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Health Policy Open ; 2: 100043, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383510


Poor vision due to unaddressed refractive error in children is considered to be a public health problem in many low- and middle-income countries. Research shows that correcting refractive error with spectacles could have a positive impact on school attendance and academic performance for children. The aim of this study was to estimate the cost of integrating vision screening and provision of spectacles in existing school health programmes in Cambodia and Ghana. Budget impact analysis of the intervention scale up is also reported, including univariate and multivariate sensitivity analyses. This study suggests that the scale up of school-based vision screening programmes is affordable in resource limited settings, such as Cambodia and Ghana, considering the current education budgets, and providing there is sufficient in-country capacity to deliver such interventions at scale. The study highlights several policy and programme implications and provides suggestions for minimising costs and maximising efficiencies of vision screening in a school setting. Findings from this analysis can help education planners and international partners to improve their planning and budgeting processes for school-based interventions to improve health and learning outcomes for children in low- and middle-income countries.