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Clin Med Insights Cardiol ; 15: 11795468211016870, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34104029


BACKGROUND: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital malformation, it is frequently found as an isolated defect, and the etiology is not completely understood. Although most of the cases have multifactorial causes, they can also be secondary to chromosomal abnormalities, monogenic diseases, microduplications or microdeletions, among others. Copy number variations (CNVs) at 22q11.2 are associated with a variety of symptoms including CHD, thymic aplasia, and developmental and behavioral manifestations. We tested CNVs in the 22q11.2 chromosomal region by MLPA in a cohort of Colombian patients with isolated CHD to establish the frequency of these CNVs in the cohort. METHODS: CNVs analysis of 22q11.2 by MLPA were performed in 32 patients with apparently isolate CHD during the neonatal period. Participants were enrolled from different hospitals in Bogotá, and they underwent a clinical assessment by a cardiologist and a clinical geneticist. RESULTS: CNVs in the 22q11.2 chromosomal region were found in 7 patients (21.9%). The typical deletion was found in 6 patients (18.75%) and atypical 1.5 Mb duplication was found in 1 patient (3.1%). CONCLUSIONS: CNVs in 22q11.2 is a common finding in patients presenting with isolated congenital cardiac disease, therefore these patients should be tested early despite the absence of other clinical manifestations. MLPA is a very useful molecular method and provides an accurate diagnosis.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 26(3): 159-161, May-Jun. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1058403


Resumen La coartación aortica en los niños ocurre en más del 80% de casos en la aorta torácica y en muy pocos casos en la aorta abdominal, constituyendo una entidad de difícil manejo y con alta morbimortalidad. Puede ocurrir a diferentes niveles anatómicos de la aorta abdominal y con compromiso variable de las arterias viscerales, conociéndose en la literatura como síndrome aórtico medio. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 3 meses a quien se le diagnosticó in útero la coartación aortica e hipertrofia cardiaca, con evolución hacia falla cardiaca severa, disfunción renal con requerimiento de diálisis e hipertensión arterial severa en el nacimiento. En vista de su mal estado general y edad muy temprana de presentación, se decidió manejo endovascular con angioplastia y stent aórtico, con evolución satisfactoria y mejoría clínica inmediata.

Abstract Coarctation of the abdominal aorta in infants occur, in more than 80% of cases, at thoracic aorta level, and in very cases, in the abdominal aorta. This makes it a difficult to manage condition, and with a high morbidity and mortality. It can occur at different anatomical levels of the abdominal aorta and with a variable compromise of the visceral arteries, being known in the literature as mid-aortic syndrome (MAS). The case is presented of a 3 months-old patient who was diagnosed in utero with aortic coarctation and cardiac hypertrophy, which developed into severe heart failure, kidney failure that required dialysis, and severe arterial hypertension at birth. Due to his poor general state and very young age of presentation, endovascular management was decided, with angioplasty and an aortic stent. The outcome was satisfactory and with an immediate clinical improvement.

Humanos , Masculino , Lactante , Coartación Aórtica , Stents , Aorta Torácica , Útero , Hipertensión
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 26(1): 51-51, ene.-feb. 2019. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1058381


Resumen El drenaje venoso anómalo pulmonar total representa un grupo de defectos cardíacos congénitos con baja incidencia pero alto potencial de complicaciones. Se expone el caso de una lactante menor de bajo peso al nacer, con drenaje venoso anómalo pulmonar total obstructivo, programada para implante de stent en vena vertical y posterior cirugía correctiva, evidenciando obstrucción residual mínima en la llegada de la vena pulmonar derecha y reducido tamaño auricular izquierdo, con prolongada estancia en cuidado intensivo secundaria a dificultad para el destete de la ventilación mecánica debido a edema venocapilar. Este caso demostró que la intervención endovascular es una opción en neonatos de alto riesgo con drenaje venoso anómalo pulmonar total obstructivo como parte de la estrategia de estabilización cardiovascular preoperatoria; la cirugía correctiva debe considerarse una vez las condiciones clínicas lo permitan, con el objetivo de minimizar la morbilidad asociada al compromiso de la distensibilidad de las cavidades izquierdas.

Abstract Total anomalous pulmonary venous return is a group of congenital cardiac defects. They have a low incidence but a high potential for complication. The case is presented of a young infant of low birthweight, with total obstructive anomalous pulmonary venous return, scheduled for a stent implant in a vertical vein, and subsequent corrective surgey. This showed evidence of a minimal residual obstruction on reaching the right pulmonary vein, and a reduced left atrial size. She had a long stay in intensive care secondary to difficulty in weaning off mechanical ventilation due to the presence of venous-capillary edema. This case demonstrates that endovascualr intervention is an option in high risk infants with a total obstructive anomalous pulmonary venous return as part of the strategy of pre-operative cardiovascular stabilisation. Corrective surgery should be considered when the clinical conditions permit it, with the aim of minimising the morbidity associated with the compromise of the distensibility of the left cavities.

Humanos , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Estenosis de la Válvula Pulmonar , Stents , Recién Nacido , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos
Univ. med ; 44(2): 76-85, 2003. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-395574


Las causas de la hemorragia digestiva son numerosas. Si se analizan los casos de etiología comprobada a nivel intrahospitalario, se puede observar que aproximadamente en 10/100 de ellos, la hemorragia es secundaria a una enfermedad sistémica, ya sea un trastorno hematológico o una septicemia. En el resto de los casos, se comprueban lesiones locales del tubo digestivo; las distales son las más frecuentes. En cambio, en la consulta ambulatoria de gastroenterología, puede apreciarse que la hemorragia se origina casi siempre en lesiones locales del tracto gastrointestinal, con un aumento hasta del 90/100 de los casos en colon, recto y ano.

Hemorragia Gastrointestinal , Preescolar , Colombia