas (SHE) e urticária crônica espontânea (UCE). Com a incorporação do uso dessas novas terapias no dia a dia do médico alergologista e imunologista, naturalmente emergem aspectos práticos que exigem orientações práticas perante as evidências científicas mais atuais, a fim de se manter a boa prática médica, com uso criterioso e consciente pelo especialista capacitado. Assim, nesse guia prático, abordaremos os imunobiológicos aprovados até o momento para doenças alérgicas graves, com objetivo de auxiliar o especialista em Alergia e Imunologia na prescrição e manejo dessas medicações, incluindo indicações, contraindicações, monitoramento da eficácia e segurança, notificação de eventos adversos, bem como aspectos associados aos cuidados com vacinas, populações especiais, acesso, transporte, armazenamento e aplicação domiciliar.

Monoclonal antibodies are a new class of drugs that represent a milestone in the evolution of therapy for severe allergic diseases. In addition to allowing targeted immunologic therapy, they can improve symptom control, reduce exacerbations, and increase quality of life and safety. The efficacy and safety of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of allergic diseases are well documented in pivotal, extension, and real-life clinical studies. In Brazil, immunobiologic agents are currently licensed by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) for use in asthma, atopic dermatitis (AD), eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP), hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES), and chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). With the incorporation of these new therapies into the daily practice of the allergist and immunologist, practical aspects will naturally emerge and require practical guidelines in light of the most current scientific evidence in order to maintain good medical practice, with judicious and conscious use by a qualified specialist. Therefore, in this practical guide, we will address the immunobiologic agents currently approved for severe allergic diseases, aiming to assist allergy and immunology specialists in the prescription and practical management of these medications, including indications, contraindications, efficacy and safety monitoring, adverse event reporting, as well as health care factors associated with vaccination, special populations, access, transport, storage, and home use.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 3-9, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562844


A Carta de Maceió foi elaborada com base nas discussões do 3º Fórum SUS da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI). O documento destaca os desafios e propostas para aprimorar a assistência a pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) do Brasil. Tais condições, frequentemente crônicas e debilitantes, afetam milhões de brasileiros e exigem uma abordagem integrada, desde a atenção primária à saúde até a atenção especializada. Foram discutidos a necessidade de aprimorar a gestão de referência e contrarreferência, a urgência na superação da carência de especialistas e o desafio representado pelo limitado acesso tanto a diagnóstico quanto a tratamento adequados. As doenças raras, incluindo os erros inatos da imunidade (EII), apresentam um desafio adicional, exigindo acesso a tecnologias de alto custo para diagnóstico e tratamento e cuidado multidisciplinar. Do fórum emergiram propostas como o financiamento adequado da saúde, o fortalecimento do diagnóstico precoce, a gestão integrada de cuidados, a educação continuada dos profissionais de saúde e a implementação de telemedicina. Essas ações visam um sistema de saúde mais inclusivo, eficiente e humanizado, atendendo às necessidades dos pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas.

The Maceió Charter was based on discussions held at the 3rd Unified Health System Forum (Fórum SUS) of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI). This document highlights challenges and proposals to improve care for patients with immune and allergic diseases within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS). Such conditions, often chronic and debilitating, affect millions of Brazilians and require an integrated approach from primary health through to specialty care. The need for improved management of referrals and counter-referrals, the urgency of overcoming the shortage of specialists, and the challenge represented by limited access to proper diagnosis and treatment alike were discussed. Rare diseases, including inborn errors of immunity (IEI), pose an additional challenge, requiring access to high-cost technologies for diagnosis and treatment as well as multidisciplinary care. Several proposals emerged from the Forum, such as securing sufficient funding for health, strengthening early diagnosis, integrating management, continuing education for health professionals, and implementation of telemedicine. These proposed interventions seek a more inclusive, efficient, and humanized healthcare system which meets the needs of patients with immune and allergic diseases.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 35-42, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562882


INTRODUÇÃO: A anafilaxia é uma reação alérgica multissistêmica grave, de início agudo e potencialmente fatal. Poucos são os dados sobre sua epidemiologia no Brasil. O Registro Brasileiro de Anafilaxia da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (RBAASBAI) teve como objetivo ampliar o conhecimento sobre anafilaxia em indivíduos brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal com questionário online sobre dados demográficos, desencadeantes suspeitos, manifestações clínicas, atendimento durante a reação, investigação diagnóstica e aconselhamento após a reação de pacientes que experimentaram uma reação anafilática. RESULTADOS: Entre junho/2021 e abril/2023, foram incluídos 237 pacientes (131 femininos): 99 crianças/adolescentes; 127 adultos e 11 idosos. Houve predomínio de meninos entre crianças/adolescentes (55,5%), e de mulheres entre os adultos (64,5%), e mediana de idade de 22 anos (< 1 a 77 anos). As manifestações cutâneas (92,8%) foram as mais frequentes, seguidas pelas respiratórias (70,1%), gastrointestinais (52,3%), neurológicas (36,3%) e cardiovasculares (35,3%). Os principais desencadeantes foram: alimentos (43,0%), medicamentos (26,2%), himenópteros (21,6%) e látex (2,5%); os alimentos entre crianças (leite, ovo, amendoim/castanhas), e os fármacos (anti-inflamatórios e antibióticos) entre os adultos. Quanto ao tratamento, 61,1% recebeu adrenalina (52,7% por profissional e 8,4% via autoinjetor de adrenalina -AIA). Uma adolescente (12 anos) faleceu após picada de abelha. A maioria recebeu plano escrito de emergência (78,1%) e foi ensinada a usar o AIA (70%). CONCLUSÃO: Os alimentos foram os desencadeantes mais comuns entre crianças/adolescentes, e os fármacos entre adultos brasileiros. A adrenalina continua sendo subutilizada, reforçando a necessidade de maior disseminação do tratamento adequado da anafilaxia.

INTRODUCTION: Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening, acute, severe multisystem allergic reaction.There is little data on its epidemiology in Brazil. The Brazilian Anaphylaxis Registry of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (RBA-ASBAI) was devised to expand knowledge about anaphylaxis in Brazilian individuals. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study using an online questionnaire to collect data on demographics, suspected triggers, clinical manifestations, treatment during the reaction, diagnostic workup, and post-reaction counseling in patients who have experienced an anaphylactic reaction. RESULTS: Between June 2021 and April 2023, 237 patients were included (131 female): 99 children/adolescents (<18yo), 127 adults (18-64yo), and 11 older adults (65-77yo). There was a male predominance in the pediatric group (55.5%), while females were predominant among adults (64.5%). The median age was 22 years (range, <1 to 77). The most frequent clinical manifestations were cutaneous (92.8%), followed by respiratory (70.1%), gastrointestinal (52.3%), neurological (36.3%), and cardiovascular (35.3%). The most common triggers were foods (43.0%), drugs (26.2%), venoms (21.6%), and latex (2.5%). Foods (milk, egg, peanuts/tree nuts) predominated among children, versus drugs (mostly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics) among adults. Regarding treatment, 61.1% received epinephrine (52.7% by a healthcare professional and 8.4% via epinephrine auto-injector [EAI]). One teenager (12yo) died due to a bee sting. Most patients received a written emergency plan (78.1%) and were taught how to use the EAI (70%). CONCLUSION: Foods were the most common triggers of anaphylaxis among Brazilian children and adolescents, while drugs predominated among adults. Epinephrine continues to be underused, highlighting the need for greater awareness of proper treatment of anaphylaxis.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 171-180, 20230600. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509851


Introdução: O teste de provocação oral (TPO) com alimentos é o padrão ouro para avaliação diagnóstica e de aquisição de tolerância em pacientes com alergia alimentar (AA). Exige, no entanto, equipe especializada e local apropriado para execução, uma vez que reações alérgicas, incluindo anafilaxia, podem acontecer. Foi recém-incorporado como procedimento reconhecido pelo Sistema Único de Saúde e pela Agência Nacional de Saúde, mas apenas no contexto da alergia ao leite de vaca para pacientes com até 24 meses de vida. Pouco se sabe sobre sua disponibilidade/execução no território brasileiro. Objetivos: Explorar o perfil de realização de TPO com alimentos em âmbito nacional, bem como as limitações para a sua não realização. Métodos: Inquérito virtual foi disponibilizado por e-mail aos 2.500 sócios cadastrados na Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia questionando sobre a prática de TPO, formação do profissional, limitações para sua não realização e possíveis soluções para sua execução. Resultados: Foram obtidas 290 respostas (11,6% dos associados), sendo a maioria deles proveniente da Região Sudeste (56,1%). Realizam TPO 54,5% (158/290) dos associados, 62% destes mais de 5 TPOs/mês, principalmente para leite e ovo. A execução de TPO na atualidade, majoritariamente na rede privada, esteve associada à prática do procedimento durante a especialização. Falta de recurso e ambiente apropriados são as maiores limitações para a não realização do TPO. Conclusões: Apesar do viés de seleção inerente à metodologia empregada do estudo, este inquérito pioneiro em território nacional tem importância por esclarecer e discutir a realização do TPO no âmbito do Brasil. Certamente este procedimento ainda é insuficientemente realizado no Brasil.

Background: Oral food challenge (OFC), the gold standard for diagnosing food allergy and determining tolerance levels, requires specialized staff and appropriate conditions since anaphylaxis may occur. In 2022, OFC was officially recognized in Brazilian public and private health systems, although only for milk allergy in children up to 24 months of age. Little is known about OFC practices in Brazil. Objectives: To explore OFC practices, barriers, and solutions among Brazilian allergists and immunologists. Methods: A survey was e-mailed to 2500 associates of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology regarding OFC practices, training experiences, barriers to this procedure, and workable solutions. Results: A total of 290 associates responded (11.6%), more than a half of whom (56.15) practiced in the southeast region: 158 (54.5%) reported performing OFC, of whom 62% performed > 5 procedures each month, mostly for cow milk and hen egg. OFCs were mostly performed in private practice and were associated with specialized training. Lack of an appropriate setting was seen as the main barrier to performing the procedure. Conclusions: Although this study's methodology involves intrinsic biases, this is the first exploration of OFC practice in Brazil. OFCs are still underperformed nationwide.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas , Brasil , Técnicas y Procedimientos Diagnósticos
Cancers (Basel) ; 15(8)2023 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37190220


Lymphomas related to HIV are generally aggressive and have a poor prognosis, despite the use of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and effective chemotherapy treatment. To determine survival and prognostic factors in children and adolescents living with HIV (CLWH) in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil, who developed lymphomas, we performed a retrospective and observational study of vertically infected CLWH aged from 0 to 20 incomplete years during1995 to 2018 at five reference centers for cancer and HIV/AIDS treatment. Of the 25 lymphomas, 19 were AIDS-defining malignancies (ADM) and 6 were non-AIDS-defining malignancies (NADM). The 5-year overall survival (OS) and 5-year event-free survival (EFS) probabilities were both 32.00% (95% CI = 13.72-50.23%), and the 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) probability was 53.30% (95% CI = 28.02-78.58%). In the multivariate Cox regression analysis, performance status 4 (PS 4) was considered a poor prognostic factor for OS (HR 4.85, 95% CI = 1.81-12.97, p = 0.002) and EFS (HR 4.95, 95% CI = 1.84-13.34, p = 0.002). For the DFS, higher CD4+ T-cell counts were considered a better prognostic factor (HR 0.86, 95% CI = 0.76-0.97, p = 0.017) in the multivariate Cox regression analysis. This study demonstrates, for the first time, survival and prognostic factors for CLWH who developed lymphomas in RJ, Brazil.

World Allergy Organ J ; 16(3): 100724, 2023 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37033301


Background: There are gaps in our understanding of the epidemiology of atopic dermatitis (AD) in adults. Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and severity of AD in adults from countries/regions within Asia, Eurasia, Latin America, Middle East, and Russia. Methods: This international, web-based survey was performed in Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Hong Kong, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates. Questionnaires were sent to adult members of online respondent panels for determination of AD and assessment of severity. A diagnosis of AD required respondents to meet the modified United Kingdom (UK) Working Party criteria and to self-report they had a physician diagnosis of AD. Severity of AD was determined using Patient-Oriented Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (PO-SCORAD), Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM), and Patient Global Assessment (PGA). Results: Among respondents by country/region the prevalence of AD ranged from 3.4% in Israel to 33.7% in Thailand. The prevalence was generally higher in females versus males. Severity varied by scale, although regardless of scale the proportion of respondents with mild and moderate disease was higher than severe disease. PGA consistently resulted in the lowest proportion of severe AD (range 2.4% China - 10.8% Turkey) relative to PO-SCORAD (range 13.4% China - 41.6% KSA) and POEM (range 5.1% China - 16.6% Israel). Conclusions: This survey highlights the importance of AD in adults, with high prevalence and high morbidity among respondents and emphasizes that AD is not just a disease of childhood-there is disease persistence and chronicity in adults.

Cancers (Basel) ; 14(24)2022 Dec 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36551614


The incidence of cancer in children living with HIV (CLWH) is high and lymphomas are the most common type of cancer in this population. The combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) changed the natural history of HIV infection. To determine the incidence and profile of these CLWH malignancies in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil, we conducted a retrospective and observational study of vertically infected CLWH, ranging from 0−20 incomplete years, from 1995 to 2018, at five reference centers. The study period was divided into three eras in accordance with the widespread use of cART in Brazil. 1306 patients were included. Of the 25 lymphomas found, 19 were AIDS-defining malignancies (ADM); 6 were non-AIDS-defining malignancies (NADM). The incidence rate (IR) of lymphoma developing was 1.70 per 1000 children-year (95% CI 1.09−2.50). ADM development IR decreased from 2.09−1.75−0.19 per 1000 children-year (p < 0.001) through cART eras. Cumulative Nelson−Aalen hazards of developing ADM over a 20-year period were 3.73% in the Early-cART era, 3.07% in the Mid-cART era, and 0.32% in the Late-cART era (p = 0.013). This study demonstrates the IR of lymphoma in CLWH in RJ, Brazil, as well as the benefit of cART in reducing ADM and death occurrence in the Post-cART era.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 427-431, out.dez.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452521


O Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) abrange todos os níveis de atenção à saúde e garante acesso integral, universal e gratuito para toda a população brasileira. As transições demográfica e epidemiológica observadas nas últimas décadas trouxeram um cenário de maior prevalência das doenças imunoalérgicas. Nesse contexto, a implementação de políticas de saúde voltadas à assistência à saúde dessa população tornou-se um desafio. Com o objetivo de discutir a atenção à saúde dos pacientes com doenças alérgicas e imunológicas no Brasil, a Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI) realizou em 26 de agosto de 2022, na cidade de São Paulo, o Fórum sobre a Assistência a Pacientes com Doenças Imunoalérgicas no SUS. O evento foi estruturado no formato de painéis e contou com a participação de membros da ASBAI e representantes da gestão pública federal, do Ministério Público, de sociedade de pacientes e profissionais de saúde de diversos serviços com experiência em programas e projetos bem sucedidos na assistência a pacientes com doenças imunoalérgicas. Após a discussão, concluiu-se que ainda existem muitas necessidades não atendidas em relação à atenção à saúde da população com doenças alérgicas e imunológicas no Brasil. A ASBAI tem trabalhado no sentido de contribuir para organizar, implantar e manter a assistência a estes pacientes no âmbito do SUS.

The Brazilian Unified Health System covers all levels of health care and guarantees full, universal and free access for the entire population. The demographic and epidemiological transitions observed in recent decades have led to a higher prevalence of allergic diseases. In this context, implementing health policies to benefit these patients has become a challenge. To discuss health care for patients with allergic and immunological diseases in Brazil, the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI) held a forum in São Paulo on August 26, 2022 called "Treating Patients with Allergic Diseases in the Unified Health System". The event's panels included members of ASBAI, representatives of the federal government, the attorney general's office, patients, and health professionals from various services with experience in successful programs for patients with allergic diseases. It was concluded that there are still many unmet health care needs for Brazilians with allergic and immunological diseases. ASBAI is contributing to the organization, implementation, and maintenance of care for these patients within the scope of the Unified Health System.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(4): 432-467, out.dez.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452572


A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença cutânea inflamatória, crônica, comum, complexa e de etiologia multifatorial, que se manifesta clinicamente com prurido muitas vezes incapacitante, lesões recorrentes do tipo eczema, xerose e que pode evoluir para liquenificação. Embora o conhecimento sobre a sua fisiopatologia venham crescendo nos últimos anos, ainda as formas graves são frequentes e representam um desafio para o clínico. Para o presente guia realizou-se revisão não sistemática da literatura relacionada à DA grave refratária aos tratamentos habituais com o objetivo de elaborar um documento prático e que auxilie na compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos na DA, assim como dos possíveis fatores de risco associados à sua apresentação. A integridade da barreira cutânea é um dos pontos fundamentais para a manutenção da homeostase da pele. Além dos cuidados gerais: evitação dos agentes desencadeantes e/ou irritantes, o uso de hidratantes, suporte emocional, entre outros, o uso de agentes anti-inflamatórios/imunossupressores de uso tópico e/ou sistêmico também foi revisado. A aquisição de novos agentes, os imunobiológicos e as pequenas moléculas, melhorou a terapêutica para os pacientes com formas graves de DA, sobretudo as refratárias aos tratamentos convencionais.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, common, and complex inflammatory skin disease with a multifactorial etiology. It manifests clinically with often disabling pruritus, recurrent eczema-like lesions, and xerosis, and can progress to lichenification. Although understanding of the disease's pathophysiology has been growing in recent years, severe forms are still frequent and represent a challenge for clinicians. A non-systematic review of the literature on severe atopic dermatitis refractory to conventional treatment was conducted to develop the present guide, whose purpose is to help clarify the mechanisms involved in the disease and possible risk factors. The integrity of the skin barrier is fundamental for maintaining skin homeostasis. In addition to general care, patients should avoid triggering and/or irritating agents and moisturizers and seek emotional support, etc.; the use of topical and/or systemic anti-inflammatory/immunosuppressive agents was also reviewed. New agents, immunobiologicals, and small molecules have led to a broader range of therapies for patients with severe forms of the disease, especially cases refractory to conventional treatment.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas , Inmunoglobulina E , Ciclosporina , Corticoesteroides , Inhibidores de la Calcineurina , Anticuerpos Monoclonales
World Allergy Organ J ; 15(10): 100697, 2022 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36254179


Background: Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT) represents one of the pillars in the treatment of allergic diseases. AIT is the only therapeutic strategy with curative potential, promoting the reduction of drug use and long-term symptom control even after the end of the treatment. The European Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (EAACI) guidelines, position papers of World Allergy Organization (WAO), and the US Practice Parameters are the leading official documents that set scientific standard for the use of AIT in the world. The use of AIT in Brazil has specific regional conditions due to the pattern of allergen sensitization, as well as genetic, socioeconomic, and cultural characteristics, climate conditions, and the availability of allergenic extracts. The most prevalent house dust mites are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides farinae and their allergens have the highest clinical relevance. Blomia tropicalis is also very frequent. This position paper has been prepared by the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (ASBAI) Taskforce on AIT for respiratory allergy and Hymenoptera venom allergy. Objective: According to the current scientific literature adapted to the Brazilian reality, this position paper aims to establish the main recommendations for the good clinical practice parameters for AIT in Brazil. Methods: A systematic review using the Pub Med and Cochrane databases was performed, and the websites of major allergy and immunology organizations were consulted. The research was limited to English language literature and was conducted between March 30, 2002, and March 30, 2022. The terms used for the research were: Allergen Immunotherapy, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT), subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT), venom-specific immunotherapy (VIT), and allergen extract. Results: The several recommendations that establish the clinical practices for AIT recommended by the main Allergy, Asthma and Immunology world organizations were analyzed and adapted to the Brazilian situation. Conclusion: This position paper establishes the main recommendations for the effective clinical practice of AIT in Brazil, using current knowledge of evidence-based medicine and precision medicine.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(3): 318-324, Jul.Set.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1452512


A utilização de agentes imunobiológicos em alergia e imunologia tem sido cada vez mais frequente nos últimos anos, emergindo como potencialmente eficazes para o tratamento de doenças alérgicas e de hipersensibilidade. O uso de imunobiológicos em doenças alérgicas está recomendado nas formas graves onde a eficácia, segurança e custo-efetividade estão comprovados. O objetivo deste artigo é sintetizar os efeitos adversos mais comuns ou significativos, incluindo as reações de hipersensibilidade aos principais anticorpos monoclonais aprovados para o tratamento de doenças alérgicas licenciados e comercializados no Brasil até o momento.

The use of immunobiological agents in allergy and immunology has increased in recent years, emerging as potentially effective strategies to treat allergic and hypersensitivity diseases. The use of immunobiological agents is recommended in the severe forms of allergic diseases, for which their efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness have been established. The purpose of this study was to summarize the most common or significant adverse effects, including hypersensitivity reactions to the main monoclonal antibodies approved for the treatment of allergic diseases that are currently licensed and marketed in Brazil.

Humanos , Efectos Colaterales y Reacciones Adversas Relacionados con Medicamentos , Omalizumab
Front Allergy ; 3: 933816, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35935019


Objective: To assess the profile of allergist/immunologist (A/I) physicians in Brazil, the workplace, the access to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on professional practice. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted as an online survey. All adhering members of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI) received a Google Forms tool by email. The questionnaire addressed sociodemographic and professional aspects of the Brazilian allergists/immunologists (A/I) daily routine. The information was analyzed by SPSS version 20.0. Results: Four hundred and sixty members answered the questionnaire. Women were predominant among the responders (336; 73%), and the median age was 47 years (range, 27-82 years). Most participants worked in the private sector (437, 95%), whereas 256 (47%) worked in the public sector. Among the public sector employees, 210 (82%) reported having access to some diagnostic test for allergic diseases and inborn errors of immunity. Only 91 (35%) A/I physicians in the public system had access to allergen-specific immunotherapy, compared to 416 (95, 9%) of those in the private sector. Regarding biological drugs, 135 (52.7%) and 314 (71.9%) of the A/I physicians working in the public and private sector, respectively, reported access. Two hundred and eighty-three (61.6%) had at least a 50% reduction in the number of consultations, and 245 (56%) provided telemedicine care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Brazilian A/I have incorporated the most recent advances in managing immunoallergic diseases into their clinical practice, but they still have little access to various diagnostic methods. Strategies to enable the presence of A/I in public health services should be discussed and implemented. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the incorporation of telemedicine as a viable and promising method of medical care and can expand access to the specialty.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(2): 151-169, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400194


O angioedema hereditário é uma doença autossômica dominante caracterizada por crises recorrentes de edema que acometem o tecido subcutâneo e o submucoso, com envolvimento de diversos órgãos. Os principais locais afetados são face, membros superiores e inferiores, as alças intestinais e as vias respiratórias superiores. Em decorrência da falta de conhecimento dessa condição por profissionais de saúde, ocorre atraso importante no seu diagnóstico, comprometendo a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados. Além disso, o retardo no diagnóstico pode resultar em aumento da mortalidade por asfixia devido ao edema de laringe. A natureza errática das crises com variação do quadro clínico e gravidade dos sintomas entre diferentes pacientes, e no mesmo paciente ao longo da vida, se constitui em desafio no cuidado dos doentes que têm angioedema hereditário. O principal tipo de angioedema hereditário é resultante de mais de 700 variantes patogênicas do gene SERPING1 com deficiência funcional ou quantitativa da proteína inibidor de C1, porém nos últimos anos outras mutações foram descritas em seis outros genes. Ocorreram avanços importantes na fisiopatologia da doença e novas drogas para o tratamento do angioedema hereditário foram desenvolvidas. Nesse contexto, o Grupo de Estudos Brasileiro em Angioedema Hereditário (GEBRAEH) em conjunto com a Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (ASBAI) atualizou as diretrizes brasileiras do angioedema hereditário. O maior conhecimento dos diversos aspectos resultou na divisão das diretrizes em duas partes, sendo nessa primeira parte abordados a definição, a classificação e o diagnóstico.

Hereditary angioedema is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by recurrent attacks of edema that affect the subcutaneous tissue and the submucosa, involving several organs. The main affected sites are the face, upper and lower limbs, gastrointestinal tract, and upper airways. Because health professionals lack knowledge about this condition, there is a significant delay in diagnosis, compromising the quality of life of affected individuals. Furthermore, delayed diagnosis may result in increased mortality from asphyxia due to laryngeal edema. The erratic nature of the attacks with variations in clinical course and severity of symptoms among different patients and in one patient throughout life constitutes a challenge in the care of patients with hereditary angioedema. The main type of hereditary angioedema results from more than 700 pathogenic variants of the SERPING1 gene with functional or quantitative deficiency of the C1 inhibitor protein, but in recent years other mutations have been described in six other genes. Important advances have been made in the pathophysiology of the disease, and new drugs for the treatment of hereditary angioedema have been developed. In this context, the Brazilian Study Group on Hereditary Angioedema (GEBRAEH) in conjunction with the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (ASBAI) updated the Brazilian guidelines on hereditary angioedema. Greater knowledge of different aspects resulted in the division of the guidelines into two parts, with definition, classification, and diagnosis being addressed in this first part.

Humanos , Terapéutica , Clasificación , Diagnóstico , Angioedemas Hereditarios , Calidad de Vida , Asfixia , Signos y Síntomas , Sociedades Médicas , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Glicoproteínas , Edema Laríngeo , Alergia e Inmunología , Mutación
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(2): 170-196, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400199


O tratamento do angioedema hereditário tem início com a educação dos pacientes e familiares sobre a doença, pois é fundamental o conhecimento da imprevisibilidade das crises, assim como os seus fatores desencadeantes. O tratamento medicamentoso se divide em terapia das crises e profilaxia das manifestações clínicas. As crises devem ser tratadas o mais precocemente possível com o uso do antagonista do receptor de bradicinina, o icatibanto ou o concentrado de C1-inibidor. É necessário estabeler um plano de ação em caso de crises para todos os pacientes. A profilaxia de longo prazo dos sintomas deve ser realizada preferencialmente com medicamentos de primeira linha, como concentrado do C1-inibidor ou o anticorpo monoclonal anti-calicreína, lanadelumabe. Como segunda linha de tratamento temos os andrógenos atenuados. Na profilaxia de curto prazo, antes de procedimentos que podem desencadear crises, o uso do concentrado de C1-inibidor é preconizado. Existem algumas restrições para uso desses tratamentos em crianças e gestantes que devem ser consideradas. Novos medicamentos baseados nos avanços do conhecimento da fisiopatologia do angioedema hereditário estão em desenvolvimento, devendo melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. O uso de ferramentas padronizadas para monitorização da qualidade de vida, do controle e da atividade da doença são fundamentais no acompanhamento destes pacientes. A criação de associações de pacientes e familiares de pacientes com angioedema hereditário tem desempenhado um papel muito importante no cuidado destes pacientes no nosso país.

The treatment of hereditary angioedema begins with the education of patients and their families about the disease, as it is essential to know the unpredictability of attacks as well as their triggering factors. Drug treatment is divided into attack therapy and prophylaxis of clinical manifestations. Attacks should be treated as early as possible with the bradykinin receptor antagonist icatibant or C1-inhibitor concentrate. An action plan needs to be established for all patients with attacks. Long-term prophylaxis of symptoms should preferably be performed with first-line drugs such as C1-inhibitor concentrate or the anti-kallikrein monoclonal antibody lanadelumab. Attenuated androgens are the second line of treatment. In short-term prophylaxis, before procedures that can trigger attacks, the use of C1-inhibitor concentrate is recommended. There are some restrictions for the use of these treatments in children and pregnant women that should be considered. New drugs based on advances in knowledge of the pathophysiology of hereditary angioedema are under development and are expected to improve patient quality of life. The use of standardized tools for monitoring quality of life and controlling disease activity is essential in the follow-up of these patients. The creation of associations of patients and families of patients with hereditary angioedema has played a very important role in the care of these patients in Brazil.

Humanos , Quimioterapia , Angioedemas Hereditarios , Anticuerpos Monoclonales Humanizados , Antagonistas de los Receptores de Bradiquinina , Pacientes , Calidad de Vida , Terapéutica , Bradiquinina , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Calicreínas , Medicamentos de Referencia
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(2): 262-270, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400207


Introdução: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as características das práticas de telemedicina (TM) entre médicos alergistas/ imunologistas (A/I) brasileiros e avaliar seu conhecimento sobre as recomendações regulatórias. Métodos: Uma pesquisa eletrônica autorreferida foi enviada por e-mail uma vez por semana entre agosto e outubro/2021 a 2.600 médicos A/I brasileiros. Resultados: 205 (7,9%) participantes preencheram os formulários. 143 (70,2%) médicos usaram TM em sua prática clínica, e 184 (89,9%) nunca o usaram antes da pandemia de COVID-19. Dentre os médicos, 192 (93,8%) utilizaram a TM para consultas de acompanhamento, 186 (91%) para verificação de exames complementares e 136 (66,7%) nas primeiras consultas. Cento e quarenta e três médicos A/I (70,2%) sentiram-se seguros em seu diagnóstico por meio da TM, e 7 (3,5%) responderam que não conseguiram encontrar um diagnóstico correto usando a TM. Os principais benefícios da TM relatados foram: maior acessibilidade, principalmente em áreas mais distantes 159 (77,6%), redução dos custos de deslocamento 158 (77,1%) e segurança quanto à transmissão do COVID-19 145 (71,2%). Por outro lado, algumas desvantagens da TM foram listadas pelos participantes: ausência de exame físico 183 (89,7%), relação médico-paciente fragilizada 59 (28,8%) e problemas de Internet 45 (22%). Em relação ao campo jurídico/ético, 105 (51,4%) dos especialistas aplicaram o termo de consentimento e 34 (16,7%) registraram a teleconsulta, ambas as etapas exigidas em uma consulta de TM, conforme recomendações regulatórias locais. Além disso, plataformas online inadequadas para TM, como aplicativos de mídia social e programas de reuniões online não específicos, foram relatadas como sendo usadas por 131 (64,1%) dos participantes. Oitenta (40%) não leram as declarações e recomendações oficiais que regulamentam a prática da TM no Brasil. Conclusões: Observouse um uso crescente de TM no Brasil, influenciado principalmente pela pandemia de COVID-19. Apesar de ser ferramenta útil na pandemia, com vantagens e desvantagens, há necessidade de conhecer as recomendações regulatórias.

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of telemedicine (TM) practices among Brazilian allergists/immunologists (A/I) and to assess their knowledge of regulatory recommendations. Methods: A self-report electronic survey was sent by email once a week between August and October 2021 to 2,600 Brazilian A/I physicians. Results: A total of 205 (7.9%) participants completed the survey. TM was used in clinical practice by 143 (70.2%) physicians, and 184 (89.9%) had never used it before the COVID-19 pandemic. Among participants, 192 (93.8%) used TM for follow-up consultations, 186 (91%) for checking complementary exams, and 136 (66.7%) for first consultations. The number of A/I physicians (70.2%) that felt confident in their diagnosis using TM was 143, and 7 (3.5%) reported that they could not reach the correct diagnosis using TM. Participants reported that the main benefits of TM were greater accessibility, especially in more distant areas (159, 77.6%), reduced travel costs (158, 77.1%), and safety regarding the transmission of COVID-19 (145, 71.2%). Conversely, the lack of physical examination (183, 89.7%), poor doctor-patient relationship (59, 28.8%), and internet connection problems (45, 22%) were mentioned as disadvantages. Regarding legal/ethical aspects, 105 (51.4%) physicians reported applying a consent form and 34 (16.7%) reported making a record of the teleconsultation, both of which are required for TM consultations, according to local regulatory recommendations. The use of inappropriate online platforms for TM, such as social media applications and nonspecific online meeting programs, was reported by 131 (64.1%) participants. Eighty (40%) participants did not read the official statements and recommendations that regulate the practice of TM in Brazil. Conclusions: An increasing use of TM was observed in Brazil, mainly influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite being a useful tool in the pandemic, with advantages and disadvantages, physicians should have knowledge of regulatory recommendations.

Humanos , Telemedicina , Consulta Remota , Alergólogos , COVID-19 , Pacientes , Examen Físico , Relaciones Médico-Paciente , Médicos , Sociedades Médicas , Estudios Transversales , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Internet , Diagnóstico , Alergia e Inmunología , Medios de Comunicación Sociales
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(1): 49-57, jan.mar.2022. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400098


Objetivo: A incidência das doenças alérgicas cresceu nas últimas décadas. Na tentativa de conter o aumento da alergia alimentar (AA) ao longo dos anos, estratégias de prevenção vêm sendo implementadas. Para promover um melhor entendimento dos dilemas que permeiam a introdução alimentar no primeiro ano de vida, esse artigo trata de uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa sobre a introdução dos alimentos complementares no primeiro ano de vida e possíveis associações com a prevenção primária da alergia alimentar. Fonte dos dados: Publicações relevantes foram pesquisadas nas bases de dados Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, PubMed, Guidelines International Network, National Guidelines Clearinghouse e revisadas recomendações do guia e do consenso nacional de alergia alimentar. Resultados: Estudos observacionais diversos e ensaios clínicos randomizados estão disponíveis, bem como recomendações publicadas por organizações científicas; no entanto, de qualidade variável. Foram consideradas as recomendações de diretrizes de prática clínica classificadas como de alta qualidade e publicações recentes ainda não categorizadas de forma sistemática em sua qualidade, mas internacionalmente reconhecidas como relevantes para a atenção primária. Conclusão: Até o momento, não há evidências consistentes de que a introdução precoce, antes dos 6 meses, dos alimentos alergênicos, contribua para a prevenção de alergia a alimentos na população geral.

Objective: The incidence of allergic diseases has increased in recent decades. In an attempt to contain the increase in food allergy (AA) over the years, prevention strategies have been implemented. To promote a better understanding of the dilemmas that permeate the introduction of food in the first year of life, this article deals with a narrative literature review on the introduction of complementary foods in the first year of life and possible associations with the primary prevention of food allergy. Data source: Relevant publications were searched in the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, PubMed, Guidelines International Network, National Guidelines Clearinghouse, and revised recommendations from the national food allergy guide and consensus. Results: Several observational studies and randomized controlled trials are available, as well as recommendations. published by scientific organizations; however, of variable quality. Recommendations from clinical practice guidelines classified as high quality and recent publications not yet systematically categorized in their quality, but internationally recognized as relevant to primary care, were considered. Conclusion: To date, there is no consistent evidence that the early introduction, before 6 months, of allergenic foods contributes to the prevention of food allergy in the general population.

Humanos , Recién Nacido , Lactante , Hipersensibilidad a los Alimentos , Alimentos Infantiles , Atención Primaria de Salud , Prevención Primaria , Sociedades Médicas , Ensayos Clínicos Controlados Aleatorios como Asunto , Incidencia , MEDLINE , Estrategias de Salud , Guías como Asunto , PubMed , Álcalis , Alergia e Inmunología , Alimentos , Hipersensibilidad
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract ; 10(5): 1279-1285.e1, 2022 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35032695


BACKGROUND: Refractory disease, flares, or infections in atopic dermatitis (AD) can lead to hospitalizations. OBJECTIVE: To compare hospitalization rates among adults with moderate-to-severe AD treated with dupilumab versus control. METHODS: Data from 7 randomized, placebo-controlled trials of dupilumab (300 mg every 2 weeks [q2w] and/or weekly [qw]; with or without topical corticosteroids) were analyzed. RESULTS: Patients in the dupilumab 300 mg q2w, qw, and combined dupilumab (q2w and qw; n = 1,841) groups compared with patients in the control group (n = 1,091) had lower rates of all-cause hospitalizations (5.8, 2.7, and 3.8 events, respectively, vs 9.0 events per 100 patient-years [PY]; all P < .05 [49%, 71%, and 62% risk reduction, respectively]); AD-related hospitalizations (2.0, 0.4, 1.0 events vs 4.1 events per 100 PY; P < .05 for qw and dupilumab combined [91% and 79% risk reduction, respectively]); as well as reduced overall duration of AD-related hospitalization (10.9, 7.3, and 8.6 d vs 38.9 d per 100 PY). CONCLUSIONS: Among adults with moderate-to-severe AD, treatment with dupilumab versus control was associated with significant reductions in all-cause and AD-related hospitalization rates, and shorter duration of AD-related hospitalization.

Dermatitis Atópica , Adulto , Anticuerpos Monoclonales Humanizados , Dermatitis Atópica/complicaciones , Dermatitis Atópica/tratamiento farmacológico , Método Doble Ciego , Hospitalización , Humanos , Índice de Severidad de la Enfermedad , Resultado del Tratamiento