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Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 31(2): 110-119, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-978249


Abstract Background: Demand for naturally enriched foods is increasing worldwide. Animal nutrition allows incorporating nutraceutical molecules into milk. These molecules are intended for improving human health. Objective: To evaluate the effects of pelleting and monensin addition to the diet on intake, digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients, milk yield and composition, and fatty acids (FA) profile in cows kept on pasture and supplemented with concentrate containing ground flaxseed (GF). Methods: Four Holstein cows were assigned to the following treatments: 1) concentrate with GF; 2) GF + 32.93 mg/Kg monensin (GFM); 3) GF pelleted (GFP); 4) GF pelleted + 32.93 mg/Kg monensin (FMP). Results: Treatments did not show effects on digestibility of dry matter (DM) and nutrients or feed intake, with the exception of ether extract intake, which was reduced by 28% with pelleting. Addition of monensin increased the conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) concentration by 47%. Pelleting increased the concentrations of CLA (70%), polyunsaturated FA (PUFA; 25%), and monounsaturated FA (MUFA; 16%), and reduced the concentrations of steric acid (C18) in 19% and total saturated FA (SFA; 14%). Conclusion: Pelleting and monensin does not alter feed intake and digestibility of DM and nutrients. Pelleting of concentrate feed containing flaxseed improves milk FA quality.

Resumen Antecedentes: La demanda por alimentos naturalmente enriquecidos se ha venido incrementado en todo el mundo. A través de la nutrición animal es posible incorporar moléculas nutracéuticas en la leche. El uso de estas moléculas pretende mejorar la salud humana. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de la peletización y la monensina sobre la ingesta, digestibilidad de la materia seca (DM) y nutrientes, producción de leche, composición y perfil de ácidos grasos (FA) en leche de vacas en pastoreo que consumen alimento concentrado formulado con linaza molida (GF). Métodos: Cuatro vacas Holstein fueron distribuidas en los siguientes tratamientos: 1) ración conteniendo GF; 2) GF + 32,93 mg/Kg de monensina (GFM); 3) GF en pellets (GFP); 4) GF en pellets + 32,93 mg/Kg de monensina (FMP). Resultados: Los tratamientos no mostraron efectos en el consumo y digestibilidad de la DM y nutrientes, excepto por el consumo de extracto etéreo, con una reducción del 28% en las raciones peletizadas. La monensina incrementó la concentración de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) en 47%. La peletización aumentó el contenido de CLA (70%), FA poliinsaturados (PUFA; 25%) y FA monoinsaturados (16%); y redujo las concentraciones de C18 en 19%, y FA saturados total en 14%. Conclusión: El peletizado y la monensina no alteran la ingesta de alimento ni la digestibilidad de la DM y nutrientes. El proceso de peletizado aplicado a concentrados que contienen linaza mejora la calidad de los ácidos grasos de la leche.

Resumo Antecedentes: A procura por alimentos naturalmente enriquecidos tem aumentado por parte dos consumidores. Através da nutrição animal é possível incorporar ao leite moléculas nutracêuticas, essas moléculas são conhecidas por melhorarem a saúde humana. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da peletização e monensina sobre o consumo, digestibilidade da matéria seca (DM) e nutrientes, produção de leite, composição e perfil de ácidos graxos (FA) no leite de vacas em pastejo e suplementadas com concentrado contendo linhaça moída (GF). Métodos: Quatro vacas Holandesas foram distribuídas nos tratamentos: 1) concentrado contendo GF; 2) GF + 32,93 mg/Kg de monensina (GFM); 3) GF peletizado (GFP); 4) GF peletizado + 32,93 mg/Kg de monensina (FMP). Resultados: Os tratamentos não apresentaram efeitos sobre consumo e digestibilidade da DM e dos nutrientes, exceto para o consumo de extrato etéreo, com redução de 28% com a peletização do concentrado. A adição de monensina aumentou a concentração de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) em 47%. A peletização aumentou os teores de CLA (70%), FA poli-insaturados (25%) e FA monoinsaturados (16%); e reduziu as concentrações de C18 em 19% e AG saturados totais em 14%. Conclusão: Peletização e monensina não alteram o consumo e digestibilidade da DM e dos nutrientes. O processo de peletização aplicado em concentrados contendo linhaça melhora a qualidade dos FA do leite.

Asian-Australas J Anim Sci ; 28(8): 1095-104, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26104517


To evaluate the effects of the pelleting and the addition of sodium monensin on production, the chemical and lipid composition of milk and butter physical characteristics, 4 Holstein dairy cows (135 days of lactation) with an average milk production of 14.7 kg/d, were supplemented with a concentrate containing ground canola seeds. The cows were assigned to a 4×4 Latin square design with a 2×2 factorial arrangement of treatments: i) ground maize, soybean meal, mineral and vitamin supplements, and ground canola seeds (CG); ii) CG concentrate with 31.5 mg of monensin added per kg of dry matter (DM); iii) CG pelleted concentrate; iv) CG concentrate with monensin addition pelleted. There was no difference in milk production and composition. The addition of monensin increased milk concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the PUFA/saturated fatty acids (SFA) ratio, and omega 6. The pelleting increased the concentration of monounsaturated fatty acids, the PUFA/SFA ratio, and the omega 6/omega 3 ratio, but decreased the concentration of SFA. The association between pelleting and the addition of monensin increased the concentration of conjugated linoleic acids by 46.9%. The physical characteristics of butter were not affected by the evaluated diets. We concluded that the concentrate with 31.5 mg of monensin added per kg DM basis combined with the pelleting improves the lipid composition of milk from Holstein cows that are on pasture and supplemented with ground canola seeds, without changing the production, milk composition, and spreadability of butter.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 57(4): 493-503, Jul-Aug/2014. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-712946


Four lactating Holstein cows were assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square design to determine the effects of feeding sticky coffee hull (SCH) as a source of antioxidants on dairy cows fed with high PUFA diets. The treatments (on DM basis) were control diet, diet with 30 g/kg of soybean oil, diet with 30 g/kg of soybean oil and 100 g/kg of SCH, and diet with 30 g/kg of soybean oil and 150 g/kg of SCH. Inclusion of 150 g/kg of SCH decreased the crude protein digestibility. Lower values of NDF digestibility were also observed when cows were fed with 100 g/kg and 150g/kg of SCH. The digestibility of NDT was lower in the control and 150 g/kg of SCH diets. Milk production and composition did not differ among the treatments. Inclusion of SCH increased the total polyphenols and flavonoids in the milk and reducing power as well. Soybean oil and SCH supplementation increased the LDL and total cholesterol concentration in the plasma. Milk fatty acid profile was barely altered by the treatments. In conclusion, the results confirmed that SCH added up to 15% in the diet did not alter milk production, improved its stability, and incorporated antioxidants substances in the milk, improving its quality for human health.