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J Phys Chem A ; 126(34): 5751-5760, 2022 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35994326


Dissociative recombination (DR) of K2+ and Rb2+ ions is one of the most important processes in K and Rb diode-pumped alkali lasers (DPALs) strongly affecting their power. We report on the calculations of potential energy curves of the K2+ and Rb2+ molecular ions and of the diabatic 1Σ+, 3Σ+, 1Δ, 3Δ, 1Π, 3Π, 1Φ, and 3Φ valence states of K2 and Rb2 that provide the routes for DR of the ions. These curves are required for subsequent calculations of DR rate constants. It was found that the most likely DR routes for K are along the dissociative states 61Σg+, 53Σu+, and 23Δu and for Rb only 61Σg+. The excited states of K atoms produced by DR are 42P and 52P. Most of the Rb atoms produced by DR are in the 62P excited state, while a small fraction of the atoms produced by the less likely routes along two states of Rb2 are in the 52P state. This conclusion contradicts the kinetic scheme for K and Rb DPAL proposed elsewhere, and thus the kinetic schemes of these DPALs should be modified according to the present results.

Opt Express ; 26(14): 17814-17819, 2018 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30114066


Analysis of the operation of flowing-gas low power DPALs is crucial for designing high power devices. In particular, the comparison between the measured and calculated temperature rise in the laser cell makes it possible to estimate the contribution of the quenching of the alkali atoms electronic states to the gas heating. Here we report on an experimental and theoretical study of continuous wave flowing-gas Cs DPAL with He and CH4 buffer gases, flow velocities of 1-4 m/s and pump powers of 30-65 W. In the calculations we used a 3D computational fluid dynamics model, solving the fluid mechanics and kinetics equations relevant to the laser operation. Maximum CW output power of 24 W with a slope efficiency of 48% was obtained. The experimental and theoretical values of the power and gas temperature are in good agreement. The lasing power was not affected by the flow velocity at this range of pump power and the gas temperature rise was only several degrees. It was found that the best agreement between the measured and calculated temperature rise is achieved for quenching cross-section ~0.05 Å2.

Opt Express ; 25(17): 19767-19779, 2017 Aug 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041665


In high-power diode pumped alkali lasers with stable resonators the radius of the pump beam is usually larger than that of the fundamental laser mode and thus several high order transverse modes of the resonator can participate in the lasing. A simple optical model of multi-transverse mode operation of alkali vapor lasers is reported. The model is based on calculations of the pump and laser beam intensities in the gain medium, where the laser beam intensity is a linear combination of the azimuthally-symmetric Laguerre-Gaussian modes. It was applied to Ti:Sapphire and diode pumped cesium vapor lasers. The model predicts that for low pump power only the fundamental lasing mode oscillates. However, for higher pump powers several transverse modes participate in oscillation. The number and intensities of the oscillating modes as a function of the pump beam power and radius were found. The model predicts linear dependence of the laser power on the pump power, the values of the former being in agreement with the experimental results obtained for diode pumped cesium laser [Electron. Lett.44, 582 (2008)]. The mode-matching efficiency for the multi-transverse mode lasing is ~0.8 - 0.85 which means that in this case almost complete overlap of the laser and pump beams takes place. The laser beam quality factorM2increases with increasing pump power from 1 at the threshold power to 5-6 at maximum values of the pump power resulting in lower beam quality at high powers.

Opt Express ; 24(13): 14374-82, 2016 Jun 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27410591


Experimental and theoretical study of the influence of the pump-to-laser beam overlap, a crucial parameter for optimization of optically pumped alkali atom lasers, is reported for Ti:Sapphire pumped Cs laser. Maximum laser power > 370 mW with an optical-to-optical efficiency of 43% and slope efficiency ~55% was obtained. The dependence of the lasing power on the pump power was found for different pump beam radii at constant laser beam radius. Non monotonic dependence of the laser power (optimized over the temperature of the Cs cell) on the pump beam radius was observed with a maximum achieved at the ratio ~0.7 between the pump and laser beam radii. The optimal temperature decreased with increasing pump beam radius. A simple optical model of the laser, where Gaussian spatial shapes of the pump and laser intensities in any cross section of the beams were assumed, was compared to the experiments. Good agreement was obtained between the measured and calculated dependence of the laser power on the pump power at different pump beam radii and also of the laser power, threshold pump power and optimal temperature on the pump beam radius. The model does not use empirical parameters such as mode overlap efficiency and can be applied to different Ti:Sapphire and diode pumped alkali lasers with arbitrary spatial distributions of the pump and laser beam widths.

Opt Express ; 24(5): 5469-5477, 2016 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29092370


We examine transonic diode pumped alkali laser (DPAL) devices as a simpler alternative to supersonic devices, suggested by B.D. Barmashenko and S. Rosenwaks [Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 141108 (2013)], where complex hardware, including supersonic nozzle, diffuser and high power mechanical pump, is required for continuous closed cycle operation. Three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics modeling of transonic (Mach number M ~0.9) Cs and K DPALs, taking into account the kinetic processes in the lasing medium is reported. The performance of these lasers is compared with that of supersonic (M ~2.5) and subsonic (M ~0.2) DPALs. For Cs DPAL the maximum achievable power of transonic device is lower than that of supersonic, with the same resonator and Cs density at the laser section inlet, by only ~3% implying that supersonic operation mode has only small advantage over transonic. On the other hand, for subsonic laser the maximum power is by 7% lower than in transonic, showing larger advantage of transonic over subsonic operation mode. The power achieved in supersonic and transonic K DPALs is higher than in subsonic by ~80% and ~20%, respectively, showing a considerable advantage of supersonic device over transonic and of transonic over subsonic.

Opt Express ; 23(16): 20986-96, 2015 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367951


A simple optical model of K DPAL, where Gaussian spatial shapes of the pump and laser intensities in any cross section of the beams are assumed, is reported. The model, applied to the recently reported highly efficient static, pulsed K DPAL [Zhdanov et al, Optics Express 22, 17266 (2014)], shows good agreement between the calculated and measured dependence of the laser power on the incident pump power. In particular, the model reproduces the observed threshold pump power, 22 W (corresponding to pump intensity of 4 kW/cm2), which is much higher than that predicted by the standard semi-analytical models of the DPAL. The reason for the large values of the threshold power is that the volume occupied by the excited K atoms contributing to the spontaneous emission is much larger than the volumes of the pump and laser beams in the laser cell, resulting in very large energy losses due to the spontaneous emission. To reduce the adverse effect of the high threshold power, high pump power is needed, and therefore gas flow with high gas velocity to avoid heating the gas has to be applied. Thus, for obtaining high power, highly efficient K DPAL, subsonic or supersonic flowing-gas device is needed.

J Chem Phys ; 139(18): 184201, 2013 Nov 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24320267


Two-color reduced-Doppler (TCRD) and one-color velocity map imaging (VMI) were used for probing H atom photofragments resulting from the ~243.1 nm photodissociation of pyrrole. The velocity components of the H photofragments were probed by employing two counterpropagating beams at close and fixed wavelengths of 243.15 and 243.12 nm in TCRD and a single beam at ~243.1 nm, scanned across the Doppler profile in VMI. The TCRD imaging enabled probing of the entire velocity distribution in a single pulse, resulting in enhanced ionization efficiency, as well as improved sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio. These advantages were utilized for studying the pyrrole photodissociation at ~243.1 and 225 nm, where the latter wavelength provided only a slight increase in the H yield over the self-signal from the probe beams. The TCRD imaging enabled obtaining high quality H(+) images, even for the low H photofragment yields formed in the 225 nm photolysis process, and allowed determining the velocity distributions and anisotropy parameters and getting insight into pyrrole photodissociation.

J Chem Phys ; 138(19): 194310, 2013 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23697421


Room-temperature photoacoustic spectra and jet-cooled action spectra of the regions of the first and second C-H stretch overtones of pyrrole were measured with the goal of gaining new insight on the vibrational patterns and the intramolecular energy flow out of the initially excited vibrational states. The rotational cooling of the action spectra helped in observing hitherto unresolved features, assisting determination of the existing multiple bands and their positions in each region. These bands were analyzed by building vibrational Hamiltonian matrices related to a simplified joint local-mode∕normal-mode (LM∕NM) model, accounting for two types of C-H stretches and their Fermi resonances with the CCH deformation modes. The diagonalization of the LM∕NM vibrational Hamiltonians and the fitting of the eigenvalues to the band positions revealed model parameters, enabling assignment of the observed bands. The time dependences of the survival probabilities of the C-H stretches in the region of the first and second overtones, deduced from the vibrational Hamiltonian, show quantum beats due to the couplings to the deformations and decays driven by weaker interactions to the bath states. The C-H stretches, although somewhat lower in energy, show stronger coupling than the N-H stretches.

Pirroles/química , Teoría Cuántica , Análisis Espectral , Vibración
J Phys Chem A ; 117(46): 11618-23, 2013 Nov 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23140263


Photoacoustic Raman spectra of gaseous pyrrole in the 3504-3535 and 3068-3152 cm(-1) energetic windows were measured, to obtain new information about the hot bands in the vicinity of the N-H(ν1) and C-H(ν2) stretch fundamentals, respectively. The observed vibrational patterns are characterized by sharp Q-branches, where the strong bands reflect the fundamentals and the weaker ones, as established from their temperature dependence, are hot bands. From the simulation of the observed spectra, the band origins and nondiagonal anharmonicities were determined. Comparison of the latter values to the anharmonicities, x(ij) (i = 1, 2 and j = 16, 15, 14, 12, 11) obtained from anharmonic calculations at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p), B3LYP/cc-pVQZ and MP2/cc-pVTZ levels, aided the tentative assignment of the hot bands. The retrieved parameters add new data to the extensive set of already known vibrational constants of pyrrole.

J Chem Phys ; 136(2): 024313, 2012 Jan 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22260585


The N-H stretch overtones of pyrrole, a key constituent of biologic building blocks, were studied by room temperature photoacoustic and jet-cooled action spectroscopies to unravel their intramolecular dynamics. Contrary to "isolated" states excited with two and three N-H stretch quanta, the one with four quanta shows strong accidental resonances with two other states involving three quanta of N-H stretch and one quantum of C-H stretch. The inhomogeneously reduced features in the action spectra provide the means for getting insight into the intramolecular interactions and the factors controlling energy flow within pyrrole. The time dependence of the survival probability of the 4ν(1) N-H stretch, deduced from the vibrational Hamiltonian, shows an initial decay in ~0.3 ps with ensuing quantum beats from the N-H-C-H resonance and their decay with a time constant of about 5 ps as a result of weaker coupling to bath states.

Pirroles/química , Teoría Cuántica , Espectroscopía Infrarroja Corta , Vibración
J Chem Phys ; 134(20): 201104, 2011 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21639415


Laser-based spectroscopies coupled with molecular beam techniques facilitated the monitoring of H fragments released in ultraviolet photodissociation of pre-excited isoenergetic vibrational levels of pyrrole. Most noticeably, there was an order of magnitude larger reactivity for an eigenstate primarily consisting of two quanta of ring deformation than for another with one quantum of symmetric C-H stretch. The dynamics, the intramolecular interactions controlling the energy flow, and the mode-selectivity within a medium-sized, ten atom molecule, is discussed.

Pirroles/química , Procesos Fotoquímicos , Vibración
J Chem Phys ; 132(24): 244310, 2010 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20590196


The mechanism of H and D atom loss, following ultraviolet photolysis of methylamine-d(3), CD(3)NH(2), has been studied via electronic action and Doppler spectroscopies. The N-H bond is preferentially cleaved and the yield of both H and D photofragments increases gradually, but differently, as higher vibrational states on the first excited electronic state, A, are accessed, leading to some drop in H/D branching ratios. The average translational energies of the H photofragments are somewhat higher than those of D, implying lower energy content left in the internal degrees of freedom of the CD(3)NH than in the CD(2)NH(2) partner fragment. These results provide evidence for discrimination between the two channels and mechanistic insight into the N-H and C-D bond cleavage.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(36): 9809-19, 2010 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20509638


Spin-allowed production of O((1)D) in the near-UV photolysis of ozone is studied using ab initio potential energy surfaces and quantum mechanics. The O((1)D) quantum yield, reconstructed from the absolute cross sections for eight initial vibrational states in the ground electronic state, is shown to agree with the measurements in a broad range of photolysis wavelengths and temperatures. Relative contributions of one- and two-quantum stretching and bending initial excitations are quantified, with the contribution of the antisymmetric stretch being dominant for lambda < 330 nm. Large scale structures in the low-resolution quantum yield are shown to reflect excitations in the high-frequency short bond stretch in the upper electronic state. Spin-forbidden contribution to the O((1)D) quantum yield at wavelengths lambda > 320 nm is estimated using ab initio energies of the triplet states and their spin-orbit couplings.

J Phys Chem A ; 114(36): 9623-7, 2010 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20163109


The probability of hydrogen atom release, following photoexcitation of methylamine, CH(3)NH(2), is found to increase extensively as higher vibrational states on the first excited electronic state are accessed. This behavior is consistent with theoretical calculations, based on the probability of H atom tunneling through an energy barrier on the excited potential energy surface, implying that N-H bond breaking is dominated by quantum tunneling.

Hidrógeno/química , Metilaminas/química , Procesos Fotoquímicos , Teoría Cuántica , Electrones , Nitrógeno/química , Probabilidad , Análisis Espectral , Vibración
J Chem Phys ; 131(2): 024305, 2009 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19603989


A novel application of ionization-loss stimulated Raman spectroscopy (ILSRS) for monitoring the spectral features of four conformers of a gas phase flexible molecule is reported. The Raman spectral signatures of four conformers of 2-phenylethylamine are well matched by the results of density functional theory calculations, showing bands uniquely identifying the structures. The measurement of spectral signatures by ILSRS in an extended spectral range, with a conventional laser source, is instrumental in facilitating the unraveling of intra- and intermolecular interactions that are significant in biological structure and activity.

J Chem Phys ; 130(16): 164312, 2009 Apr 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19405584


The N-H and C-D bond fission in partially deuterated methylamine, CD(3)NH(2), has been investigated using vibrationally mediated photodissociation. Jet-cooled action spectra and Doppler profiles of the H and D photofragments were monitored following approximately 243.1 nm photodissociation of the parent pre-excited to two, three or four N-H stretch quanta. The action spectra were analyzed in terms of simplified local mode/normal mode (LM/NM) and NM models, allowing band assignment and determination of the strong resonances involved in the coupling. The Doppler profiles show that the released H and D photofragments have low translational energy content and that the H is the dominant product, although its yield decreases as higher pre-excited N-H vibrational states are dissociated. The dynamics of the site-dependent bond fission in CD(3)NH(2) is discussed.

Deuterio/química , Metilaminas/química , Fotólisis , Modelos Moleculares , Análisis Espectral , Vibración
J Chem Phys ; 130(5): 054303, 2009 Feb 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19206969


A first experimental demonstration, combining the methods of vibrationally mediated photodissociation (VMP) and ionization-loss stimulated Raman spectroscopy (ILSRS) for measuring cross sections for dissociation of vibrationally excited levels is reported. The action spectrum obtained in the VMP of methylamine exhibits enhancement of the H photofragment yield as a result of initial vibrational excitation and the ILSRS monitors the fraction of molecules being excited. The partial cross sections for H production out of the sampled vibrational states and the extent of mode selectivity were thus determined.

J Chem Phys ; 128(15): 154319, 2008 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18433221


The vibrational pattern and energy flow in the N-H stretch manifolds and the dissociation dynamics of methylamine (CH(3)NH(2)) were investigated via vibrationally mediated photodissociation. Action spectra and Doppler profiles, reflecting the yield of the ensuing H photofragments, versus near infrared/visible vibrational excitation and UV excitation, respectively, were measured. The jet-cooled action spectra and the simultaneously measured room temperature photoacoustic spectra of the first to third N-H stretching overtones exhibit broad features, somewhat narrower in the former, consisting of barely recognized multiple bands. Two phases of fitting of the spectroscopic data were performed. In the first phase, the raw data were analyzed to obtain band positions, types, intensities, and transition linewidths. In the second, the information derived from the first phase was then used as data in a fit to joint local mode/normal mode (LM/NM) and NM Hamiltonian parameters. The derived parameters predicted well band positions and allowed band assignment. The LM/NM Hamiltonian and the extracted Lorentzian linewidths enabled the determination of the initial pathways for energy redistribution and the overall temporal behavior of the N-H stretch and doorway states, as a result of Fermi couplings and interactions with bath states. The results indicate a nonstatistical energy flow in the V=2 manifold region, pointing to the dependence of the coupling on specific low order resonances rather than on the total density of bath states. The Doppler profiles suggest lower average translational energies for the released H photofragments, in particular, for V=3 and 4 as compared to V=1 and 2, implying a change in the mechanism for bond cleavage.

J Chem Phys ; 128(11): 114305, 2008 Mar 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18361569


The first overtone region of the C-H stretching vibration of 1,2-trans-d(2)-ethene (HDC=CDH) was monitored via jet-cooled action spectroscopy and room temperature photoacoustic spectroscopy. The spectra include a strong band, which we assigned as the nu(1)+nu(9) C-H stretch vibration, and five additional bands related to transitions to coupled states. The spectral features were modeled in terms of a six-state deperturbation analysis, revealing the energies of the zero-order states and the relatively strong couplings between the initially excited nu(1)+nu(9) state and the doorway states. Considering these energies and the fundamental frequencies of 1,2-trans-d(2)-ethene and presuming that only low-order resonances are involved in the couplings enabled the assignment of the states. The analysis also allowed obtaining insight on energy flow and to find out that the energy oscillations between the C-H stretch state and the doorway states occur on a subpicosecond time scale.

J Chem Phys ; 125(15): 151103, 2006 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17059232


We report the first experimental demonstration of vibrational mode-dependent enhancement in photodissociation and photoionization of a seven atom molecule, methylamine (CH(3)NH(2)). The fundamental C-H stretches and the overtones or combinations of CH(3) bends were prepared via stimulated Raman excitation (SRE) prior to their 243.135 nm one-photon dissociation or two-photon ionization. The photodissociation or photoionization of the vibrationally excited molecules was achieved via 10 ns delayed or temporally overlapping SRE and UV pulses, respectively. It is shown that bending modes are more effective than stretches in promoting photodissociation and photoionization, since their UV excitation is favored by larger Franck Condon factors. This behavior provides clear evidence for vibrational mode-dependence in a relatively large molecule with a torsional degree of freedom, indicating that these modes survive intramolecular vibrational redistribution on a time scale considerably longer than hitherto inferred from previous studies.

Metilaminas/química , Fotólisis , Luz , Metilaminas/efectos de la radiación , Espectrometría Raman , Factores de Tiempo , Vibración