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PLoS One ; 16(3): e0246829, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33661928


We examine, for the first time, biogeographic patterns in a series of tropical montane coastal systems in northern South America. We use amphibians and reptiles, which constitute the most critical communities based upon the prevalence of endemic taxa, to assess the region's biodiversity. The montane coastal system spans an east-west distance of 925 km. It includes peaks ranging from 549 m to 2765 m above sea level and encompasses the montane complexes of northern Venezuela (including Isla de Margarita), an outlier at Santa Marta (Colombia), and ranges on the islands Trinidad and Tobago. The area supports 14 family level amphibian clades and 23 family level reptile clades. Fieldwork, museum specimen surveys, and a literature review suggest that biodiversity decreases at higher elevations. Here we examine the biogeographic patterns in the region to assess the role of the montane systems as possible refugia. We also look at the possible island and sky island effects using data from altitudes >200 m. At lower elevations, we tabulated 294 species, comprising 112 amphibians and 182 reptiles. About 45% of these taxa are endemic or exclusive to different sub-regions. At mid-elevation montane cloud forests, we find a much-reduced biodiversity with a total of 125 species (66 amphibians and 59 reptiles) exclusive or restricted to the region, and few species shared between systems. We find that biogeographical patterns follow a natural topographic disposition above 200 m in elevations. At the lower elevation cut off, there are 118 species (26 amphibians and 92 reptiles) shared among two or more of the studied mountain systems, suggesting a common origin and dispersal events, despite what seem to be topographic barriers. Biogeographical relationships support a topographic disposition of the region with close associations between the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, the Paria Range and the Turimiquire Massif, and close associations between the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the Sierra de San Luis. Overall, the biogeographic relationships between amphibians and reptiles are similar. Species diversity in the eastern Caribbean region is less rich than in the west. This study includes the first herpetological surveys at the two easternmost mountains (Cerro La Cerbatana and Campeare) belonging to the Paria Range biogeographic unit, and aims to contribute to a better understanding of the rich biodiversity of the region.

Anfibios , Biodiversidad , Geografía , Reptiles , Altitud , Animales , Bosques , Filogenia , América del Sur
Rev. biol. trop ; 68(1)mar. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507648


Una de las causas que aportan a la disminución de la biodiversidad es la introducción de especies exóticas que muchas veces terminan siendo invasoras, y por lo tanto terminan compitiendo con especies locales. Esta competencia no siempre es equitativa ya que las especies invasoras comúnmente cuentan con ventajas adaptativas que le otorgan beneficios ante las especies locales. Este estudio realizado en microcuencas del noroccidente del Ecuador identifica los efectos de la reciente presencia de Poecilia gillii sobre la especie nativa Pseudopoecilia fria; mediante un análisis poblacional (distribución longitudinal, parámetros de crecimiento y morfometría). Los resultados muestran un desplazamiento de P. fria hacia la parte alta del río, un aceleramiento en su crecimiento y por lo tanto una madurez anticipada con la consecuente disminución del tamaño corporal y finalmente un cambio en el alto del cuerpo con deslizamiento posterior de la aleta pectoral.

One of the causes contributing to the decrease of biodiversity is the introduction of exotic species that often end up being invasive, and end up competing with local species. This competition is not always "fair" since invaders commonly have adaptive advantages that give them an advantage over local species. This study was carried out in small watersheds in northwestern Ecuador and identifies the effects of the recent introduction of P. gillii on the native species P. fria; using population analysis (longitudinal distribution, growth parameters and morphometry). The results show a displacement of P. fria towards the upper part of the river, acceleration in its growth and therefore an earlier sexual maturity with a consequent decrease in body size and finally a change in body depth with posterior displacement of the pectoral fin.

Animales , Ciprinodontiformes/clasificación , Poecilia/crecimiento & desarrollo , Especies Introducidas/tendencias , Ecuador
Rev Biol Trop ; 62(3): 987-96, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25412531


Most Andean mountain streams of the Orinoco Basin in Venezuela, had been suffering various disturbances. In spite of this, fish communities have been poorly evaluated in terms of spatial and temporal gradients. Thus, the generation of information about these communities is a priority, since it may support conservation of regional hydrobiological resources. For this, six sites were monthly evaluated in tributaries of upper Turbio River in Sierra de Portuguesa (770-1,305 msnm), during the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season (January-April 2012); we characterized stream dimensions, substrate and water physicochemical variables. Electrofishing was used to determine the number and abundance of fish species. The fish communities and their stability were evaluated by exploring the changes in richness and abundance, coefficients of variation, hierarchical classification and non-metrical multidimensional scaling analysis. The sites conservation status was estimated with a habitat integrity index. Our results showed that richness of the 12 species found varied accord- ing to the mountain elevation, the tributaries and the conservation status of the sites. Chaetostoma dorsale, Creagrutus taphorni and Chaetostoma milesi comprised 90.8% of the relative abundance, and maintained the first ranks during the study period. The communities had little spatio-temporal variation which was associated with a gradient signed principally by the amount of shadow, rocks and gravel cover, water temperature and conductivity. Stability was moderate but varied with elevation and according to site conservation status. The tributaries in upper Turbio River were found to be under severe impacts and their fishes were found impoverished and at risk.

Biodiversidad , Peces/clasificación , Ríos , Animales , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(3): 987-996, jul.-sep. 2014. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-753669


Most Andean mountain streams of the Orinoco Basin in Venezuela, had been suffering various disturbances. in spite of this, fish communities have been poorly evaluated in terms of spatial and temporal gradients. Thus, the generation of information about these communities is a priority, since it may support conservation of regional hydrobiological resources. For this, six sites were monthly evaluated in tributaries of upper Turbio River in Sierra de Portuguesa (770-1 305msnm), during the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season (January-April 2012); we characterized stream dimensions, substrate and water physicochemical variables. Electrofishing was used to determine the number and abundance of fish species. The fish communities and their stability were evaluated by exploring the changes in richness and abundance, coefficients of variation, hierarchical classification and non-metrical multidimensional scaling analysis. The sites conservation status was estimated with a habitat integrity index. Our results showed that richness of the 12 species found varied according to the mountain elevation, the tributaries and the conservation status of the sites. Chaetostoma dorsale, Creagrutus taphorni and Chaetostoma milesi comprised 90.8% of the relative abundance, and maintained the first ranks during the study period. The communities had little spatio-temporal variation which was associated with a gradient signed principally by the amount of shadow, rocks and gravel cover, water temperature and conductivity. Stability was moderate but varied with elevation and according to site conservation status. The tributaries in upper Turbio River were found to be under severe impacts and their fishes were found impoverished and at risk.

La mayoría de los ríos en las montañas andinas de Venezuela en la cuenca del Orinoco sufren variadas perturbaciones. A pesar de esto, sus comunidades de peces han sido poco evaluadas en términos de sus gradientes espaciales y temporales. La generación de información sobre estas comunidades es prioritaria, y puede impulsar la conservación de los recursos hidrobiológicos regionales. Con este fin, seis localidades fueron evaluadas mensualmente en tributarios de la cuenca alta del río Turbio en la Sierra de Portuguesa (770-1 305msnm) durante el período de sequía y el inicio del período de lluvias (enero-abril de 2012), se caracterizaron las dimensiones del cauce, el sustrato y las variables físico-químicas del agua. Se utilizó electropesca para determinar el número y abundancia de especies de peces. Las comunidades de peces y su estabilidad se evaluaron explorando los cambios en la riqueza y abundancia y por coeficientes de variación, clasificación jerárquica y análisis de escalamiento multidimensional no métrico. El estado de conservación de las localidades se estimó con un índice de integridad del hábitat. La riqueza de 12 especies varió según la elevación, los tributarios y el estado de conservación de las localidades. Chaetostoma dorsale, Creagrutus taphorni y Chaetostoma milesi comprendieron el 90.8% de la abundancia relativa y mantuvieron los primeros rangos durante el período. Las comunidades tuvieron poca variación espacio-temporal y esta se expresó en un gradiente asociado principalmente por las coberturas de sombra, rocas y grava, la temperatura del agua y la conductividad. La estabilidad fue moderada, variando con la elevación y el estado de conservación de las localidades. Los tributarios en la cuenca alta del río Turbio se encuentran bajo impactos severos y sus ictiofaunas son empobrecidas y en situación de riesgo.

Animales , Biodiversidad , Peces/clasificación , Ríos , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Venezuela
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 4(3): 319-328, July-Sept. 2006. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-458907


We examined physical habitat and fish assemblages in rivers of the Aroa Mountains (Venezuela) with different levels of environmental protection due to the creation of Yurubí National Park within the drainage. We developed an Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and evaluated it using principal components analysis (PCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Tributary rivers were divided into classes according to their origin (protected by the park) and physical characteristics of each, including substrate. Fishes were captured using standardized electrofishing. Fish communities showed greater species richness in heterogeneous habitat and protected rivers but overall abundance was higher in unprotected and impacted rivers. The IBI was sensitive to these differences and the scores were higher in protected rivers. The IBI detected degree of disturbance of fish communities without direct consideration of habitat parameters measured. The PCA revealed a gradient in substrate heterogeneity. Similarly, CCA revealed differences in fish assemblage composition along the environmental gradient and that varied with protection status of the river. The relationship between PCA and IBI scores was highly significant (r² = 0.61, P < 0.0001). The PCA and CCA analysis moderately validated the structure and predictability of IBI; but it is still necessary to refine the model and to extend its application for more time and over a wider area.

Foram avaliados o ambiente físico e as assembléias de peixes em rios das montanhas Aroa (Venezuela) com diferentes níveis de proteção ambiental devido a criação do Parque Nacional Yurubí nesta drenagem. Foi desenvolvido um índice de Integridade Biótica (IBI), avaliado através da análise de componentes principais (PCA) e análise de correspondência canônica (CCA). Rios tributários foram divididos em classes, de acordo com sua origem (proteção pelo Parque) e características físicas, incluindo o substrato. Peixes foram capturados utilizando-se pesca-elétrica padronizada. As comunidades de peixes mostraram maior riqueza de espécies em habitats heterogêneos e rios protegidos, porém a abundância foi maior em áreas não protegidas e rios não impactados. O IBI foi sensível a estas diferenças e os escores foram mais elevados em rios protegidos. O IBI detectou o grau de distúrbio nas comunidades de peixes sem a consideração direta dos parâmetros de habitat medidos. O PCA revelou um gradiente de heterogeneidade no substrato. De modo similar, a CCA revelou diferenças na composição da assembléia de peixes ao longo do gradiente ambiental que variou com o estatus de proteção do rio. A relação entre os escores de PCA e IBI foi altamente significativa (r² = 0,61, P < 0,0001). As análises de PCA e CCA validaram moderadamente a estrutura e a previsibilidade do IBI; porém, é necessário refinar o modelo e estender este aplicativo por mais tempo e área mais abrangente.

Ambiente Acuático/análisis , Biodiversidad , Factores Bióticos , Análisis Multivariante , Venezuela