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Psychosoc Interv ; 31(1): 1-20, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37362616


Research is increasingly demonstrating the therapeutic benefits of virtual reality interventions for various mental health conditions, though these rarely translate from research to application in clinical settings. This systematic review aims to examine the efficacy of current virtual reality interventions for emotional disorders, with a focus on clinical and technological features that influence translation of treatments from research to clinical practice. A comprehensive systematic literature search was conducted following PRISMA guidelines, for studies including the application of a virtual reality intervention to a clinical population of adults with an emotional disorder. Thirty-seven eligible studies were identified, appraised, and assessed for bias. Treatment effects were typically large across studies, with virtual reality being considered an efficacious treatment modality for various anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder. Virtual reality interventions were typically used for delivering exposure in cognitive behavioural therapy approaches. Considerable variability was seen in cost, technological specifications, degree of therapist involvement, delivery format, dosage, duration, and frequency of treatment. Suboptimal methodological rigour was identified in some studies. Remote use of virtual reality was rare, despite increasing options for in home use. Virtual reality interventions have the potential to overcome barriers to care and better meet the needs of consumers. Future research should examine the efficacy of virtual reality for treatment of depressive disorders and obsesive compulsive disorder. Improved methodological reporting and development of transdiagnostic and remotely delivered virtual reality interventions, will likely increase the translation of this treatment modality.

Cada vez más la investigación demuestra las ventajas terapéuticas de las intervenciones mediante realidad virtual en distintos estados de salud mental, aunque esta investigación raramente se traslada a la aplicación en el contexto clínico. Esta revisión sistemática pretende analizar la eficacia de las intervenciones actuales de realidad virtual en trastornos emocionales, centrándose en las características clínicas y tecnológicas que afectan a la transferencia de los tratamientos desde la investigación hasta la práctica clínica. Se llevó a cabo una amplia búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática de acuerdo con las directrices PRISMA para estudios que abarcan la aplicación de la intervención mediante realidad virtual a población clínica adulta con trastornos emocionales. Se consideraron elegibles 37 estudios, que fueron valorados y revisados para descartar sesgos. Los efectos de los tratamientos eran normalmente grandes, siendo considerada la realidad virtual como una modalidad de tratamiento eficaz para diversos trastornos de ansiedad y el de estrés postraumático. Las intervenciones de realidad virtual normalmente se han utilizado para la exposición en los enfoques de terapia cognitivo-conductual. Se observó una considerable variabilidad en coste, especificaciones tecnológicas, grado de implicación del terapeuta, formato de presentación, dosificación, duración y frecuencia del tratamiento. En algunos estudios se observó que el rigor metodológico estaba por debajo de los niveles óptimos. La utilización remota de realidad virtual no era frecuente a pesar de las posibilidades que ofrece para usarse en casa. Las intervenciones de realidad virtual tienen el potencial de superar barreras en los cuidados y cubrir mejor las necesidades de los consumidores. La investigación futura debería analizar la eficacia de la realidad virtual para tratar los trastornos depresivos y el desorden obsesivo compulsivo. Mejorar los informes metodológicos y el desarrollo de las intervenciones mediante realidad virtual transdiagnósticas y practicadas a distancia podría facilitar la transferencia de esta modalidad de tratamiento.

Internet Interv ; 18: 100288, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31890635


BACKGROUND: The development of technological applications within psychotherapy has opened up new opportunities for mental health professionals (MHPs) to address client need. Despite the clinical efficacy and utility of evidence-based electronic interventions, MHPs' engagement with these interventions remains poorly understood. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study was to develop and conduct a preliminary psychometric investigation of the measurement properties of the electronic-therapy attitudes and process questionnaire - therapist version (eTAP-T). Based upon the theory of planned behaviour (TPB), the eTAP-T measures factors related to MHPs' engagement with e-interventions for clients' mental health concerns. METHODS: Participants were 222 practicing MHPs who reported being in direct contact with clients. Participants completed the eTAP-T and related measures with a subsample of 40 participants completing a two-week follow up questionnaire. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis with item reduction resulted in a 12-item eTAP-T, with four factors accounting for 82% of variance. The four factors (subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, attitudes and intentions) were consistent with the four TPB domains. The eTAP-T demonstrated satisfactory validity and reliability as per the consensus-based standards for the selection of health measurement instruments. CONCLUSIONS: The development and preliminary psychometric investigation supported the validity and reliability of the eTAP-T. Further research is required for confirmatory analyses. The eTAP-T may be useful in identifying the training needs of MHPs and evaluating training programs. Specific areas for intervention, such as attitudes or perceived credibility may be identified and targetted, with the measure then also used to evaluate change across these domains. It is anticipated that the eTAP-T may useful tool in improving uptake of digital interventions by MHPs.