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Appl Opt ; 63(16): 4447-4464, 2024 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38856627


The Laser Megajoule (LMJ) is among the most energetic inertial confinement fusion laser facilities in the world, together with the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in the USA. The construction of the facility began back in 2003, and the first photons were emitted by the laser bundle #28 in 2014. Today, 11 laser bundles consisting of 88 large aperture 0.35×0.35m 2 laser beams are in operation, delivering daily up to 330 kJ of energy at the wavelength of 351 nm on a target placed in the center of a 10 m diameter vacuum chamber. In this paper, we describe the laser system and its operational performances. We also detail the first laser campaigns carried out to prepare an increase of energy and power on the target. These campaigns, along with the completion of additional bundles mounting, will bring LMJ performance to 1.3 MJ thanks to 22 bundles in operation.

Opt Express ; 30(5): 7426-7440, 2022 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35299505


Chirped pulse amplification has been widely implemented in high power laser chains. It consists of a set of diffraction gratings used to stretch and compress short laser pulses. In the case of high power laser chains, the compression stage is followed by the transport mirror in order to carry the laser beam to its final target. In such laser chains, laser beams propagate over a complex set of optical components and understanding the propagation of phase noise turns out to be of crucial importance. Phase modulation can induce laser damage on the final optical components. Here, we study the impact of phase modulation induced by the different diffraction gratings of the Petawatt Aquitaine Laser (PETAL) compressor on the downstream over-intensities, in particular on the transport mirror. This work allows us to quantify the impact of phase modulation for every single grating element in the compression stage, and to estimate the quantity of laser induced damage sites on transport optics for a specific laser shot.

Appl Opt ; 61(6): 1545-1551, 2022 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35201044


In the framework of high-power lasers, surface defects on optics can generate strong light intensification and induce damage sites on downstream optics. To evaluate this intensification during high-energy laser shots, a three-step method is proposed. First, a dedicated measurement bench is designed to measure the intensification induced by defects on a wide variety of optics, including amplifier slabs, KDP crystals, mirrors, gratings, and vacuum windows, for propagation distances up to 2000 mm. A multi-resolution single-beam multiple-intensity reconstruction phase retrieval algorithm is then used to reconstruct a model of the defect, in both amplitude and phase, from a set of intensification measurements. Finally, the impact of the modeled defect on downstream optics is evaluated with a simulation of the high-power laser system. This method is experimentally validated through a case study of damage identified on one of the Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) beams, characterized with the method presented in this paper. The long-distance impact on the LMJ beam is estimated by simulation and compared to a direct near-field measurement.

Appl Opt ; 60(27): 8277-8285, 2021 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34612923


In order to smooth the focal spot of high-power energetic lasers, pulses are phase-modulated. However, due to propagation impairments, phase modulation is partly converted into power modulation. This is called frequency modulation to amplitude modulation (FM-to-AM conversion). This effect may increase laser damage and thus increase operating costs. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we have studied the impact of the Kerr effect in this process. We have shown that when the Kerr effect is followed by a dispersive transfer function, a dramatic increase of FM-to-AM conversion may occur for a particular kind of FM-to-AM conversion that we have named "anomalous." Hence, we should remove or compensate for one of the items of the sequence: phase modulation, anomalous FM-to-AM conversion, Kerr effect, or the dispersive function. We have assessed all these solutions, and we have found an efficient inspection method to avoid anomalous FM-to-AM conversion.

Opt Lett ; 32(5): 524-6, 2007 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17392909


We experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of a single-shot method to measure the beam breakup integral (B) accumulated across a high power chain. The technique uses spectrally shaped strongly chirped femtosecond pulses and takes advantage of time-to-spectral coupling generated by nonlinear effects. We performed B measurements on regenerative amplifiers (Ti:sapphire) and on the ALISE 200 J facility currently installed at CEA-CESTA (France).

Opt Express ; 15(7): 4389, 2007 Apr 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19532685


An erratum is presented to acknowledge a reference omitted from the original paper.

Opt Lett ; 31(17): 2634-6, 2006 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16902643


We present what is to our knowledge a new method for measuring the relative piston between two independent beams separated by a physical gap, typical of petawatt facilities. The feasibility of this measurement, based on quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry, has been demonstrated experimentally: piston has been measured with accuracy and sensitivity better than 50 nm.

Opt Lett ; 29(8): 899-901, 2004 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15119415


The wave-front distortion of femtosecond laser pulses recorded with a Shack-Hartmann analyzer makes it possible to retrieve the nonlinear index of refraction of different glasses and the nonlinear phase shift induced during second-harmonic generation in beta-barium borate (BBO) crystal versus the phase mismatch. It is shown that the nonlinear phase shift induced in a 2-mm-thick BBO crystal allows compensation for up to a 2pi breakup-integral induced in a 4-cm fused-silica glass. The stability of the compensation is reported to be from 10 to 100 GW cm(-2).