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Invest. clín ; 63(1): 57-69, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534642


Abstract Crotalid envenomation is a neglected collective health problem involving many countries in America, which need secure and inexpensive snake anti-venom treatments. Here, high antibody titers (IgY) were raised in the Ostrich (Struthio camelus) egg yolk by immunizing with the venom of Venezuelan venomous Crotalus snakes. Ostriches were immunized with a pool of venoms from common rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus cumanensis), Uracoan rattlesnake (Crotalus vegrandis), Guayana rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus ruruima) and black rattlesnake (Crotalus pifanorum). The anti-snake venom antibodies were prepared from egg yolk by the water dilution method, enriched by the addition of caprylic acid (CA) and precipitation with ammonium sulfate at 30% (W/V). The purity and molecular mass of the final product was satisfactory, yielding a single ∼ 175 kDa band in SDS-PAGE gels ran under non-reducing conditions. In the immunoblot analysis, specific binding of the antivenom was observed with most venom proteins. The LD50 was 16.5 g/mouse (825 μg/kg body weight). High titers of IgY against Crot/pool venom were shown by ELISA. The median effective dose (ED50) was 19.66 mg/2LD50. IgY antibodies neutralized efficiently the Crot/pool venom lethality. As far as we know, this is the first anti-snake venom produced in ostriches, which could make this technology an affordable alternative for low-income countries, since it is likely to produce manteniabout 2-4 g of IgY per ostrich egg. Hence, almost 400 g of IgY can be purified from only one ostrich during a year. In addition, there are enormous differences in the cost of investment in the maintenance of horses, from the points of view of infrastructure, feeding and veterinary care, in which the cost can reach USD 100 per animal per day, compared to a maintenance cost of USD 146 per month per producing bird. These results are encouraging and could easily be extrapolated to the manufacturing of other antivenoms and antitoxins as well, as they could be applied to the manufacturing of potential diagnostic tools.

Resumen El envenenamiento por crotálidos es un problema de salud colectiva desatendido, que involucra a muchos países del continente americano, los cuales necesitan tratamientos seguros y económicos. En este trabajo, se obtuvieron títulos altos de anticuerpos (IgY) producidos en yema de huevo de avestruz (Struthio camelus) mediante la inmunización con el veneno de serpientes venezolanas del genero Crotalus. Se inmunizaron avestruces con una colección de veneno de serpientes de cascabel común (Crotalus durissus cumanensis), cascabel de Uracoa (Crotalus vegrandis), cascabel de Guayana (Crotalus durissus ruruima) y cascabel negra (Crotalus pifanorum). Los anticuerpos anti-veneno de serpiente se prepararon a partir de yema de huevo por el método de dilución en agua, enriquecidos mediante la adición de ácido caprílico (CA), seguido de una precipitación con sulfato de amonio al 30% (P/V). La pureza y masa molecular de los anticuerpos (IgY) se definieron mediante ensayos de SDS-PAGE nativos y las masas moleculares se establecieron electroforéticamente, obteniéndose una única banda de IgY de ∼ 175 kDa. El análisis de inmunotransferencia mostró la unión específica del antiveneno con la mayoría de las proteínas del veneno. La DL50 fue de 16,5 μg/ratón (825 μg / kg de peso corporal); Se mostraron títulos altos de IgY contra el veneno de Crot / pool mediante ELISA. La dosis mediana efectiva (DE50) fue de 19,66 mg/2 LD50. Los anticuerpos IgY neutralizaron eficazmente la letalidad del veneno de Crot / pool. Hasta donde sabemos, se trata del primer antídoto de serpiente producido en avestruces, lo que podría abaratar la producción de este tratamiento en países del tercer mundo. Ya que es probable que se obtengan alrededor de 2-4 g de IgY por huevo de avestruz. Por lo tanto, se podrían purificar casi 400 g de IgY de un solo avestruz durante un año. Asimismo, debido a las enormes diferencias en el costo de inversión en el mantenimiento de los caballos desde el punto de vista de infraestructura, alimentación y atención veterinaria, en los que el costo puede llegar a los 100 USD por día, frente a los 146 USD por mes de mantenimiento de la producción de aves. Estos resultados abren un campo terapéutico, para la fabricación de otros antivenenos contra un amplio espectro de toxinas y también como probables herramientas de diagnóstico.

Biomedica ; 41(3): 449-457, 2021 09 22.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34559492


INTRODUCTION: The thymus is active mainly during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods. OBJECTIVE: To test naïve thymocytes proliferation and monocytes stimulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected fresh thymus tissue from neonate mice after surgery. Suspension cells were coated onto Ficoll-Hypaque support. The obtained cells (thymocytes) were cultured measuring the proliferation of naïve T cells stimulated by Crotalus durissus cumanensis (Cdc) venom at sub-lethal doses (20 ng). Then, we supplemented the wells with AlamarBlue™ and incubated them for 5 h to test their proliferation. Mononuclear cells from mice peripheral blood were collected and layered onto the support of the Ficoll-Hypaque solution. We added the thymocytes actively dividing (25 x 105 cells) from cultures stimulated with Cdc venom at 20 ng/well to cultured monocytes freshly obtained from the Ficoll-Hypaque separation. Both cell populations were incubated for 36 h until monocytes matured to macrophages. RESULTS: The naïve thymocytes rapidly proliferated after stimulation with the Cdc venom (NTCdc) and these successively induced the maturation and function of monocytes progenitor cells to mature macrophages, which ingested Chinese ink. CONCLUSIONS: The naïve thymocytes proliferated by stimulation with the Cdc venom and subsequently the NT/Cdc induced the rapid maturation and function of monocytes progenitor cells becoming mature macrophages with their phenotypic characteristics.

Introducción. El timo es activo principalmente durante los períodos neonatal y preadolescente. Objetivo. Probar la proliferación de los timocitos tempranos y la estimulación de monocitos que producen. Materiales y métodos. Se recogió tejido de timo fresco después de la cirugía de ratones recién nacidos. La suspensión de células se colocó sobre un soporte de Ficoll-Hypaque. Las células obtenidas (timocitos) se cultivaron y se midió la proliferación de células T vírgenes estimuladas por el veneno de Crotalus durissus cumanensis (Cdc) en dosis subletales (20 ng). A continuación, se agregó AlamarBlue™ a los pocillos y se incubaron durante 5 horas para evaluar la proliferación. Se recogieron células mononucleares de sangre periférica de ratones y se colocaron sobre un soporte de solución de Ficoll-Hypaque. Los timocitos que se dividieron activamente (25 x 105 células) a partir de los cultivos estimulados con veneno de Cdc (20 ng/pocillo) y se agregaron a los cultivos de monocitos recién obtenidos de la separación en la solución de Ficoll-Hypaque. Ambas poblaciones celulares se incubaron durante 36 horas hasta que los monocitos maduraron a macrófagos. Resultados. Los timocitos tempranos experimentaron una rápida proliferación estimulada por el veneno de Cdc (NTCdc) y, posteriormente, indujeron la maduración y la función de las células progenitoras de monocitos, los cuales maduraron a macrófagos, que se tiñeron con tinta china. Conclusiones. Los timocitos tempranos proliferaron con la estimulación del veneno de Cdc y, posteriormente, el NT/Cdc indujo la maduración rápida y la función de las células progenitoras de monocitos, transformándose en macrófagos con sus características fenotípicas.

Venenos de Crotálidos , Crotalus , Animales , Activación de Linfocitos , Ratones , Timocitos
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 41(3): 449-457, jul.-set. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345395


Abstract. Introduction: The thymus is active mainly during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods. Objective: To test naïve thymocytes proliferation and monocytes stimulation. Materials and methods: We collected fresh thymus tissue from neonate mice after surgery. Suspension cells were coated onto Ficoll-Hypaque support. The obtained cells (thymocytes) were cultured measuring the proliferation of naïve T cells stimulated by Crotalus durissus cumanensis (Cdc) venom at sub-lethal doses (20 ng). Then, we supplemented the wells with AlamarBlue™ and incubated them for 5 h to test their proliferation. Mononuclear cells from mice peripheral blood were collected and layered onto the support of the Ficoll-Hypaque solution. We added the thymocytes actively dividing (25 x 105 cells) from cultures stimulated with Cdc venom at 20 ng/well to cultured monocytes freshly obtained from the Ficoll-Hypaque separation. Both cell populations were incubated for 36 h until monocytes matured to macrophages. Results: The naïve thymocytes rapidly proliferated after stimulation with the Cdc venom (NTCdc) and these successively induced the maturation and function of monocytes progenitor cells to mature macrophages, which ingested Chinese ink. Conclusions: The naïve thymocytes proliferated by stimulation with the Cdc venom and subsequently the NT/Cdc induced the rapid maturation and function of monocytes progenitor cells becoming mature macrophages with their phenotypic characteristics.

Resumen. Introducción. El timo es activo principalmente durante los períodos neonatal y preadolescente. Objetivo. Probar la proliferación de los timocitos tempranos y la estimulación de monocitos que producen. Materiales y métodos. Se recogió tejido de timo fresco después de la cirugía de ratones recién nacidos. La suspensión de células se colocó sobre un soporte de Ficoll-Hypaque. Las células obtenidas (timocitos) se cultivaron y se midió la proliferación de células T vírgenes estimuladas por el veneno de Crotalus durissus cumanensis (Cdc) en dosis subletales (20 ng). A continuación, se agregó AlamarBlue™ a los pocillos y se incubaron durante 5 horas para evaluar la proliferación. Se recogieron células mononucleares de sangre periférica de ratones y se colocaron sobre un soporte de solución de Ficoll-Hypaque. Los timocitos que se dividieron activamente (25 x 105 células) a partir de los cultivos estimulados con veneno de Cdc (20 ng/pocillo) y se agregaron a los cultivos de monocitos recién obtenidos de la separación en la solución de Ficoll-Hypaque. Ambas poblaciones celulares se incubaron durante 36 horas hasta que los monocitos maduraron a macrófagos. Resultados Los timocitos tempranos experimentaron una rápida proliferación estimulada por el veneno de Cdc (NTCdc) y, posteriormente, indujeron la maduración y la función de las células progenitoras de monocitos, los cuales maduraron a macrófagos, que se tiñeron con tinta china. Conclusiones. Los timocitos tempranos proliferaron con la estimulación del veneno de Cdc y, posteriormente, el NT/Cdc indujo la maduración rápida y la función de las células progenitoras de monocitos, transformándose en macrófagos con sus características fenotípicas.

Crotalus , Timocitos , Monocitos , Venenos de Crotálidos , Macrófagos
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 73(2): e609, 2021. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347498


Coleopteran insects can produce toxic substances containing multiple components which have so far not been properly described. To report an unusual case of intoxication by excretion from Calosoma alternans Fabricius 1792 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in a Venezuelan patient from a periurban neighborhood near the mesothermal raining forest. The toxic activity caused a clinical status characterized by digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, epigastralgia, an increase in bowel movements and probable kidney inflammation with intense pain in both lumbar regions, which did not correspond to the classic dermal damage. In conclusion, a unique case is presented of intoxication by a coleopteran species, with a clinical description not previously reported(AU)

Los insectos coleópteros pueden producir sustancias tóxicas que contienen numerosos componentes que aún no han sido descritos adecuadamente. Presentar un caso inusual de intoxicación por excreciones de Calosoma alternans Fabricius 1792 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) en un paciente venezolano residente en un barrio periurbano cercano a la selva tropical mesotérmica. La actividad tóxica provocó un cuadro clínico caracterizado por síntomas digestivos como náuseas, vómitos, epigastralgia, aumento del número de deposiciones y probablemente inflamación renal, con dolor intenso en ambas regiones lumbares, lo que no se corresponde con el daño dérmico clásico. En resumen, se presenta un caso singular de intoxicación provocada por una especie de coleóptero, con una descripción clínica no reportada anteriormente(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Signos y Síntomas , Escarabajos , Insectos , Intoxicación , Venezuela , Vómitos , Sustancias Tóxicas
J Microsc Ultrastruct ; 8(3): 104-114, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33282685


The damage of the adrenal gland by snake venoms needs to be clarified. Lethality (LD50) of Bothrops venezuelensis (Bv) venom was established by intraperitoneally mice injections. Preparation of specimens for transmission electron microscopy samples from cortex adrenal gland biopsies at 3, 6, and 24 h was processed. The quantitative description by the principal component analysis (PCA) of the adrenal gland was as follows: thickening of the capillary endothelium, area of the capillary lumen, cell nucleus area, enlargement of the perinuclear space, number of mitochondria, area of the mitochondria, number of mitochondrial cristae, number of cristae per mitochondrial unit, and tubular diameter of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Sections of the adrenal cortex, after 3 h postinjection with Bv venom showed in the cortical cells: mitochondria with tubular cristae and slightly swollen SER cisternae, nucleus with variable heterochromatin content, irregular edges, and swollen nuclear envelope. After 6 h, cells with swollen nucleus envelope, electron dense lipids and mitochondria with loss of their cristae were observed. Myelin figures, close to the microvilli of the cortical cell, multivesicular bodies, swollen profiles of the SER, and electron dense lipid drops were noticed. After 24 h, thickening of the endothelial wall, fenestrae and projections into the capillary lumen, loss of the mitochondrial cristae, destruction of the capillary and the plasma membrane of the cortical cell, multivesicular body, SER loss, and an enlargement of the perinuclear space were detected. In the quantitative PCA, there were significant changes after the venom treatments.

Toxicon ; 188: 95-107, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33065200


Crotamine and crotamine-like peptides are non-enzymatic polypeptides, belonging to the family of myotoxins, which are found in high concentration in the venom of the Crotalus genus. Helleramine was isolated and purified from the venom of the Southern Pacific rattlesnake, Crotalus oreganus helleri. This peptide had a similar, but unique, identity to crotamine and crotamine-like proteins isolated from other rattlesnakes species. The variability of crotamine-like protein amino acid sequences may allow different toxic effects on biological targets or optimize the action against the same target of different prey. Helleramine was capable of increasing intracellular Ca2+ in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell line. It inhibited cell migration as well as cell viability (IC50 = 11.44 µM) of C2C12, immortalized skeletal myoblasts, in a concentration dependent manner, and promoted early apoptosis and cell death under our experimental conditions. Skeletal muscle harvested from mice 24 h after helleramine injection showed contracted myofibrils and profound vacuolization that enlarged the subsarcolemmal space, along with loss of plasmatic and basal membrane integrity. The effects of helleramine provide further insights and evidence of myotoxic activities of crotamine-like peptides and their possible role in crotalid envenomings.

Venenos de Crotálidos/farmacología , Crotalus , Placa Motora/efectos de los fármacos , Músculo Estriado/efectos de los fármacos , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Células CHO , Línea Celular , Cricetulus , Ratones , Placa Motora/ultraestructura , Músculo Estriado/ultraestructura , Péptidos
Int. j. morphol ; 38(5): 1271-1280, oct. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134436


SUMMARY: The Viperidae venoms are composed of a mixture of constituents with enzymatic and non-enzymatic actions, which act on ultrastructural components of cells and tissues. Here, the number of mitochondria, mitochondrial area and the number of mitochondrial cristae from adrenal glands cortex treated with snake venoms were tested after 3, 6 and 24 hours of venom injections. The mitochondria quantitative changes showed a statistically significant decrease, in the number of mitochondria past 3, 6 and 24 h. There was an increase in the mitochondrial area after 6 h, where Crotalus vegrandis venom did not present significant differences with Crotalus pifanorum or Bothrops venezuelensis venoms. After 24 h, there was an escalation of mitochondrial area in all tested venoms. The number of mitochondrial cristae after 3 h did not present important differences with the control treatment. After 6 h, the number of mitochondrial cristae initiated to decrease under the activities of the 3 venoms action, until 24 h of observation. In the qualitative observations it was possible to witness an intense damage of the mitochondria, with loss and swelling of membranes, disappearance of cristae and the appearance of myelin figures, which started at 3 h after the Crotalus and Bothrops venoms injections. These damages probably were due to cytotoxic effects of phospholipases, metalloproteases and/or other proteolytic activities present in Viperidae snake venoms, being more evident in Crotalus venoms. As far as we know, these results define a novel finding that suggest that Viperidae snake venoms are extremely toxic to mammalian mitochondria.

RESUMEN: Los venenos de Viperidae tienen acciones enzimáticas y no enzimáticas, que actúan sobre la estructura celular. Aquí se probaron, a las 3, 6 y 24 horas de la inyección del veneno, el número de mitocondrias, el área mitocondrial y el número de crestas mitocondriales de la corteza de las glándulas adrenales. Los cambios cuantitativos de las mitocondrias mostraron una disminución en el número de mitocondrias a las 3, 6 y 24 h. Hubo un aumento en el área mitocondrial a las 6 h, donde el veneno de la serpiente Crotalus vegrandis no presentó diferencias significativas con los venenos de Crotalus pifanorum o Bothrops venezuelensis. Después de 24 h, hubo un aumento del área mitocondrial en todos los venenos. El número de crestas mitocondriales a las 3 h no presentó alteraciones o diferencias importantes con el tratamiento de control. Después de 6 h, el número de crestas mitocondriales comenzó a disminuir bajo la acción de los 3 venenos, hasta las 24 h de observación. En las observaciones cualitativas se observó un daño intenso de las mitocondrias, con pérdida y edema de las membranas, desaparición de las cristae y aparición de figuras mielínicas, que comenzó a las 3 h después de las inyecciones de veneno de Crotalus y Bothrops. Estos daños se debieron factiblemente a los efectos citotóxicos de componentes proteolíticos de los venenos. Creemos que estos resultados definen un nuevo y original hallazgo, que sugiere que los venenos de serpiente Viperidae son extremadamente tóxicos para las mitocondrias de mamíferos.

Animales , Ratones , Venenos de Víboras/toxicidad , Viperidae/fisiología , Glándulas Suprarrenales/efectos de los fármacos , Mitocondrias/efectos de los fármacos , Glándulas Suprarrenales/ultraestructura , Crotalus , Bothrops , Mitocondrias/ultraestructura
Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol ; 42(5): 484-492, 2020 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32806962


Purpose: The snakes in Venezuela vary in their different venom composition amid the species. In this sense, studies have been carried out elucidating mechanisms related to their immunostimulatory and/or immunosuppressive effects in vitro, measuring inhibition or stimulation on the mice spleen and lymph nodes lymphocytes under the rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus cumanensis) (Cdc) and mapanare (Bothrops colombiensis) crude venoms actions, and also its purified fraction crotoxin (CTX) (Cdc) and a semi-purified fraction (SPF) (Bc) activities. Material and methods: The stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation was carried out in the presence or absence of Concanavalin A (ConA) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Results: The lymphocyte response was measured by the Alamar Blue® (Resazurin) assay, observing that the Crotalus crude venom increased basal proliferation in the spleen and lymph nodes, being also increased with ConA and LPS. CTX slightly decreased the proliferative response in the presence of mitogens. Both Bc venom and its SPF fraction had no significant effect on basal proliferation in the spleen and lymph nodes, but a decrease in the response with ConA was observed. These results suggest that CTX has an inhibitory action on lymphocyte proliferation, while Cdc crude venom has a stimulatory action on T and B cell populations. Bothrops colombiensis venom had no effect on these two types of cell populations. As it is known, lymphocytes are cells of enormous flexibility and can operate in diverse aspects, warranting that the correct immune response persists controlled. Conclusions: These results suggested that these different toxins can modulate lymphocyte functional activation toward an inhibitory or stimulatory state.

Bothrops , Venenos de Crotálidos/toxicidad , Crotalus , Ganglios Linfáticos/efectos de los fármacos , Activación de Linfocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Linfocitos/efectos de los fármacos , Bazo/efectos de los fármacos , Animales , Proliferación Celular/efectos de los fármacos , Células Cultivadas , Concanavalina A/farmacología , Lipopolisacáridos/farmacología , Ganglios Linfáticos/inmunología , Linfocitos/inmunología , Masculino , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL , Bazo/inmunología
Mol Immunol ; 116: 45-55, 2019 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31600647


An acute inflammatory response, cellular infiltrates, anemia, hemorrhage and endogenous fibrinolysis activation were previously described in C57BL/6 mice injected with M. tener tener venom (Mtt). As the endothelium and innate immunity may participate in these disturbances and due to our poor understanding of the alterations produced by these venoms when the neurotoxic component is not predominant, we evaluated the effects in an in vitro model. At 24 h, the release of pro-inflammatory mediators was detected in peritoneal macrophages. At different times, the release of pro-inflammatory (TNF-α, IL-6, NO and E-Selectin), pro-coagulant (vWF and TF) and pro-fibrinolytic (uPA) mediators were seen in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs). These results suggest that Mtt venom activates macrophages and endothelium, thus inducing the release of mediators, such as TNF-α, that orchestrate the acute inflammatory response and the later infiltration of mononuclear cells into liver in C57BL/6 mice. In addition, endothelium activation promotes TF expression, which may in turn modulate the inflammatory and hemostatic response. These findings suggest crosstalk between inflammation and hemostasis in the alterations observed in Micrurus envenomation, where the neurotoxic manifestations do not predominate.

Serpientes de Coral/inmunología , Venenos Elapídicos/inmunología , Células Endoteliales/inmunología , Activación de Macrófagos/inmunología , Animales , Línea Celular , Inflamación/inmunología , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 71(2): e371, mayo.-ago. 2019. graf
Artículo en Inglés | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1093557


Objective: to describe the haemostatic characteristics of the venom as well as the potency appraisal of the polyvalent antiophidic serum against haemotoxicity from Porthidium lansbergii hutmani experimental envenomation. Methods: Evaluation was performed of the venom's lethality, haemorrhagic activity, effects on coagulation and platelet aggregation, proteolytic activity, and neutralization by the commercial antivenom available in the country. Results: Several components with haemostatic activities were found in Porthidium l. hutmanni venom when a study of fibrinogenolytic, haemorrhagic and proteolytic activities was conducted of a pool of P.l.h venom. Porthidium l. hutmanni venom lacked the coagulant and defibrinating activities that are characteristic of bothropic venoms. Porthidium l. hutmanni venom showed very high haemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities. These findings could be related to the presence of multiple metalloproteases, which was evidenced in this study, and also the possible presence of phospholipases or other anticoagulant activity proteins that were not defined here. They inhibited platelet aggregation, suggesting that the venom had some proteins with marked effects on haemostasis. The commercial antivenom proved to be of little effectiveness in neutralizing the crude venom haemorrhagic activity. Conclusions: These toxins cause many physiopathological alterations in bitten patients, creating a clinical picture characterized by oedema, local and systemic haemorrhages, and even necrosis, comparable to that seen in bothropic envenomation. Porthidium l. hutmanni venom has no in vitro procoagulant activity, typical of bothropic venoms, suggesting there are variances in its protein conformation. Porthidium l. hutmanni venom is used for horse immunization. However, in order to preserve the patient's life, it is necessary to improve the immunization process to produce antivenom containing high avidity and specificity antibodies against the major toxins present in this venom. Porthidium l. hutmanni venom has demonstrated being a venom with high lethal, haemorrhagic, proteolytic and procoagulant activities, whose description will have enormous utility among clinicians who deal with these accidents in its geographical distribution areas(AU)

Objetivo: Describir las características hemostáticas del veneno y evaluar la potencia del suero polivalente antiofídico contra la hemotoxicidad provocada por el envenenamiento experimental por Porthidium lansbergii hutmanni. Métodos: Se realizó una evaluación de la letalidad, actividad hemorrágica, efectos en la coagulación y agregación plaquetaria, actividad proteolítica y neutralización por el antiveneno disponible comercialmente en el país. Resultados: Se encontraron varios componentes con actividad hemostática en el veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni al realizarse un estudio de la actividad fibrinogenolítica, hemorrágica y proteolítica de una muestra de veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni. El veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni no mostró la actividad coagulante o defibrinante característica de los venenos botrópicos. El veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni mostró una elevada actividad hemorrágica y anticoagulante. Estos resultados podrían estar relacionados con la presencia de múltiples metaloproteasas, la que quedó demostrado en el estudio, y también a la posible presencia de fosfolipasas u otras proteínas de actividad anticoagulante que no se definen en el mismo. La inhibición de la agregación plaquetaria sugiere que el veneno contiene algunas proteínas con un marcado efecto sobre la hemostasis. El antiveneno comercial mostró poca efectividad en la neutralización de la actividad hemorrágica del veneno crudo. Conclusiones: Estas toxinas provocan muchas alteraciones fisiopatológicas en las víctimas de mordeduras, creando un cuadro clínico caracterizado por edema, hemorragias locales y sistémicas e incluso necrosis comparable con la que ocurre en el envenenamiento botrópico. El veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni no tiene la actividad procoagulante in vitro típica de los venenos botrópicos, lo que apunta a variaciones en su conformación proteica. El veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni de utiliza en la inmunización de los caballos. Sin embargo, para preservar la vida del paciente, es necesario mejorar el proceso de inmunización con vistas a producir un antiveneno que contenga anticuerpos de elevada avidez y especificidad contra las principales toxinas presentes en el veneno. El veneno de Porthidium l. hutmanni ha mostrado ser un veneno de elevada actividad letal, hemorrágica, proteolítica y procoagulante, cuya descripción tendrá una enorme utilidad para los médicos que atienden esos accidentes en sus áreas de distribución geográfica(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Trastornos Hemostáticos/complicaciones , Venenos de Crotálidos/efectos adversos , Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico
Toxicon ; 168: 32-39, 2019 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31229628


The expense of production and distribution of snakebite antivenom, as well as its relatively infrequent use, has caused antivenom to be increasingly difficult to obtain and ultimately producing an alarming global shortage. Unused, expired antivenom may represent a significant, untapped resource to ameliorate this crisis. This study examines the efficacy of expired antivenom over time using in vitro, whole blood clotting, and platelet function statistics. Representatives from three years for four different global brands of polyvalent antivenom were chosen and tested against their corresponding venoms as well as other venoms that could display cross-reactivity. These antivenoms include Wyeth Polyvalent (U.S.; exp. 1997, 2001, 2003), Antivipmyn® (Mexico; exp. 2005, 2013, 2017), Biotecfars Polyvalent (Venezuela; exp. 2010, 2014, 2016), and SAIMR (South Africa; exp. 1997, 2005, 2017). Venoms of species tested were Crotalus atrox against Wyeth; C. atrox and Crotalus vegrandis against Antivipmyn®; C. atrox, C. vegrandis and Bothrops colombiensis against Biotecfar; and Bitis gabonica and Echis carinatus against South African Institute for Medical Research (SAIMR). Parameters recorded were activated clotting time (ACT), clotting rate (CR), and platelet function (PF). Preliminary results are encouraging as the antivenoms maintained significant efficacy even 20 y after their expiration date. We anticipate these results will motivate further studies and provide hope in the cases of snakebite emergencies when preferable treatments are unavailable.

Antivenenos/farmacología , Estabilidad de Medicamentos , Venenos de Víboras/antagonistas & inhibidores , Animales , Coagulación Sanguínea/efectos de los fármacos , Humanos , Pruebas de Neutralización , Pruebas de Función Plaquetaria , Factores de Tiempo , Viperidae
Zebrafish ; 16(4): 379-387, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31145051


Envenomation by the Venezuelan bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta muta) (Serpentes: Viperidae) is characterized by local and cardiac alterations. This study investigates the in vivo cardiac dysfunction, tissue destruction, and cellular processes triggered by Lachesis muta muta snake crude venom and a C-type lectin (CTL)-like toxin named Mutacytin-1 (MC-1). The 28 kDa MC-1 was obtained by molecular exclusion, ion exchange, and C-18 (checking pureness) reverse-phase chromatographies. N-terminal sequencing of the first eight amino acids (NNCPQ LLM) revealed 100% identity with Mutina (CTL-like) isolated from Lachesis stenophrys, which is a Ca2+-dependent-type galactoside-binding lectin from Bothrops jararaca and CTL BpLec from Bothrops pauloensis. The cardiotoxicity in zebrafish of MC-1 was evaluated by means of specific phenotypic expressions and larvae behavior at 5, 15, 30, 40 and 60 min post-treatment. The L. muta muta venom and MC-1 also produced heart rate/rhythm alterations, circulation modifications, and the presence of thrombus and apoptotic phenomenon with pericardial damages. Acridine orange (100 µg/mL) was used to visualize apoptosis cellular process in control and treated whole embryos. The cardiotoxic alterations happened in more than 90% of all larvae under the action of L. muta muta venom and MC-1. The findings have demonstrated the potential cardiotoxicity by L. muta muta venom, suggesting the possibility of cardiovascular damages to patients after bushmaster envenoming.

Cardiotoxicidad/embriología , Cardiotoxinas/farmacología , Crotalinae , Lectinas Tipo C , Proteínas de Reptiles/química , Venenos de Serpiente/química , Pez Cebra/embriología , Animales , Cardiotoxinas/química , Crotalinae/embriología , Embrión no Mamífero/efectos de los fármacos , Lectinas Tipo C/química , Proteínas de Reptiles/farmacología
Sci Rep ; 9(1): 18, 2019 01 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30631140


Amphibian oocytes have been extensively used for heterologous expression of membrane proteins for studying their biochemical and biophysical properties. So far, Xenopus laevis is the main amphibian used as oocytes source to express aquaglyceroporins in order to assess water and solutes permeability. However, this well-established amphibian model represents a threat to the biodiversity in many countries, especially in those from tropical regions. For that reason, the import of Xenopus laevis is subjected to strict control, which essentially has restricted its use in these regions. Therefore, a wider variety of expression systems for aquaglyceroporins is needed. Rhinella marina is extensively distributed in the Americas and its native range spreads from South America to Texas, US. Here we report the use of Rhinella marina oocytes as an alternative expression system for aquaglyceroporins and demonstrated its suitability to determine the permeability to water and non-ionic solutes. Rhinella marina oocytes were able to functionally express channels from human and the protozoan pathogen Trypanosoma brucei, two very distant organisms on the evolutionary scale. Permeability values obtained from Rhinella marina oocytes expressing members of aquaporin family were similar and comparable to those values reported in the literature for the same channels expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes.

Acuagliceroporinas/biosíntesis , Bufo marinus , Expresión Génica , Oocitos , Proteínas Recombinantes/biosíntesis , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/enzimología , Animales , Acuagliceroporinas/genética , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/genética
Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr ; 1860(11): 2252-2261, 2018 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30409521


Bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma (T.) brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness, possess a highly active glycolysis, which generates as main end-products: pyruvate under aerobic conditions, and pyruvate and glycerol under anaerobic conditions. To secrete them into the extracellular milieu, the parasites have at least two main specific membrane proteins, the pyruvate transporter and the aquaglyceroporins However, there are several other minor products from the glycolysis that must be excreted by the parasites and whose exit pathway until now remained elusive. As aquaglyceroporins from T. brucei (TbAQP1, 2, and 3) show a wide permeability profile for small solutes, we decided to evaluate if these proteins allow the passage of methylglyoxal, L-lactate, D-lactate and acetate molecules. We expressed heterologously TbAQP1, 2, and 3 in aquaglyceroporin-null yeast cells or in Xenopus laevis oocytes and demonstrated that these channels are permeable for methylglyoxal, L-lactate, D-lactate and acetate. We further demonstrate that methylglyoxal is highly toxic for bloodstream forms of T. brucei, while L-lactate and D-lactate appear almost harmless. Additionally, we discuss all our findings in the light of the novel metabolic discoveries, putting in context the participation of TbAQP1, 2, 3, and other proteins in the excretion of unwanted metabolic end-products.

Acetatos/metabolismo , Acuagliceroporinas/metabolismo , Ácido Láctico/metabolismo , Piruvaldehído/metabolismo , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/metabolismo , Transporte Biológico , Glicerol/metabolismo , Glucólisis , Ácido Pirúvico/metabolismo , Estereoisomerismo
Toxicon ; 150: 212-219, 2018 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29890232


Micrurus venoms are known to induce mainly neurotoxicity in victims. However, other manifestations, including hemorrhage, edema, myotoxicity, complement activation, and hemostatic activity have been reported. In order to develop a more complete pharmacological profile of these venoms, inflammatory responses and hemostasis were evaluated in C57BL/6 mice treated with a sub-lethal dose of M. t. tener (Mtt) venom (8 µg/mouse), inoculated intraperitoneally. The venom induced moderate bleeding into the abdominal cavity and lungs, as well as infiltration of leukocytes into the liver. After 30 min, the release of pro-inflammatory mediators (TNF-α, IL-6, and NO) were observed, being most evident at 4 h. There was a decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels at 72 h, a prolongation in coagulation times (PT and aPTT), a decrease in the fibrinogen concentration and an increase in fibrinolytic activity. In this animal model, it was proposed that Mtt venom induces inflammation with the release of mediators such as TNF-α, in response to the toxins. These mediators may activate hemostatic mechanisms, producing systemic fibrinolysis and hemorrhage. These findings suggest alternative treatments in Micrurus envenomations in which neurotoxic manifestations do not predominate.

Serpientes de Coral/fisiología , Venenos Elapídicos/toxicidad , Inflamación/inducido químicamente , Tiempo de Tromboplastina Parcial , Tiempo de Protrombina , Animales , Hemorragia , Masculino , Ratones , Ratones Endogámicos C57BL
Toxicon ; 144: 23-33, 2018 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29407163


Bothrops venezuelensis snake venoms, from five localities in the North-Central Venezuelan regions, showed biochemical and haemostatic differences. In this study, bioactivities of B. venezuelensis venoms from different regions (Aragua state; Waraira Repano (Capital District); Baruta, La Boyera and Lagunetica (Miranda state)) were compared using both natural and synthetic substrates. The protein contents of these venoms were Lagunetica 89%, La Boyera 79%, Baruta 71%, Waraira Repano 68% and Aragua 64%. Toxic activities effects were: Intraperitoneal LD50s: Aragua-14 mg/kg; Waraira Repano-6.4 mg/kg; Baruta: 8.3 mg/kg; La Boyera-4.4 mg/kg; Lagunetica-16.2 mg/kg. The MHD results: Aragua-21.4 µg/mouse; Waraira Repano-2.5 µg/mouse; Baruta-1.2 µg/mouse; La Boyera-1.4 µg/mouse and Lagunetica-12 µg/mouse. The hide powder azure results: Aragua-1.24 U/mg; La Boyera-2.26 U/mg; Baruta-2.83 U/mg; Lagunetica-3.28 U/mg and Waraira Repano-5.77 U/mg. Esterase specific activity on BAEE results: Waraira Repano-666.66 U/mg; La Boyera-805.5 U/mg; Baruta-900.00 U/mg; Lagunetica-922.19 U/mg and Aragua-1960.67 U/mg. Casein zymography showed digestion bands in the molecular weight above 100 and at 66.2 and 21.5 kDa. Analysis of casein degradation by SDS-PAGE showed two different degradation patterns. Fibrinolytic activity (mm2/µg) on fibrin plates results: Aragua-6.07; Lagunetica-27.6; Waraira Repano-35.7; La Boyera-44.27 and Baruta-45.63. In the fibrinogenolytic assay, the five venoms completely degraded the α chain after 1 min of incubation. None of the venoms completely degraded the ß and γ chains after 24 h incubation. The research indicated that venoms of B. venezuelensis of different geographic areas in Venezuela exhibit variances in composition and component concentrations; except the Aragua venom, all of them had high proteolytic activities.

Bothrops , Venenos de Crotálidos/toxicidad , Animales , Coagulación Sanguínea/efectos de los fármacos , Caseínas/metabolismo , Venenos de Crotálidos/química , Venenos de Crotálidos/enzimología , Fibrinógeno/química , Fibrinólisis/efectos de los fármacos , Geografía , Hemorragia/inducido químicamente , Dosificación Letal Mediana , Ratones , Proteolisis/efectos de los fármacos , Venezuela
Ultrastruct Pathol ; 42(2): 116-123, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29466088


Crotamine is a cationic, non-enzymatic, protein integrating a minor family of myotoxins, composed of 42 amino acid residues, described in Viperidae and Crotalidae snake's families that has been used in neuroscience research, drug progressing and molecular diversity reports. Crotamine-like protein (CLP) from C.o.helleri venom was isolated in fraction 5 from 7 peaks obtained by sulfopropyl waters protein pak cationic exchange column. In tricine-SDS-PAGE under non-reduced conditions this CLP showed a single band of ~8 kDa molecular weight. CLP induced toxicity of K-562 cells with a CC50 of 11.09 µM. In mice adrenal gland after 24 h of CLP injection, cortical cells exhibited swollen mitochondria with scarce tubular cristae, some elements of smooth and rough endoplasmic reticula, widened nuclear envelope, slightly osmiophilic lipid droplets, and autophagic vacuoles. In some areas cortical cells plasma membrane and endothelial walls disappeared, which indicated a necrosis process. In other areas, endothelial cell cytoplasm did not present the normal caveolae and pinocytotic vesicles. To our knowledge, this is the first report on mice adrenal gland damages, caused by the injection of CLP from rattlesnakes. Our results propose that adrenal cortex lesions may be significant in the envenoming etiopathogenesis by CLP.

Glándulas Suprarrenales/efectos de los fármacos , Glándulas Suprarrenales/ultraestructura , Venenos de Crotálidos/toxicidad , Glándulas Suprarrenales/patología , Animales , Línea Celular Tumoral , Crotalus , Humanos , Ratones
Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr ; 1859(5): 679-685, 2017 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28087364


The boron element possesses a range of different effects on living beings. It is essential to beneficial at low concentrations, but toxic at excessive concentrations. Recently, some boron-based compounds have been identified as promising molecules against Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of sleeping sickness. However, until now, the boron metabolism and its access route into the parasite remained elusive. The present study addressed the permeability of T. brucei aquaglyceroporins (TbAQPs) for boric acid, the main natural boron species. To this end, the three TbAQPs were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes. Our findings in both expression systems showed that all three TbAQPs are permeable for boric acid. Especially TbAQP2 is highly permeable for this compound, displaying one of the highest conductances reported for a solute in these channels. Additionally, T. brucei aquaglyceroporin activities were sensitive to pH. Taken together, these results establish that TbAQPs are channels for boric acid and are highly efficient entry pathways for boron into the parasite. Our findings stress the importance of studying the physiological functions of boron and their derivatives in T. brucei, as well as the pharmacological implications of their uptake by trypanosome aquaglyceroporins.

Acuagliceroporinas/metabolismo , Ácidos Bóricos/metabolismo , Trypanosoma brucei brucei/metabolismo , Animales , Concentración de Iones de Hidrógeno , Oocitos/metabolismo , Permeabilidad , Xenopus laevis
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27989783


Snake venoms are known to have different venom compositions and toxicity, but differences can also be found within populations of the same species contributing to the complexity of treatment of envenomated victims. One of the first well-documented intraspecies venom variations comes from the Mohave rattlesnake (Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus). Initially, three types of venoms were described; type A venom is the most toxic as a result of ~45% Mojave toxin in the venom composition, type B lacks the Mojave toxin but contains over 50% of snake venom metalloproteases (SVMPs). Also, type A+B venom contains a combination of Mojave toxin and SVMP. The use of an anti-disintegrin antibody in a simple Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) can be used to identify the difference between the venoms of the type A, B, and A+B Mohave rattlesnakes. This study implements the use of an anti-recombinant disintegrin polyclonal antibody (ARDPA) for the detection of disintegrins and ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloproteases) in individual crude snake venoms of Mohave rattlesnakes (Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus) of varying geographical locations. After correlation with Western blots, coagulation activity and LD50 data, it was determined that the antibody allows for a quick and cost-efficient identification of venom types.

Anticuerpos Monoclonales/inmunología , Venenos de Crotálidos/inmunología , Crotalus/inmunología , Desintegrinas/inmunología , Metaloproteasas/inmunología , Animales , Anticuerpos Monoclonales/metabolismo , Arizona , Coagulación Sanguínea/efectos de los fármacos , Western Blotting , California , Venenos de Crotálidos/clasificación , Venenos de Crotálidos/metabolismo , Crotalus/metabolismo , Desintegrinas/metabolismo , Ensayo de Inmunoadsorción Enzimática , Geografía , Humanos , Dosificación Letal Mediana , Metaloproteasas/metabolismo , Ratones Endogámicos BALB C , Neurotoxinas/inmunología , Neurotoxinas/metabolismo , Neurotoxinas/toxicidad , Unión Proteica/inmunología , Texas
Toxicon ; 122: 43-49, 2016 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27641750


Crotalid venoms are rich sources of components that affect the hemostatic system. Snake venom metalloproteinases are zinc-dependent enzymes responsible for hemorrhage that also interfere with hemostasis. The disintegrin domain is a part of snake venom metalloproteinases, which involves the binding of integrin receptors. Integrins play an essential role in cancer survival and invasion, and they have been major targets for drug development and design. Both native and recombinant disintegrins have been widely investigated for their anti-cancer activities in biological systems as well as in vitro and in vivo systems. Here, three new cDNAs encoding ECD disintegrin-like domains of metalloproteinase precursor sequences obtained from a Venezuelan mapanare (Bothrops colombiensis) venom gland cDNA library have been cloned. Three different N- and C-terminal truncated ECD disintegrin-like domains of metalloproteinases named colombistatins 2, 3, and 4 were amplified by PCR, cloned into a pGEX-4T-1 vector, expressed in Escherichia coli BL21, and tested for inhibition of platelet aggregation and inhibition of adhesion of human skin melanoma (SK-Mel-28) cancer cell lines on collagen I. Purified recombinant colombistatins 2, 3, and 4 were able to inhibit ristocetin- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation. r-Colombistatins 2 showed the most potent inhibiting SK-Mel-28 cancer cells adhesion to collagen. These results suggest that colombistatins may have utility in the development of therapeutic tools in the treatment of melanoma cancers and also thrombotic diseases.

Venenos de Crotálidos/enzimología , Desintegrinas/metabolismo , Metaloproteasas/metabolismo , Secuencia de Aminoácidos , Animales , Línea Celular Tumoral , Desintegrinas/aislamiento & purificación , Humanos , Metaloproteasas/genética , Metaloproteasas/aislamiento & purificación , Metaloproteasas/farmacología , Inhibidores de Agregación Plaquetaria/farmacología , Proteínas Recombinantes/aislamiento & purificación , Proteínas Recombinantes/metabolismo , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacología , Homología de Secuencia de Aminoácido